What are your top 5 concerns about COVID-19?

I don’t think people’s memories are long at all. So, let’s hope we skate through this relatively unscathed–what people will be ‘told’ to remember by the media is that Trump blew this up out of proportion and destroyed the economy. The biggest indicator for elections has always been the economy, and I don’t know if this will change that or not; and I doubt the economy will recover by November. Regardless, I doubt he’s going to have a lot of people lining up to congratulate him for his handling of this. He closed down flights to China–good, but he didn’t shut up and let the medical people provide the information. It seemed to me he then shot his mouth off repeatedly and looked terrible. Up to the point of his first talk to the country when he shut down flights to Europe, I was very disappointed with his performance on this.

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Let’s face it, he was damned if he did, damned if he didn’t. When he was keeping his mouth shut waiting for the medical community he was condemned for “doing nothing”. When he did talk he was condemned for not shutting up and let the medical community weigh in.
A lot of this stems from completely irresponsible comments like the one from the FORMER, for a good reason, head of the CDC going on Tucker Carlson claiming we could see 1,000,000 dead Americans.
Also President Trump was vilified as acting worse than they did in Italy. Look at the numbers, actions taken here, by our President, are producing far better numbers than any place in Europe.

Just my 2 cents worth.


We got an email about world wide numbers this morning. Approximately 200,000 people world wide. Approximately 7,000 dead. That is not worth all the hype the government and media have shown and caused.

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It’s been 3+ years of this.


Look, I want Trump to win. I am scared to death of what happens, especially, if the Democrats get a Super Majority.

Trump’s handling of this has been getting better. But his biggest strength was the economy. If this drags on too long the economy is going to shatter.

What Pelosi and her gang forced the Republicans to accept as a bipartisanship aid package left out over 65 % of Americans. The salary for people has a huge loophole. Under 50 and over 500 your company is not required if you are in that group of people who work for a company of under 50 or over 500 it’s voluntary.

Now hopefully, Trump’s idea of getting $1,000 back to each Adult citizen. But right wrong or in between he was seen as slow about getting off the mark.


In reality the stock markets should be shut down and frozen at current levels. It only stands to reason with so many segments of the economy completely shut down. Forced lack of commerce will obviously have negative impacts on the markets. Since this lack is not attributable to economic trends it only makes sense to close the markets.


We are already under martial law. There are 5 stages of martial law. We are currently under “medical martial law”. When private businesses are forced to close you really can’t call it anything else.


The biz closure in IL is of questionable legality. If the owner of the biz doesn’t volunteer to close they have to take it to court or take it to court within 48 hours if they force an immediate closure. None of that was done. The gun and ammo restrictions that the disaster declarations include were banned after Katrina. It is like the State is testing what they can get away with.


I’m not sure where you’re getting your numbers, @Brian110, but this isn’t over yet. The restrictions are to prevent it from spreading like wildfire and overwhelming our healthcare system.



WHO - they are more precise, but always 1 day behind:

And yes, we are still climbing up…


My boyfriend and I both have severe allergies and minor asthma and I am not at all concerned at higher risk. I am more concerned about violence getting worse, like it already started, and the fact I will have to use force. I am not afraid to die, so…

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Also there is an attorney preparing a class action lawsuit against the state of Illinois over this as well in several other states, it has been on Facebook the last several days along with violent fights in stores. The isolation crap may prevent the spread of the virus, but what about the work it will cause for public safety with the fights and the fact it is impossible to stay awake 22 or 23 hours a day if there is nothing to do outside


Well, it just hit home. Literally. My wife is taking care of two positive patients today.


God bless and protect her sir. Very brave.


It is not a fact that you will use force. That should not be a fact in your mind at all.


Yes she is.


I’ll keep your family in my prayers, @Aaron25!! Stay safe!


Thank you! I plan on it.


I’ll join in the prayers for you and your wife @Aaron25


Yes, but a few weeks ago. At this point, the shi% has already sailed.

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