My Word for Today

SEDITION - this is probably the most significant word I’ve posted. This can account for and describe every single event from Trump’s inauguration until today, short of outright treason. FYI


It increasingly resembles a Washington GREEN ZONE that sheltered American and Iraqi official’s in Bagdad.
If you have to put up fences to keep the people out you are not governing for the people.
SEDITION and TREASON. :unamused: (upside down flag) :us:


Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or government. Could be all politicians.


It’s what happened when the People don’t trust the Government and the Government doesn’t trust the people.


Article III

Section 3

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.


Speaking of treason, we have a bit of an anniversary today.

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@Robert_M3 You on the “this day” mailing list too?

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Nah. Just a lot of online chatter about this being the anniversary of a couple commies being executed.

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It seems as if we have reached a place in our society where definitions are as fluid as the changing colors of a chameleon. Sedition is applied to a group that breaks into the capital building but kills no one. Has one woman shot and the shooter is not identified. Last summer Protestors cause maybe 2 billion dollars worth of damage to businesses and building in several of our cities and it was not called sedition. However the number of people killed far outpaced the capital break in. Not called sedition. BLM one posted a manifesto much like the old Black panthers demands that were pure socialism. Not sedition though it called for the overthrow of our justice system. Antifa has been the militant arm associated with communism since World War two. Not sedition.

Since this is simply a discussion I contend the ideas of BLM, Antifa and the social democrats are incompatible with the core ideas of traditional law and order Americans. One of the two ideas will win this ideological battle and I cannot pull for the first group. They represent sedition to the constitution and the concept of Liberty. My opinion anyway.