Taking away our AR & all our guns

They will never stop trying and I believe it is only talk. There are more firearms in this country than people and I think they know that many would be used to stop it. Our founding fathers created the 2nd Amendment for a reason and it wasn’t for hunting.


It was created for responsibly, armed Americans, and feeding my family is my responsibility. Among over things. just saying.


One only needs to look at actual results of being disarmed. Like Venezuela, and especially the UK. The government is releasing killers and rapists because the jails are getting full of citizens arrested, charged and jailed in in only a few days. FOR POSTING OPINIONS ON FACEBOOK.
They are telling the illegal invaders to play nice and store their weapons in their mosques while prosecuting citizens for wrongthink.


I also care and am very concerned about the future of this once great nation. The CPUSA has made deep inroads into our national government and a lot of the individual state governments. The so-called Democrat Party is controlled by the CPUSA and the communists have taken control of the education system to a fearful extent. Their first and most important move is the total disarmament of the United States citizens. That must happen for them to force their tyrannically despotic dictatorship on this nation. We need God’s help and we need to be prepared to defend our Constitution.


Yeah, well…god luck with that.


I wouldn’t worry too much. I think someone is trying to instill fear in you. Unless you are trying to make a meme. Then never mind.

That will be my line in the sand, my hill to die on.


Welcome to enlightenment!


I agree Brother, Where ARE we going these days?
Somedays it looks like we’ve turned the corner from Oppression/Tyranny
and then KamelToe speaks and we are right back in the sh**.

My frustration is people saying just wait until the debate (Trump/Biden)
Massive failure and Pudding is history. Unfortunately his ‘replacement’
is worse.
In ‘The Mog’ you dispatch one Warlord (they don’t think too highly of themselves huh?) and his replacement was always worse. Sometimes I think we should have just let them ‘rule’ over those poor people maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad.
(Then I realized they really had to go)
Ron, you KNOW they will never get ‘True Gunner’s’ firearms right?
The country wouldn’t stand for it. We are already a mess with their brilliant ‘Defunding the Police’ scam…


But… The F-15’s!!!


I’m of an age where I just won’t put up with any sh** anymore.
Went to a Funeral Home a couple of months ago with my Sister
and we got ‘The Plans’ drawn up where wherever we die the other just
picks up the phone and calls the Meat wagon to pick up the carcass.
PRE-PAID DISPOSAL (that’s not what they call it)
No Services
No muss , No fuss
No casket
a corrugated box (made from recycled materials)
You get the feeling how 'disposable we are (@ least I did) Been in
a funk ever since.
So bring you Abrams tanks, your F-15’s whatever
I’ll try and take as many with me as I can before that phone call.
I guess boiled down I’m sick and tired of being THREATENED by our own .Gov
It was bad enough doing the cower in the school hallways waiting for a Nuke Detonation or Military REMF’s talking about Graves Registration and 'Who do we notify when you fall… It just doesn’t matter to me much.


You have a very colorful way with words my friend! A real romanticist! :joy:


Yeah, that’s me all over Mr. Colorful :rofl:
(Oh, forgot to add ‘Pre=Paid Cremation’)
That’s what they called it.
I was in a sort of ‘iffy’ mood when we went there
and I asked to see a demonstration…that didn’t go over well…
(Joke 'em if they can’t take a F**k)


My man! :rofl:


Some people got NO sense of humor. I did the same as you so the family can make the call and get rid of the “remains”. Couldn’t see the sense in buying a big, fancy, expensive “single use” box. Like I told my family: "Once Elvis (me) has left the building, I don’t care what they do with the building (body).


Same here. What a racket the funeral business is. :angry:
I have asked Nancy to dump my ashes in a river in Da U.P. that I fished and hunted in for so many years. Nature will be my final resting place.
:rofl: I will sleep wit da fishies. :fish:


It’s amazes me the Depth of thought that goes into the disposal.
The sheer cost of those 'Caskets, flowers, room rental (wake)
I saw a box w/ real brass handles (6) Over $10K !—to be stuck in the ground?
The Plot, then the Tombstone (I always wanted to put something outrageous
on that headstone) The Wife and Sister would never let me (and I wouldn’t be around to argue my case huh?)
I mean we’re talking about Tens of THOUSANDS of dollars ! ridiculous!
My little 'Turn 'em and burn ‘em’ plan was less than a grand (or a nice Smith and Wesson :innocent:) and I still felt it was too much money.
BUT the ‘Security’ for my sister knowing we were covered was enough to sign on the dotted line…
What a Racket!
Oh and WTF do you need an ALL SILK PILLOW AND LINING for? So your dead head is comfortable?


Posse, trust your instincts—you already know what Steve Bannon would say. Stand strong, stay focused, and carry the mission forward with confidence. Army of the Awakened. MAGA is ascendant. :us:


We all know that’s what they want. And they will stop at nothing to get them. The idea is total control .


“Not bloody likely”