What's happening in your area?

You’d be hard-pressed to turn on the news an not see mention of the pandemic, protests or looting.

Is your local news also covering the increased demand for firearms, ammunition and training?

Are there any local gun stores or ranges who still have a good stock of ammunition and firearms on their shelves? If so, what do they have in stock?


I stopped in one of the bigger range/gun shops a couple days ago and I was pleased to see that they had rifles, pistols and ammo on the shelves. Reloading supplies were slim but that is also not their thing, they have a shelf and that’s it on a good day. That being said bulk ammo doesn’t exist and 50 rnds of top end 45 SD ammo is at a premium. Very little 5.56 or 7.62x39, a moderate selection of “Hunting” ammo. The gun cases have been “spread out” and there are a lot more used rifles on the shelves than before but all at higher prices. I’ve not stopped in too many other stores as I am not in need but occasionally I will bounce in for parts or something. A month or two ago I stopped at a mom and pop shop wayyyy off the beaten path and found a matched pair of Para Ordinance Warthog’s as well as a bunch of very viable old school pistols but NOTHING mfg’d in the last 10 years and very little in ammo. Stuff is out there but you have to get lucky. My son went to one of the shops locally a week or 2 ago and they were selling 100 “packs” of 5.56, limit one per customer and there was a line and it was going for $75 per “pack”. Then again I traded 300 rnds of M-80 ball for a fully functional AOD transmission about 3 months ago so I guess value is in the eye of the beholder.




I just stopped by my regular shop on the way home from work this evening and picked up 500rds…of course it was 40 S&W :smiley:

They’ve been able to stock the shelves back up with guns and rifles but definitely not as full as back before all this.

Ammo they have an ok supply except of 9mm which they were out of for target rounds but had plenty of self-defense rounds available. They also had 5.56x45 available. I didn’t check .45ACP.

What I love about my store is that while yes prices have gone up some they’re not crazy like some of my online regular spots. Just enough to keep up with mfg increased costs. And if I’m going to pay a higher price anyway, might as well do it with my local shop and support them.


If you’d of held out you could of gotten two transmissions for them…:thinking::thinking::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::grin::grin::grin:


I have not seen anything on the local news about firearms or ammo, unless you count the narrative supporting shootings. The others don’t make the cut.

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AMMOSEEK.com I just bought 1,000 rds. of 5.56 and 1,500 of 7.62. When you find what you want, buy it right then because it just might be gone in the next ten minutes. I found that out the hard way and it took another two days to find some more.

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I haven’t been by our local retailer (Rural King) to buy ammo in quite awhile , as they’ve been out for quite awhile. Not even worth the waste of gas to go across town. However, I was really surprised today when I was in our local grocery store, and lo and behold practically the entire toilet paper aisle was stocked! :sunglasses:


Ammo is still short around here.

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The local shop here somehow has 9mm in stock and the local range is getting in 500 round bulk packs every week.

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Some stores I have been to are bare and have little to no ammo. One place had black powder rifles and a couple shotguns but I did not see any hand guns. The other store is fairing a little better if you do not mind to stand in line and wait to get into the store. The indoor range has not been a problem to get into. I had to try out some reloads I had to see if the loads are accurate and work well. I am good on that. I have people looking to take classes and I am setting up to take care of that. There is a lot of concerned people out there worried about the times.

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I live in Indiana. The gun shop I go to still has a good stock pile of everything except 9 mm, 40 cal and 45.The local reload company they get there reloads from said there closing there doors for a while for the lack of supplies. They got all kinds of home defense rounds of all and even 9mm, 40 cal and 45. But practice rounds for 9, 40 and 45 are becoming none existent.

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Marks Sporting Goods in Vestavia has full shelves, except in .300 B/O.

My local range is losing money because they don’t have ammo on hand. My search continues for the Lost Ark of the .300 Blackout.

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There are probably two nearby gun stores who have good stock on firearms. All the rest are dried out. Ammo wise those two stores are slim pickings on 9mm. I have been going to Academy Sports on their two most common delivery days. While it is “pot luck” on brand and amount, I have been able to stay in stock with Federal and Winchester through them. One time might be 50 rounds a box of fmj at 11 bucks next time might be 200 round “range box” at 44 bucks. Limited to 3 boxes per customer so on the 50 round days you get out with 150 rounds and on 200 round days you get away with 600 :laughing: wierd…

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Everything I am interested in has been out of stock at my usual haunts. Pickings have been somewhat slim for the last few months.

No 9mm, .40 S&W, or .45ACP…a couple boxes here and there of .32L, .22LR, .17HMR, some steel-cased .223 and 7.62 Wolf and various assorted other rifle ammo for whatever I don’t have. If I needed target loads for the 12ga, or owned a 20ga or .410 I’d be alright, but no slugs, sabots, or buckshot in 12ga.

The one time I have seen 9mm at a particular shop, looked like they broke down a case or two of FMJ and was selling it in ziplock sandwich bags like it was crack. Didn’t matter…it was gone in a week or so. :rofl:

Dunham’s had some 400rd cans of XM193 show up a few weeks ago, but I’d be willing to bet it was gone within a week, as well.

I haven’t ordered online for a couple of months, but seems like that is the best option at this point. Otherwise, I’d spend all my time running around with nothing gained.

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Vance Outdoors in my little village of Obetz Ohio is a full service gun store / gun shop and shooting range. They are in full service mode after a brief shutdown when it all began. Plenty of ammo, handguns, rifles, and other assorted stuff. Great place to shop and hang out. We were there this past weekend at the range.

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I’m just glad I stocked up right before the whole buying craze!!


Saturday in the city that my rural area is adjacent to: Kalamazoo Michigan: Proud Boys, Antifa & Counter-Protesters Meet

With things like this happening, with some rioting and clashes with police directly following the George Floyd death, there are steps I have taken not just for my safety, but my family is spread out a bit. My boys are at school in a rural town and my wife and I work in the next city to the east of Kalamazoo. So it is being prepared to be able to get my family back together. Its really a get home plan vs a bug out plan. The city in the article is Kalamazoo. Kalamazoo has had protests where ANTIFA has bussed protesters in from Detroit. Battle Creek, the next city to the east along the I-94 corridor has its share of issues that result from it being the halfway point between Chicago and Detroit. And I live in the rural area between those two cities and a bit north.

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Someone shot a Catholic church 14 times in Roswell. Makes me concerned about my church. My pastor wants me to have my gun in church, and I’m watching everything I can.


My local military base/post has plenty of guns in a wide selection. But they’re just not selling ammo since they’re have trouble getting it. They also sell items at normal non-inflated prices. The gun industry is really sticking it to their own customers. Some rich people need to open new ammo supplied companies and put the price gouges out of business.

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In my area north Central NC. Looks like status quo. Ammo is available but at a cost . I am hearing across the line in Va. online concealed courses may be no longer. We have a very CCW friendly county. Once app is made to our Sherriff most cases permit is back in 2 weeks or less. We are a 2A sanctuary. Now I here if one travels South east or west to bigger towns thats not the story. All in all not bad here