WTF is going on in America?

First it was gang members then illegals, now this crap. What pisses me off is the boyfriend puts on the afterburner and runs. What have men turned into in this country?


I really wish I had an answer for you. All you can do is see things like this and strengthen your resolve to never act the same way.


While the child may have been hit,… looked to me like she was after him. (The dad)

Still not right though.


Sad story. People are filled with hatred. The EGO (Edging Out God).


I’m a pagan, but even I recognize trying to kill another human being because of some perceived slight is not right!

I’m probably going to be accused of “straw man” arguments again, but both the parents had warrants, and at least dad had made such an enemy that she was willing and attempting to kill him! (Then her, as an afterthought)…

That’s not edging out god, that’s just not having one,


Fwiw, reading through the whole article, it’s a clickbait headline.

Yes, the child was hit, (and survived) but not the target.

And both parents had warrants for their arrest….

Make your own decisions there.


Where’s Paul Harvey when you need him. “Now for the rest of the story.”


William191 - With the exception of small rural communities, there is no family unit anymore. Church participation is at its lowest level in years. I believe until we get back to these two thi gs, we have a long way to go.


In America? I think you misspelled in “entirety of human existence”

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I find this is often the case for that website, thanks for catching it and pointing it out. We need to be aware of media bias leading us to predetermined conclusions

It takes work to avoid being a sheep


Great thread title. I ponder that question every day. The purpose of responsible government is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of its citizens. Both political parties have failed miserably to uphold that basic standard. In this instance by creating a subclass of society raised from birth as wards of the state and allowing it to fester.


I want to fave that post,…

Soo bad!

You’re not wrong,…

But the whole scope of that, just doesn’t :+1: to me.

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I disagree here.

I think the responsibility of government is to protect the citizen’s Rights and Liberties.

Seeing government as providing safety and wellbeing is how you get overearing over controlling oppressive governments who infringe left right and center on Rights and Liberties in the name of safety

This is an important distinction


Another @Nathan57 post I agree with!


Quality. I can’t believe that they got away with telling folks that they’re looking for a black person and a woman. Free speech on the upturn in Phili?

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God , Guns, and Guts made this country we need to keep all three Goverment came after and needs to stay that way.


Hey Will , I believe in Freedom of Speech and Religion as we live in America. I do not knock you for your beliefs. In my opinion, EGO Edges out God or Good Orderly Direction. My opinion still matters as does yours.


Of course you do. Equating safety and wellbeing with overrearing over controlling oppresssive government is a deflection.
The first statement in an oath to serve as an agent of the US government is to affirm and promise to defend the constitution, hence the people, against all enemies foreign and domestic. That’s foremost. Without safety against those threats, rights and liberty don’t exist and if rights and liberties don’t exist, wellbeing doesn’t either.
I appreciate from some of your posts that you’re a bit of a devil’s advocate and that’s ok but in this case you’re simply rewording my statement and appropriating it as your own. There is no distinction. I rest my case.


Agree to disagree, I don’t believe that safety and well being are synonymous with Rights and Liberties. Sometimes the two are at odds and the Rights/Liberties should take precedence of the safety/well being.

There is a quote about that, dangerous freedom vs peaceful slavery

(although Liberty and Freedom are also not the same, the quote is close enough for government work hehe)

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Now you’re just playing semantics and repeating yourself. If you disagree with the text of the oath of office and want to change it, I suggest you address your concerns to your member of Congress.