What's the worst advice you've ever gotten?

Ok everyone, lets have some fun. Keeping with the theme of something related to firearms/shooting/etc. what is the worst/most humorous advice that you were ever given/heard given to someone else/read on the internet so it must be true?

*Disclaimer to any and all reading this thread: DO NOT TAKE THIS ADVICE!!!

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I merged your comment with the existing topic, @Brian139! Hope you don’t mind!

I’ve been trying to have a polite conversation on the Nextdoor app with more than one person who believes that it is okay to shoot into the yard if they think there is someone who might be looking in one of their windows. I’m losing the discussion and fully expect that this person will be coming to jail near me soon! This is my worry about folks who are new to firearms or who resist/refuse training.

HER: Yeah they can peek if they want to you come peep at my house the coroner is going to be picking you up

ME: Brave to post that on a public forum that can be used in a court case… It could be someone lost, drunk, kicked out of their house, mentally deficient, or a list of other things. I suggest getting some firearm training…

HER: That’s your opinion Brad but unless you have esquire behind your name I don’t need your unsolicited advise but thank you

ME: Fine. So here’s the thing., Try to recognize when someone is trying to help or protect you and/or your loved ones (I don’t like bad guys either, but wouldn’t give up my life for one of them…especially over peeping). I wish that it were only opinion. Do a little research. Here’s a start for folks who think this (and other advice from crazy uncle Joe) is a good idea and that they won’t end up in jail. https://www.uslawshield.com/unwanted-guests-north-carolina/ AND https://www.jonwelbornlaw.com/self-defense-law-in-nc/ AND The ‘Castle Law’: To shoot or not to shoot AND Can You Stand Your Ground in North Carolina? Raleigh Law Firm The laws are clear, and if you have access to a weapon of any kind, you’ll want to know them before using it and putting yourself and your family in jeopardy. Even being accused (forget about going to jail) will likely put your income (and potentially your life) at great risk. Also look into the USCCA if you don’t want that six figure legal bill on top of it all. Be safe, all!

HER: once again I absolutely did not ask for your unsolicited advise I appreciate your concern but I’m a very grown woman that handles myself quit well but thank you again. God forbid If this situation were to happen I have an absolutely amazing attorney that I’m sure will live up to what he charges an hour in handling in my case. Maybe Ted would like your advise as he stated the exact same thing but it seems I’m the only one your addressing!!

ME…well, I just gave up after that.

Hi Brad,

First, kudos for trying to help out a fellow human!

Just two points on this topic:

NC like most states has some very interesting twists in the statutes concerning the use of deadly force. One of these points is that NC allows the use of deadly force if someone is illegally trying to enter your house. After all they are already trespassing on your property so you are allowed to assume they are up to no good. Of course this person said just “looking” and she is probably misinterpreting (or extrapolating on) what her attorney told her and/or what she heard in the NC CCW class which has over 2 hours on use deadly force statutes in it, this being one of them. This one falls under the “just because you can does not mean you should” category. The statute actually reads as follows:

North Carolina Common Law
#2 Use of force to protect property
-The law does NOT permit the use of deadly force to protect property, or prevent theft, or to regain stolen property
-An owner can NOT shoot at a thief before, during or after a theft
-BUT an armed robbery is theft through use of a deadly weapon so you ARE allowed to use deadly force to defend yourself
-NC law allows the use of deadly force against an individual who has unlawfully entered or is attempting to enter a home, motor vehicle, or workplace. No duty to retreat.

But most important, Netxtdoor is a great place to ask local folks if begonias will grow in your backyard in this climate, it is the WORST place to get into any kind of a serious conversation with anyone. You’ll never win or even make a point with most folks. I call it Facebook light. Unless I need some local info and Nextdoor is expedient I stay away from sites like that one and I definitely will not engage folks on conversations of controversial topics like SD.

Just something to think about for all of us. Have a great day!

Thank you! i’m on it to get local info and rarely participate. The discussions are mostly about people not liking fireworks and cars backfiring…along with bags of doggie doo doo left around the neighborhood. Basically people who want others to ask as they desire, when they desire it. It is fun to watch.

I chimed in only to attempt to help this person and to get in the way of others taking her advice…which they did. I think about them shooting a drunk kid thinking he is at a different house…or shooting into another home (tight neighborhoods there) and harming someone.

Oh well…bad advice at the subject line asked for! :slight_smile:

Oh I get it very well. It’s difficult to watch/read someone giving wrong advice specially when you think it will hurt others. It’s a daily struggle for me too. I try to give a counter point backed with factual information and stop there, and hope the other folks reading it will be drawn to the correct info. It just does not pay to engage past the base encounter. Folks, especially when they are wrong, tend to dig in, get personal and build an atmosphere of resentment. I can live without that. Anyway good for you for trying to help. I hope other’s will read your counter and find themselves thinking deeper and doing their own research.


Its hard, but if the person is not receptive to what you have to say, regardless of how much factual information you back it up with, it will fall on deaf ears. That attitude seems to be worse these days.


LOL - The Nextdoor App! The ultimate purveyor of Bad Advice. One woman actually got on the App claiming she was going to shoot at kids who were shooting at her house from a car. I did present a sane assesment and told her that may not be a good idea since she was responsible for every shot that left the barrel of her firearm, and it is hard to hit a moving target without training and immediately I was pegged as an anti gun person by someone on the app. It went on further and the same person who said I was anti gun advised the woman if she shot anyone to drag the body into her house!

These people exist…and we share the world with them.


Yep, a guy in my development (gated community) was telling folks on Nextdoor it’s legal to shoot coyotes in their backyard which breaks all sorts of local ordinances and POA regulations. When I pointed out to him that he’d be arrested he stated he knew better because he was a NYC cop for 30 years. I told him that would come in handy when he went to jail for illegally discharging a firearm within town limits. There are all kinds of bad advice out there. I bailed after that and let the other 50 posters that ganged up on him dispose of the body :rofl:


Very true, and getting frighteningly worse it seems. One of the reasons I’m proud of my Company, and this community they provide for us, is that folks here are civilized, open minded, truly seeking good information and we have legitimate experts here to provide insightful knowledge and foster healthy discussion amongst kindred spirits! It’s a great place to hang out :+1:


Excuse me Mr. Robber while I call highway patrol to stop you! Really??


I can avoid this thread no longer.

The Worst advice I have ever gotten was

Trust your Government they know what is best for us.

It was hard to even type that.



Sharing doesn’t mean socializing😁


Vote Democratic?


Guys, try to honestly answer the question, let’s do politics at politic threads :upside_down_face:

The question was:


That’s all I’ll use also. We bought my daughter her first gun in a package. Pistol, ear protection, eye protection. I had her get rid of the “ear muffs” and buy the noise cancelling set. It makes our range days so much more pleasant! Her groupings are getting better than mine. She’s a natural and I’m a proud Papa.


I was reading through the community posts the other day, and saw a quote someone used that will stick with me forever. “Would you wait until you are about to be in an accident to put your seatbelt on?”


It’s such an amazing feeling to have. To watch your daughters pride and confidence grow in leaps and bounds. Some of my best range days have just been working with her and not even firing a shot down range.


Amen @Zavier_D.