What's The Difference Between A "Gun Free Zone" And "No Guns Allowed"?

In the town i live in the shop owners respect gun owners rights, the only places i have ever seen signs for no firearms are government buildings. if i did see a no gun sign or was asked to leave i would hand them a no guns no money card and leave. and tell everyone about them, we as gun owners have to hurt them where it counts in the wallet.


Hear! Hear! Hear what this wise and eloquent speaker has to say!

A well thought out, reasonable, simple and effective handling of the situation, Sir. Good job.


Then immediately phone EVERY conservative Republican American, you’ve ever known your ENTIRE LIFE, and warn them. BOYCOTT, take away their reason for living! Starve them out and deny them your hard earned cash! Make them hurt!


They’re both stupid. Criminals don’t obey the laws. But
 Let’s play

‘No guns allowed’ would be any place that would post such a sign, in some states these have the weight of law and in others there’s no violation for ignoring it, unless you get caught and refuse to leave (i.e., are trespassed), whereas a ‘gun-free zone’ would be statutory exclusion area based on local or regional laws, and would not necessarily need ‘no guns allowed’ signage.

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In Utah you have to have at least one sign at the each entrance.

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