What is the message sent when a Judge does this?

California… Again.


Also here


Darn it!

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Let the PURGE begin!


I’m sorry…what? " fatally stabbing her boyfriend 108 times in a cannabis-induced psychotic episode, received a sentence of probation instead of prison time".
For the people that took the 'Short Bus ’ going to school, Cannabis doesn’t create ‘Psychotic episodes’ unless laced w/ serious sh**! Is this article 1/2 the story? (as per usual these days?)
‘Skinnie’s’ ate ‘Khat’ in Africa----- were we not to defend ourselves because they had a psychotic break?..
oh. no that’s right ONLY IN COMMIEFORNIA is this defense flung up against the wall and stuck!
Maybe I should recuse myself from this Topic because I don’t smoke da Ganja, so how would I know what effects it could or couldn’t have on a clearly psychotic Woman (who liked to smoke dope—on a regular basis perhaps?)
(108) Times though seems like (shall I say it?) OVERKILL!
ANY drug messes with your mind (yes, sports fan’s even Alcohol) but ‘Mary Jane’ doesn’t make you do murderous things. Laced w/ PCP, Fentanyl, Crack (ask hunter), will make you do stupid things, Like throw Guns into dumpsters, Bring your Porn, Hoe filled, Burisma biz deals Laptop to the shop and forget it. But MaryJuan-a just makes people mellow, cool, whatever. (So I’ve heard)
This .gov makes “US” go to get a ‘Psycke’ evaluation to carry a gun maybe after doing her Lizzie Borden Impersonation you’d think that they should have at least done that to this Twisted Sister? AMIRITE?)
This poor dude Chad just wanted to ‘Git Sum’, maybe have a friendship and this Thing went all Benny-hanna on his ass!
Rest in Peace Chad, Gone too soon.

Mi dos pesos


While smoking, Chad got so stone, he admitted having sex with another. So in a jealous rage, she stabbed him 108 times!!! That many stabs is rage, not self induced drug episode!!! Specially cannabis!!! Forty yrs experience.


I certainly smoked my fair share of weed back in the day. And while I don’t smoke anymore, I have fairly intimate understanding of the medical and legal recreational cannabis industry here in Colorado. (8 years delivering packages in a brown van I made friends with several dispensary owners)

The stuff today is way more potent than back even just 20 years ago. And certain strains can have some paranoid side effects.

Stabbed him 108 times, and stabbed the dog too!

There is an underlying psychological disorder there, even if the weed was laced with something else.

My issue is the fact that her defense is based on her being “involuntarily intoxicated”

She knew damned well she was getting high. That is NOT involuntary when she did it to herself!


Well then stabbing a dog is an immediate death sentence, carried out in some town square !
Stripped naked, shot numerous times till she bleeds out.—My opinion Only. Dogs and Cats are a GIFT
from GOD to us to survive the Bullsh** we humans inflict on each other.
As for her INVOLUNTARY Bong Intoxication ! Some LAWYER thought that up, she’s too stupid to get there on her own and He/She should Join their client in the Festivities! Town S’Q’uare–High Noon!

Shooting a Dog. Buh-Bye, I’ll VOLUNTEER!


This tells me alec baldwin has a chance to get off with a slap on the wrist


Do Not leave the toilet seat up whatever you do. It apparently really pisses them off!


It’s Cali, so the message is obviously “stay high my friend.”


Well hey, at least the gun laws prevented a horrible murder!


It says one thing. You dolts don’t matter, but the down trodden poor criminals sure do dummy! Suck it up if you don’t agree that people that get high don’t to diserve to kill you. Keep your powder dry people!


Unless you’re in California, then it’s weed.


I disagree. if in California then I would recommend both! hahah


Why do I think there’s a $hi+ load of background money involved here.


Because you’ve been paying attention?


last word I saw was the NEW stuff is highly concentrated and dangerous for some folks…

can cause them to go bonkers n such…

as to the message sent… IMHO they’re still telling everyone to be afraid and do nothing…

also at some point when they think they have enough power they will crack down…


Years ago I was involved in a pretty nasty bar fight that involved 8 people, at trial one of the defense attorneys tried to use intoxication as a mitigating circumstance. The prosecutor shot that down right quick “Being intoxicating does not absolve you of responsibility…”.


I am pretty sure being insane does. The catch is medical marijuana is the cure