A Quote For Today

That sounds off the cleanest the dirtiest ya ya ya. It sounds like bull crap :poop: and just what was her job that just sounds bent re read it and it’s messed up . What was she doing :question: DOBBEL minded Ben Franklin said 3 can only if 2 are dead :bangbang: and he was wrong 3 can only if 3 are an THATS grade 6 . Can anyone remember I did not have sex with that woman :bangbang: and it depends on what is . Is . :bangbang: we have not gotten any SMARTER :question:

  • “According as circumstances are favorable, one should modify one’s plans.”
  • “All warfare is based on deception. Hence when able to attack we must seem unable. When using our forces we must seem inactive. When we are near we make the enemy believe we are far away. When far away we must make the enemy believe we are near.”
  • “Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”
  • “If he is superior in strength, evade him.”
  • “Attack him where he is unprepared. Appear where you are not expected.”
  • “The general who loses a battle makes but few calculations beforehand.”
  • “There is no instance of a country having benefitted from prolonged warfare.”
  • “A wise general makes a point of foraging on the enemy. One cartload of the enemy’s provisions is equivalent to twenty of one’s own.”
  • “Supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.”
  • “The worst strategy of all is to besiege walled cities.”
  • “There are five essentials for victory: He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight. He will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces. He will win who’s army is animated by the same spirit throughout all it’s ranks. He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared. He will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign.”
  • “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself, but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
  • “One may know how to conquer without being able to do it.”

Sun Tzu


Ronald150 you are A GREAT BROTHER YOU ARE IN WITH THE GIVE A CRAP ABOUT OUR COUNTRY AND WE HAVE GREAT MEMBERS HERE YOU ARE RIGHT THEIR WITH US THAT CARES ABOUT WHAT IS HAPPENING I HAVE BEEN WANTING TO THANK YOU FOR BEING MY FRIEND AND BROTHER I AM LIKE MUSTARD !!! A little bit of me goes a long way I truly appreciate having you as a friend and brother . We can LEARN ALOT FROM ALL THE MEMBERS THAT HAS BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT TWICE AND HAVE LIVED TO TELL US HOW TO NOT DO :question: crap the wrong way thank ya I need an want every one to be my friend . We need all we can have thanks again TRUELY :heart::white_heart::blue_heart::us::chile::owl::feather::feather::100::v:t5:Bobby Jean :chile:

Todd30 the att of war I ls to avoid it with honor and respect !! I LIVE MY LIFE JUST THAT WAY!! Love me or . FEAR ME. And remember I am a canvas . Of no hesitation!! BLAST :bangbang::owl::feather::feather::100: I AVOID . All violence . Till . I HAVE NOTHING LEFT IN MY TOOLBOX!! And THEN I INTEND. To . End the battle. As in every person has buttons,!! That . Shuts down . Any thing from ones thoughs . My favorite if there is one. .!!! To . BREATHING. And the best . My be straight down on the bridge of the . NOSE. !!! That takes the vision to the eyes and with this art. With just 4, of the many buttons that will shut down a very bad man! ! When . You have to EXAQUIT. Your art. Of BLAST :boom:. You must . Have the element of SUPRIZE. And with everything you have . You have to BLEAVE that you are going to be badly hurt or even killed??? So when you have convinced the bad man that you are just trying to . Get away with no problems but you are very sure that they mean to HARM YOU NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO . So after doing your best to convince the Bad guy that. He has his way. .! The first strike does not have to be what ends the bad guy!! It’s what . Gives him the the dear in the head lights . :question: WHAT JUST HAPPENED AND THE NEXT STRIKE IS THE ONE THAT IS GOING TO HURT THE BAD MAN THAT FIRST STRIKE IS . What makes his mind change. And next is what should be the blast straight THROU the bad man . So if the first is to the nose that is going to be the next to the growing and then straight back to the nose again and before they can recover from the nose back to the growing and then a blast back to the nose again and that one to the nose and when they are holding their nose to the growing. And back to the nose . And after one blast to the nose and then one blast to the growing and then back to the nose with just four blast the nose to the growing back to the nose back to his groin THATS four of the most mind change in just four blast and then you can decide if . You really need to hurt the bad man my screen is cracked up so I can not see what I AM writing very well . It is . Only going to work if you have trained for R.A.T. A.K.A. BLAST. :bangbang::100: STOP THE THREAT :bangbang: MAKE VERY SURE THAT THEIRS NO OUTHER WAY TO . Save your life and . Not internationally kill the bad man . KAZ anything you do when you strike anyone can kill them . They have classes that you can take to explain how this . Art works and . With training . No worries about a bad guy . And you can . Never be AFAID of bullies ever again . When I bully thinks that you are just another victim you SUPRIZED and ended his thought on picking on . Little people ever again . Bruce Lee. . Is who started RAPID ASAILT TACTICAL. RAT. BLAST IS A LITTLE DIFFERENT . Blast is Just one TERRIBLE PAIN . To one button to . Another. And back again . Even with more energy than before. . I know when I got this art !! It took a couple of times for me to figure out . That my mind . Could not process the amount of pain I just got in my big nose and then to my nuts and back to my even bigger nose back to my even bigger balls that I was . Saying . I BLEAVE i got IT i TRUELY got it . An i am a proud dumb AZZ . But I TRUELY Just was needing to sit DOWN BECAUSE THAT 1,20. Pounds of PRUTTY LADY JUST HURT ME PASSED I . EMBARRASSMENT . And SHE TRULY :bangbang:RESTACKED MY ROCKS . And I have never LOOKED AT ANY ONE LIKE . They were harmless . KAZ i was Just the first of about ten hillbilly red necks that was in need of some tender Care and ice . And o. We had to PAY TWICE BECAUSE SHE WAS NOT PUTTING OUR JEWELS IN A SAFE PLACE FOR FREE WE PAID HER FOR THAT LESSON . We needed OVER WATCH . Turns out she was a soon to be famous cage fighter I DO NOT EVEN WANT TO REMEMBER HER NAME THAT BLAST AKA RAT WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE IF SHE IS NOT USING IT ON YOU :100::v:t5::us::chile:less than one minute I got the entire two minutes :exploding_head:

Does anyone want to play MONOPOLY . It’s better than getting the hell beat out of ya by a 1,25 pounds of SHES to PURTTY to TRUELY Beat the red straight out of the red in red neck she was over watch KAZ We we’re looking up at her in absolute disbelief and I was the only one that made her mad . Art of war know your enemy and MABE she will not hurt you as bad as she did me every one knows that I am not that smart KAZ people like her and that rat !! We all think we have a plan mine is never to get beat up by no more little women that was not going to hurt me to bad but I just wanted to explain myself and that was unnecessary. And !!! Do not remember I AM not that smart so I got my lesson both of them for the price of three I paid for two beatings and she threw in all that pain for now shutting up . I was informed the next thing I said would cost me :bangbang::owl::feather::feather::us::chile::100::v:t5: so monopoly when I just asked Debbie ann how to spell the mompley word just once more she started choking KAZ she was laughter ING so much that was funny as GETING beat up by a lady cage fighter . Be careful Brothers KAZ this is A dangerous world . No one did for me what I just did for all of my brothers here remember I told ya sow no one else told me anything about her she could beat the hell out of that real mean dude popcorn. SHE IS A BAD LADY AND I AM SORRY I SAID ANYTHING TO MAKE HER MAD SHE COULD HAVE BEEN NICE IF I COULD HAVE SHUT UP :owl::feather::feather::v:t5::exploding_head::us::100::chile::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::blossom::o::heart:

Did you meet her to you can tell us there is no shame in figuring out how to take a dive I just had to much pride and they had a sale on KOOLADE that day it was the KOOLADE had to been KAZ I am a real bad dude just call me popcorn . Humor. It was not even funny Debbie ann thinks it’s so funny she blew her power aide every where KAZ I AM her hero and a little lady ripped off my cap and made we a skirt KAZ I AM a real bad dude so I’m trained in the art of getting the crap beat out of me not that I had to run to the truck KAZ that song I was all ready gone Don’t worry about me I AM better now Now Debbie ann picks on me us guys have to stick together KAZ we don’t have a chance when it comes to the art of a woman . If you know the art of war do not get your lady pizzed off. We have to stop under estimate ING them brothers stick to gather The art of war that honey do list get it done :white_check_mark: Word Brothers get her done :white_check_mark::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::cherry_blossom::hibiscus::blossom::100::chile::us::owl::feather::feather::heart::white_heart::blue_heart::four_leaf_clover::cactus:

I never have and never would flag anyone at any time for any thing anywhere ever. I ain’t no flagger! I don’t care enough to flag. I don’t even know how to flag. If you’re flagged or flaggin, it ain’t cause of me.



We never go into a Battle, unless we are sure of victory, knowing that the Failure is never an option


I HAVE A FLAG FOR YA :chile::owl::feather::feather::dizzy: being FLAGED

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Never put a Snickers bar in your back pocket.
Just sayin’


That was funny I love smokiest my favorite yummy :yum: not making it to me pocket

Come at me ; please :bangbang:


My aunt told me she had a tumor in her butt crack. She went to the doctor only to find out it was a milk dud.


Haw haw seriously

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HAPPY. FATHER OF LITES DAY. Community . Bobby Jean a Family . To my USCCA FAMILY . Remember DARKNESS NEVER TAKES A DAY OFF . . :us::us::us::owl::feather::feather::honeybee::blossom::blossom::blossom::cherry_blossom::hibiscus::cactus::100::100::100:

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'Come @ me please! NOPE! NUFF SAID!


Oh aaa I dunno, that aaaa might be aaa fight to remember!?!?


“Nature teaches life lessons, just listen to nature.” Eton A. Live