Taking away our AR & all our guns

This is not freedom when our leaders takes away our rights to own or have our weapons. Not sure where this will go but I don’t like how this is looking. I have been a law abiding citizen. And what gives anyone that right to take away our freedom. This is not the country I know any more. Not sure where we all stand on this . Does anyone even care ?


You need to read more of our posts.

And yes… It’s real easy to get discouraged in these times. Chin up. :saluting_face:
We really are the majority.


I care. I am very concerned at how the current breed of politicians see The Constitution of The United States as an obstacle rather than a blessing. They make it their lives work to get over through around and past the very God Given Rights detailed in that musty dusty old document. They ignore it, they abuse it and the American people seem to applaud it.


They will not be taking my guns sir. If they do they will pry it out of the hands of a corpse that went down fighting.


Thanks for the smiles. Just everyday life gets hard & then seams to get harder. With all that is going on around us its hard to deal with every day. No place is safe today, And I remember how our home was safe . Not any more. But good to know that others feeling this as well . and not alone.


If I get (10) seconds to them coming through the doors I’ll be :crazy_face: fine!—Them? Not so much!


i will give up my life today if need be to be free then be a prisoner in my own country tomorrow.


I agree with you on that. You see that’s the very thing they want that way they can have total control. Its not about guns, its all about control.


Lol ask my two ex wives how easily I am controlled.


I’ve said it before on this very board. I am closer to the end than to the beginning. I will stand for freedom and liberty for my grandbabies. I’d rather it be me than the little people.


Got that picture for sure.


I agree, that’s great.


There are around 400 million guns in America. Even if they could find people that could take away1,000,000 guns a year it would take 400 years. It’s NOT HAPPENING.


I’m sitting here loading new mags as I read this, I ordered more long term food this week, by planning for the worst, we can do our best to be prepared for the future. Whatever that may be:+1:


As they say better dead than red we may get one shot off befor a sniper take us out,Just ask the little rock air port manager well wait you can,t they killed him yes i agree with all here it looks very grim, hopeing for the best come nov


You need to stop by here more often for a reality check and pep talk,
all your friends are here. :saluting_face:


Remember that one of the main reasons for the Revolutionary War was gun control, Concord 1775. It was gun control that pushed it into a shooting war. Let’s just hope the Patriots of today have the same fortitude. Hopefully if they try, our resistance (we won’t comply) will show them that to proceed further will result in a can of worms that nobody wants to open.


With the second amendment on attack the other amendments will be up for grabs. The fact they are trying to say that the regulation on guns is not covered by the 2nd amendment is wagging the dog. We all k ow what the downfall of not having our ability to defend our country and our states would result in many problems that our forefathers have already warned us about and if you look at what happened to Israel you would understand the need. If you look at why Japan did not invade the United States during World War two you would more appreciate the idea of having a well-armed militia and some good Ol’ red necks in this country. Of course, look at Japan at the end of the war. The United States knew what the cost would be to invade Japan, and we never did invade. The price would have been too steep and an attack on the Constitution would be a steep price to pay.


Trump/Vance is our last and only hope for America right now, and IF they don’t win for the Presidency, America will never be like it used to be.


TRUTH, But we will never be who we were ever again.
Hopefully when the Cordite clears we will be BETTER than we were.
People, Citizens, Gunners, Democrats, Repub’s etc SEE the game
this Current crop of Politico’s are playing.
“You will own nothing and like it!”
“.Gov is your friend”
“Turn in your neighbor if you suspect he has a Gun” (Red flag laws for those waking up yesterday)
As I said MANY times,
This is the old playbook trotted out again to see if it didn’t work in the 1930’s and 40’s maybe it will work this time.
The age old adage is: "If you do things over and over the same way expecting a different result THAT IS INSANITY!.

If they get our hardware we are done.
These Weapons are the only thing deterring them from FULL SCALE Confiscation
and Stalin/Pol Pot/Hitleresque Tyranny