All you people who voted for Orange man bad, watch out for F-15's

I don’t really want to get dragged into this silly Civil War argument, but any historical figure worth talking about is going to have some controversy. They all have good attributed and bad attributes. They all did things that had good outcomes, they all did things that have bad outcomes, and there will always be history jerks who play “what if…” games that make it look like someone should have been a better person that they really were. And then there are the adolescent academic types that just want to find any fault with anyone they can, in order to justify their own imperfections.

Thus, you’ll find people who acknowledge Hitler’s ability to lift Germany out of a depression, and you’ll find people who say Mother Theresa didn’t do enough for the poor. Given the two extremes, it should come as no surprise that Lincoln has both his critics and his fanboys. There are few people today that can relate to his circumstances, it’s just too bad that so few people even try.

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“No man was yet born, who was purely evil, or purely good” - Budda.
What he shoulda coulda, it would be better if… - this is all Monday quaterbackery. Not even a fact that will of men was much of a factor in how things shaped, only that men have and will be judged on their choices.


One purpose of learning history is to understand what was occurring, and not use today’s values, ethics, etc., as the measuring sticks. We can better understand the good, the bad, and the ugly of today when we compare today with yesterday. If one wants to apply today’s measuring sticks to the past, then apply yesterday’s measuring sticks to today and see what you get. It will look far worse than yesterday.


So, you do realize this is not an image most people would associate with the Office of the POTUS, but more like with depictions of hell and devil in Christian, Islamic and Jewish cultural traditions. CNN tweaked the hue to pink in the middle of their broadcast, you could see red stripes on US Flag turn pink. Someone set this display up, WH staff, someone from Philly, I don’t know who, but pretty sure they don’t like him. TV people can ruin your day if you piss them off.


Gosh, such bad optics. The angry tone, the dark red/black background, and even the Marines in the shadows. (Note: not a criticism of Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children, I’m just saying the inclusion of military members in the shadows is a very strange optic.) This looks less like a US Presidential speech than an address by Kane from Command & Conquer.
Kane (Command & Conquer) - Wikipedia

Still, Biden’s fans will only admit to being inspired. Check out this article from ABC News. They say that not only was it a good speech, but that Biden is having a great year and is likely to carry the Democrats to a midterm victory.
Biden seeks to reframe midterms into stark choice between democracy and Trump-led extremism - ABC News (

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Here’s what I mean.
Kane, from Command & Conquer.

Joe Biden, from United States.


So… this is very concerning.

And it does have a very “Live from the Temple of Nod” vibe to it.

Or a vibe reminiscent of a certain Austrian who got himself elected in Germany in the 20th Century.

I pray that things don’t go they way they look like they’re going.


Wow, yes, that was quite ominous. Biden unashmedly shows the tyranny of the Democratic party leaders. I would say his, but we all know he is not in control of anything, much less even his bowels.


Ha ha, I didn’t think of General Hux from Star Wars.

I’m not on social media, but I assume the memes are flowing like water, this morning.


Of course, Hux is a young, strong lad, and his daughter’s diary is rated G. Speaking of the diary and how it inspires the Left…


What a bunch of revisionist bulls*t (fixed), the CSA was an illegitimate shadow government, when the Union went into Virginia, Georgia etc etc, it was moving in US territory. The legitimate government was acting against separatists whom were committing acts of treason.


LOL, a shadow government, it was unknown and unseen to everyone, but Lincoln?




Wow. I know this is satire, but it’s a little on point. Democrats haven’t threatened this much since we took away their slaves!


Loved last nights act, it was so…so…operatic!
Someone approved this for a national audience?


If they look like they are going in that direction, they are!
2 1/2 years ago, if it looked like it was going in a certain direction, we kinda looked the other way, and thought, Naaah, that can’t happen here!

We’ll things have changed and we are seeing it happening here and now and tomorrow! Don’t be surprised when you start to hear of people in cyber gas chambers, I wouldn’t be surprised by real gas chambers, but he did stop all fossil fuel production!


IN SHOCK!!! There is nothing that anyone say that will take away or explain it away. This will not just go away. The world is watching this and it hurts all of us.


I heard an interesting theory that the White House is simply trying to make Trump the issue going into the midterms. Or perhaps better stated, they are trying to switch topics away from all of the bad news that is expected to hand Congress over to the Republicans. So the FBI raids Trump’s residence, the president does a prime-time “Republicans are bad” speech with an Imperial Empire theme, etc. The hope is that Republicans circle the wagons around their lord and savior Donald Trump and lose sight of the election.

This borders on conspiracy theory, because I’m not sure if the White House is that clever. But it’s an interesting idea.

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I suspect there is more then some truth to this theory. Most Dems seem very unhappy with Biden’s performance so far. I think the only thing that motivates them to vote this year and in 24, aside from the recent abortion decision, is the specter of Trump running again. Which he basically has to do now to avoid all the legal and civil suits coming his way.

I’m not as convinced as I was a year ago that the Republican landslide is going to happen this year.


“Its the economy stupid”
Average person doesnt care about if Trump gets vindicated. Energy relief, employers dont freaking even dare! to do medical coercion or racist hiring, repatriation of industry, crime and pro-criminal policies suppressed decisively, your daughter goes to school bathroom without fear. Hows that for party program, and forget cult of personality

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