What's The Difference Between A "Gun Free Zone" And "No Guns Allowed"?


That’s the way I understand it. You can ask me to leave but it’s not against the law. In Utah No Guns Allowed signs Do Not carry any power of law.


In Arkansas it is considered transpassing if you ignore the No Guns Allowed in those private or public businesses. The manager does not even have to approach you and ask you to leave. They call the local LEO and they approach you and ask you why you did not obey those signs and may give you a ticket cuz it’s a misdemeanor

If you carry conceal, you be careful that no one sees it or leave it in a lock box tied to the frame under your driver side seat, I do that when I have to go into places with those signs.


Now see, I would go up to whoever was in charge and let them know they will not be on my list of approved places to spend money because of their policy that only protects criminals.


I see your point on this, and I agree doing it that way would definitely send a strong message if everyone could do it. The problem is it is getting difficult to find places we can carry to go get our basic groceries just to eat. Ordering online and having it delivered is too darned expensive plus the personal shoppers will pull the worst looking produce they can find.

I agree with Johnny_F
lock it up and go buy your groceries.


We all have to make our own choices Bruce.
Fortunately, I live in a state in which these signs hold no legal standing. I can see where it might be burdensome for some to resist given their own circumstances.


THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is a MAJOR bone of contention I have w/ my Costco.
No Signage, yet their website states ‘NO GUNS". I carry concealed because I will
not be unarmed today out in public. We have a 300 lb Nazi guarding the door
usually and she has seen me ‘IN UNIFORM’ wearing my weapon and she made a stink. Management was called and I was ‘ALLOWED’ to shop that day. I was so pissed off I left.(bad call on my part). Ever since then I have been accosted (2) other times she and I have encountered each other. It’s to the point of me just ignoring her but her scrutiny each time wears on me. Sometimes I just leave the gun in the car and wear a short Tee so she see’s I am unarmed. Sometimes I am defiant (really?) and want to stick it in her face (not literally). I won’t shop @ my local Mall for this very reason (GFZ’s) the aXXhats that patrol try to look like ‘State Troopers’ w/ their Smokey da Bear hats (They look ridikulus!’) The Mall is dying sadly because it is unsafe and lot’s of folk’s shop online these days. My Grocery store could care less they want your business, Management has seen me shop in uniform and street clothes and could care less. I believe having a Gunner shopping there is a comfort to them. Lot’s of Leo’s and Military favor that Smith’s store. Natural Groceries is Gestapo to Gunners and you can hear ‘Crickets’ in that store. It all depends on how you want to survive.
Antagonize your shoppers or live and let live? Everyone has a choice.


If one removers the no gun sign. Is it a crime.:shushing_face:

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That’s what the ankle holster is for? :wink:


Petty theft?


In Texas we have Texas Penal Codes 30.06 and 30.07 which are the laws we MUST follow. The “gun free zone” or “no guns allowed” signs are only suggestions UNTIL some owner or manager of the property those signs are posted tells us to leave.

30.06: a card or other document on which is written language identical to the following: “Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law), may not enter this property with a concealed handgun”; or

(B) a sign posted on the property that:

(i) includes the language described by Paragraph (A) in both English and Spanish;

(ii) appears in contrasting colors with block letters at least one inch in height; and

(iii) is displayed in a conspicuous manner clearly visible to the public.

30.07: a card or other document on which is written language identical to the following: “Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with an openly carried handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law), may not enter this property with a handgun that is carried openly”; or

(B) a sign posted on the property that:

(i) includes the language described by Paragraph (A) in both English and Spanish;

(ii) appears in contrasting colors with block letters at least one inch in height; and

(iii) is displayed in a conspicuous manner clearly visible to the public at each entrance to the property.

These two Penal Codes only cover concealed carry and open carry of handguns. NOT LONGARMS. It is perfectly legal for someone to stroll into a Walmart for the weekly or monthly procurement of supplies with his favorite sporting or hunting rifle slung across his back. There are no laws in place to prevent this nor are there any laws stating whether the weapon must be unloaded or how much ammo you can have on your person while carrying the longarm. Texas currently has no ban on high-capacity magazines.

My personal carry option when I am in an establishment with the 30.06 - 30.07 signs displayed is to carry my backpack with my folded-up PCC. It’s completely concealed. I have an abundance of ammo, and it is readily accessible should I need to fight my way out of Walmart on Black Friday with a new big screen that is listed at 75% off, and it is LEGAL.

I do not do ANY shopping on Black Friday.

Also FYI
The above personal carry option WOULD be a real thing had I not lost the PCC and all my other weapons in the unfortunate stripper/mudslide incident in Bora Bora. Very traumatic time in my life. Still have the mental and physical scars. Please do not ask.


