YT pranksters

I never stated it was. However, if you were in his financial shoes, would you drop your deliveries? I doubt it. That would be a huge financial loss all on its own and likely cost his job. He clearly knew that being a food delivery driver was dangerous, since he had a firearm. You fault him only because this thug was an “internet prankster”. Send him a can of pepper spray. Not everyone is made of money.




Well-played, as I stated, you are a guru of self-defense, no one else is. Send him a can of pepper spray and teach him how to use it.




It could go either way.


Fella’s please.
We weren’t there but there are a few options we can all employ
before it escalates to Gun use.
1st) the Delivery dude. I carry a ‘Canvas Foldable Satchel’ when I have multiple
smaller items to deliver @ the same time. If you have that you can place your
items relatively safe (like a $1200 electronic car part that fits inside your dashboard.
You drop that sucker and buh bye $1200 ! Do that twice buh bye Job. If he placed it down he could
concentrate on the threat. Please don’t go thinking ANYBODY will help you! You will
just have more witnesses to your demise or future Gun use!.
2nd) You don’t have to take ‘Krav Maga’ lessons (although I highly recommend it)
to get close and kick somebodies balls in!
Kick to the groin, Palm to the nose! (upward thrust going from upper lip to the eyebrows!
(both very effective) and also a real PHUCK YOU statement to any buddies he may have w/ them.
There are zero bones in your nose, it’s all cartilage! But cartilage snaps/bends, skin breaks
and the person will bleed! PROFUSLY! That scares the crap out of a bully! Their own blood!
Also the groin/nose if used in combo can fell the biggest tree! Bleeding on the ground trying to unstick their balls from their stomach takes all the fight outta ya!.
3) USE your PHONE PEOPLE! Jesus! grasp it firmly w/ about 3-4" sticking out and jab the throat!
Hit them in the eye, The bridge of the nose! SHOCK N AWE!
THE SHOCK ALONE! could dissuade ANYBODY from continuing the Harassment.
4th) Leave the PHUCKIN’ GUN in the holster! If he has a phone and you produce a gun (and worse don’t use it! you are seen as a Maniac (and possibly like this guy brought up on charges). OR like this set-up who’s to say that firearm could be taken away from you and you get dead with your own piece! That would suck! the courts and Juries hate us Gunner’s even if we DON’T shoot! You don’t HAVE to be convicted of any of it! The Fee’s and court costs, possible Job loss, Arrest is enough to dig yourself in a very big hole! the time away from your family alone is enough dissuade you from pulling iron (or plastic/polimer). Who’s going to look after your family while you may be sitting in a cell cooling your heels?. Will your job be waiting for you when you get out? Will ANY employer want to look at you at all if you have a GUN CHARGE on your record? In this climate? Not bloody likely!
5th) Pepper Spray/OC Spray “GEL” said before here but bears repeating! GEL gets product to the Asshole with out much blowback to YOU! It’s like waving your MAGIC Harry Potter Wand! Shazam! Crying, Irritated,
assailant trying to scrape their own eyes out too busy to think of you! Can some predator’s still attack? sure but most just want the crap off their faces! A bully especially is a Poosie! Take the fight to them say’s BRING IT YOU BIG DIK! (They don’t much like that!) They want compliant sheep! You show them you are a Lion! and they quite possibly will wet themselves.
6th) carry a collapsible baton! MANY REASONS! First you spring that and you can have distance from them getting in your wheelhouse! You get distance you create options. You slap this idiots phone away they go ‘OH $hit! You break their wrist/Arm, a slap to the head, Neck, a poke in the chops!
KNEES ARE PHUCKIN’ GREAT! You smash a knee and I don’t care WHO U ARE ! Your probably going down
(and you scare the crap out of them! they go from trying to hurt you to worrying about their walking abilities!
7TH) YOU DON’T FINISH THEM! WHY? because like a Gun fight if you take it too far YOU ARE THE BADGUY! You shoot a KILLER in the back or a coup de gra to the head when they are down and you are Prisoner #7567 and you could do (25)! They were running away! Trying to get away from the attack! (that they started by the way but people/Juries are stoopid today!)
Look at Israel! THEY GOT ATTACKED! THEIR PEOPLE SLAUGHTERED and what happened? the Left Wing nuts come out of the baseboards saying Israel should NOT Retaliate! That would be wrong!
When My guy’s got Slaughtered in Mogadishu and that Pedo Poosie Clinton said" 'IT’S OVER! We’re pulling US out! The Skinnies were laughing at how easy it was to SCARE us away!
Clinton sent a strong message that day.
You BLOODY the United States and they will run.
I had a Tee shirt down there (a favorite) 'These colors don’t run!.. I threw it away!
There were Women and Children using AK’s against us!
You see a child pointing a rifle at you and these young Ranger’s HESITATED and some died!
We stepped in front of them and laid waste to the bastards! that shook the kids out of their hesitation.
They weren’t WOMEN AND CHILDREN folks…they were TERRORISTS and INSURGENTS!
You pick up a gun to KILL ME and you’re gonna DIE!
Some people say Violence isn’t the answer (Mark and Steven) in particular maybe?
But when someone (man, Woman, child) picks up a GUN they are not shooting ‘spit wads) @ you!
I got shot in the Helmet (4) TIMES! The first three were GRAZE’S! the fourth on hit me dead center
Blew apart my NVG’s (which saved my life!) Split my helmet! and PHUCKIN’ PISSED ME OFF! Snapped my head back!
and made me sort of angry at the loss of my Cyclops Goggles! I had NO IDEA I led a CHARGE that night!
I snapped! I tore into the bastards and Lord knows how many I took out!
But the (12) Young Ranger’s stuck to my Ass like glue! I stopped when I ran out of mag’s!
A kid behind me rapped me on the shoulder handing me one of his, I heard the rounds rattling inside the metal mag and reached back and loaded it, Thanking him and the others for the back up.
Then I realized where I was!
Streets away from where we started! We cleared (6) Blocks! When we backed up it was shocking how many bodies we shuffled past. My nick named changed that night to ‘Cheshire’ (like Cheshire Cat)
because these kids ( I was an old man of 33) said I was grinning like a Cat, some said I scared the $hit outta them as I looked back at them making sure everybody was alright from time to time.
This ISN’T Bragging people. (This ISN’T BS right Mark697)
This is what happens when The SHTF!
When negotiations Fail
when we are sent to evil places w/ not enough firepower/back-up as a WAR is warranted.
When you are forced to use force
When you send soldiers into battle, you better back them with EVERYTHING you have!
and now when it’s you FAMILY in your house behind you
or on the streets shopping, getting gas, Going to the Bank
and some PHUCK tries to end you and yours you got to FIGHT!
Call upon GOD himself if you have to if that works for you.
I surround myself with Angels everytime I went into Battle
(Still do every time I leave the house) Now I lost all creditibility but that’s Ok
It works for me.
Many assassin’s aren’t.

