What Would Gun Confiscation Really Look Like?


I’ve literally walked some of the killing fields in Cambodia, seen the stacks of skulls, read the records of those murdered at the hands of government.

All I can say is: never give up your guns no matter what laws they make, no matter what they say or do.




Ugly! It would look UGLY!


IF Trump is somehow prevented from office, and IF the democrats could also manipulate the vote to stack both the Congress and the senate in their favor, THEN they could literally pass law abolishing the second amendment. Challenges to the Supreme Court for decision would be easily squashed when the democrat congress and senate vote for more judges to ‘tip the court’; it would become law.
THEN the question becomes how will they do it if it is law?
Some law officials will act on it at all levels. That will get ugly. So then you’re faced with the military’s use. Forget The Posse Comitatus Act because they will correct that law, too, to their favor. BUT the members of the military are sure to be split on the matter.
Answer: They have already shredded the military, reduced the qualifications and overlook prior disqualifications and, let’s face it, the right people (for them) can easily be inducted into the military to do the job.
IT’S NOT AS IMPOSSIBLE AS THIS GUY MAKES IT SEEMS … so stock-up, and arm up. I can only tell you, for all the world to see: THIS AMERICAN IS NOT GIVING UP MY GUNS! No, I do not say that lightly and I know what it may cost me … AND THAT, THAT RESOLVE, WHEN AND IF WE REMAIN UNIFIED, WILL BE THE DETERMINING FACTOR OF VICTORY FOR US.
Of course, if we had made a more violent stand to the last election’s theft and the illegality and injustice of the January 6th mess, we wouldn’t be having this discussion. :slight_smile: Not that I would incite violence, of course … for demonstrational purposes only, you understand. :slight_smile:


No Congress cannot do away with any of the Amendments. And that is because ANY AMENDMENT whether to make it law or to remove it has to be RATIFIED BY 34 STATES. And that would never happen to do away with the 2A. Because they would never get 34 or 3/4 of the states to RATIFY it. Look at ARTICLE 5 of the Constitution to see what it says on making or removing Amendments.


Something tells me they could care less about the Constitution nor the laws.

“Unburdened by what has been”, says Kamel Hairz.

That’s a line from Marx and his Communist Manifesto, by the way. Literally.


I thought it would require two thirds of both houses of the Congress plus two thirds of the states.


https://community.usconcealedcarry.com/u/reloader54 YES; UNDER CURRENT LAW. You’re missing the point based on the juxtaposition and possibility of democrats taking over the congress, senate and tipping the Supreme Court. That is the only ‘if’ I can see as possible in taking away our weapons.


I think gun confiscation is going to look like a socialized coordinated effort. With socialized medicine and with any FFL records they have gun confiscation will be easy. Oh. Your wife needs life saving surgery. We’ll get to that right after you turn in that AR-15 you bought a few years back. This is a more frightening possibility to me than a door to door confiscation.

Or it will look like UN troops or Chinese troops doing the confiscation.


Lots and lots of little “Reno-Koresh-Wacos” throughout the country…


It will look bloody as hell.


first i dont think they could get the votes on the fed level, or 2/3 of the states. 51% o the pop now owns guns and going up each day with whats going on. if you outlaw guys only outlaws will have gun how many would really give up their guns. as for going door to door that would be a bloody mess.


@Trever1 summed it as simply as it could be. Bloody!!



So then one goes to a doctor that cares about saving lives or your 2A right. I wouldn’t trust a doctor that would want me to turn in my AR-15. Anyone that would trust a doctor that wants them to turn in their AR-15 doesn’t have an AR-15.


Agreed. Except how do doctors get paid? In large part by socialized medicine, AKA Medicare and Medicaid. So they will have to follow government rules in order to get paid. We saw this in doctors pushing vaccines and the medical system stepping in line with the vaccine mandate. Just a thought….


Sure if one is paranoid about the government. You are right it is just a thought. The government is made up of pro and anti gun people. It is like people are looking for reasons to fear the government.

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I wonder how many guns would still be out there after the Fed got everything in their database. I’m guessing millions, between printing, 80% builds, inherited guns, stolen guns, sales between friends etc …
I know it was pretty humorous reading the reddit forum in my prior state when people were trying to re- register their “assault weapons” after some new control laws were made. Guys were going online to see what guns were in their name, and were astounded at what they supposedly did or didn’t own.


It does. But the States can use ARTICLE V CONVENTION OF STATES of the Constitution to BY-PASS CONGRESS AND MAKE AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION THAT CONGRESS CANNOT SAY NO TO. And that is being worked on now. And so far 19 states of the 34 needed to call one have passed the resolution to have one called. to find out more go to their web sight COSAction. And please also sign their petition.


Believe it or not, SD won’t sign on for a Convention of States! Passed over twice! Their argument is they don’t want any amendments to the Constitution.

Shame on you, SD.