In my state (and many others of which I am aware) their website can say anything it wants. In order to enforce a “No Guns Allowed” policy, even as simple trespass, very specifically designated signage must be visible at entry points PRIOR TO ENTRY. Nothing else meets the standard of ‘posting’ their no gun policy.


Anyone else see the irony of Penal Code 30.06 not preventing long arms? :joy:


That’s a lotta verbiage instead of just saying ‘Gestapo is in da Houze!’

Once again condolences of the ‘Bora Bora stripper/mudslide’ catastrophe
 No words

and Least we not forget our Brothers who also died on this tragic day
‘Rone’ and Glen (Seals) Chris Stevens (U.S. Ambassador) Sean Smith (Computer Wiz)


Yeah, I’m not going to point that out to the state legislature, either.


I obey all gun laws. But since those no guns allowed signs aren’t the law, I ignore them and just go right on in. The only way they’re ever going to find out I have a gun is if I have to use it while Im there. Been doing it my entire adult life with zero problems.


76-8-311.1. (1)(e)(ii), Pretty much says it. It’s understood that they CAN Ask you To Leave and if you don’t they can “Trespass You”.

76-8-311.1 - Secure areas – Items prohibited – Penalty.

76-8-311.1. Secure areas – Items prohibited – Penalty.
(1) In addition to the definitions in Section 76-10-501, as used in this section:
(a) “Correctional facility” has the same meaning as defined in Section 76-8-311.3.
(b) “Explosive” has the same meaning as defined for “explosive, chemical, or incendiary device” defined in Section 76-10-306.
(c) “Law enforcement facility” means a facility which is owned, leased, or operated by a law enforcement agency.
(d) “Mental health facility” has the same meaning as defined in Section 62A-15-602.
(e) (i) “Secure area” means any area into which certain persons are restricted from transporting any firearm, ammunition, dangerous weapon, or explosive.
(ii) A “secure area” may not include any area normally accessible to the public.
(2) (a) A person in charge of a correctional, law enforcement, or mental health facility may establish secure areas within the facility and may prohibit or control by rule any firearm, ammunition, dangerous weapon, or explosive.
(b) Subsections (2)(a), (3), (4), (5), and (6) apply to higher education secure area hearing rooms referred to in Subsections 53B-3-103(2)(a)(ii) and (b).
(3) At least one notice shall be prominently displayed at each entrance to an area in which a firearm, ammunition, dangerous weapon, or explosive is restricted.
(4) (a) Provisions shall be made to provide a secure weapons storage area so that persons entering the secure area may store their weapons prior to entering the secure area.
(b) The entity operating the facility shall be responsible for weapons while they are stored in the storage area.
(5) It is a defense to any prosecution under this section that the accused, in committing the act made criminal by this section, acted in conformity with the facility’s rule or policy established pursuant to this section.
(6) (a) Any person who knowingly or intentionally transports into a secure area of a facility any firearm, ammunition, or dangerous weapon is guilty of a third degree felony.
(b) Any person violates Section 76-10-306 who knowingly or intentionally transports, possesses, distributes, or sells any explosive in a secure area of a facility.

Amended by Chapter 8, 2002 Special Session 5

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In “gun free zones” people die, “no guns allowed” you have a greater chance at survival!
We all know if it’s “free” you’re going to pay in some way or another!


Same here, except it becomes Criminal Trespass which is a felony. Having a weapon on you when being charged with criminal trespass can be termed as “commission of a crime” - carrying the weapon while trespassing when being asked to leave because of the weapon is why you were asked to leave in the first place - it gets confusing and just snowballs from there.

Back when the Texas Open Carry movement was in full swing, guys at rallies were getting charged with everything under the sun: Trespass, Criminal Trespass, Aggravated Criminal Trespass, Disturbing the Peace, Loitering, Resisting Arrest, Assault, Fled
the list goes on, and it was all just because they had a weapon on their person while attending the Open Carry Rallies.

Makes no sense.


It all makes sense when you realize you are living in a police state, not a free country.

Indeed, when the property or business owner realizes you have a gun and asks you to leave
 smile politely and say, “Yes, ma’am”. Pay your check and get out. Do not argue. Do not explain yourself. Do not show anger or get riled. Get your sh*t together and get out. Simple as that.

Or, for that matter, even if you do not have a gun and the owner or duly appointed representative therein asks you to leave, even if for no reason at all, get your a** up and get out.

Simple. It’s not your place. You don’t own it. You don’t get to make the rules.

Respect the property of others in the same way you would demand they respect yours.