You do what you have to do, You can cry, wring your hands later. YOU ARE ALIVE!
What am I doing this for? It’s to do my bit to rouse the LIONS on this Forum!
I NEVER said any of this to ANYBODY! The only person who knew ALL of it was
my Late great Wife! (another WARRIOR!)
WE ARE IN A WORLD OF $HIT and it IS going to get worse.
I have enough Guns (said by nobody anywhere!)
I don’t have enough ammo…yet.
My house as I’ve said is a Fortress (to a point and still look like John Q Citizen’s up and down my street)
My car has my Back-Up AR and a Ruger P89 @ all times now.

Act Accordingly yourselves.
Go w/ GOD my Friends




I deserved that Brother…



You have a mind like a steel Trap Karacal!
You forget Nothing!


Oh My YES! stay ARMED! delicious!

WWG1WGtomy house!

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Thank you for sharing your experiences. Can’t even begin to imagine what that must have felt like. Hope none of us ever have to go through anything remotely like that in the future.

The one part of your suggestions for dealing with phone guy that disagree with the training I have had is the above. I have had two different instructors tell me it is good to declare to the attacker and the crowd that you aren’t the one looking for trouble. I wouldn’t expect anyone in the crowd to help but I think it is a good idea to have the first thing people notice is me trying to back away with my hands up saying I don’t want any trouble. Seems like a better optic than everyone suddenly turning around at the sound of me throwing knees, elbows and head butts at a guy who I’m hopefully not giving any chance to fight back.


Yes Sir,
You are correct about that!

Let them know you aren’t the Starter of trouble.
Always try to escape first yes I agree
If you can’t THEN you deflate their balls
Crush their throats,
OC them
Break their knee caps…etc etc…

No, I am NOT Blood Thirsty!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:Off with their heads! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:Let them eat Cake! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:oh, I kill me! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:Be Nice…Until it’s time to NOT be nice! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:wphew!



You ruined DQ for me Forever!
No more Blizzards for don102! I’ll be reminded of Puddin’ head every time I order!

All Is Lost! I can’t got on…Well, There’s always Costco Sunday’s for $1.99!

I feel betta thanks!



DQ should create a new Blizzard flavor…
wait for it…

The Pudding Pantz Blizzard! Synthetic Ice cream, no redeemable qualities, and totally full of $hit!
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm TASTY PUDDIN’ YES! Give me a steamin’ cup of that $hit!

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That’s it. I’m gonna have to stay off this forum while eating breakfast :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:


Awwwww c’mon Eugene! This forum is the Real deal! The stuff of life!
You can Laugh, Cry, Vent, develop friendships! It’s so cool!

We should all meet at the Waffle House on Friday by the Airport, Albuquerque, the 20th

My Treat!
(since I am Boycotting DQ now I’ll have buckets of money!


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Is it just me?

Or does He and his ugly GF just look sooooooooooooooooooooooooo SMACKABLE? Just saying.