We've got to be prepared - They walk amongst us

Interesting. I have known many atheists and they have all acknowledged evil. Perhaps not as a religious concept, but certainly as man’s capacity to destroy. What synonym do you use to describe people or actions that others would call “evil”?

I used at least one in my post, nefarious, ill-intent, etc., all depending on the circumstance. Some likely would call Nancy Pelosi evil, but I think of her more like a mother, Satan’s mother, if he had one. :sunglasses: Neither do I believe in Satan, as that, too, is a religious construct. I tried to PM you as this is off-topic, but you have that function turned-off.

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Ah, I see. I would use “nefarious” and “evil” interchangeably. Their entymology is different (‘nefarious’ is rooted in French/Latin, ‘evil’ is rooted in old English/German), but they have the same basic meaning. So perhaps you would take less offense if I re-wrote my earlier sentence?

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Many years ago I took a university sociology course taught by a Los Angeles County detective who was also the lead investigator on the Tate-LaBianca (read Charles Manson) murder case. He stated that “if you are hungry enough you will do whatever it takes to get food.” I believe this is true. Unfortunately some people have a much, much lower trigger threshold.


I can verify that. When I was younger, I went weeks without food, and I was willing to do some pretty awful things in order to eat. Not to the level of hurting other people, but definitely to the point of dumpster diving. I don’t know how people cross that line where they want to hurt people or animals, and I really don’t know how you bring someone back from that.

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I was not offended, but neither do I have any ill-intent/ill-will, nor nefariousness, so I would still disagree. Yes, evil is a synonym of nefarious, but both words have many synonyms, usage makes the difference. Such as, a criminal would not necessarily be evil, but could still be nefarious.

The Saxons were evil. The Normans were nefarious.
And if you’re General Howe, the Americans are revolting.

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The hunger games started already on our babies, all I can say is they should have picked on someone their own size!
I guess if you really want to hurt someone you murder the children first. If this isn’t a hostage situation I don’t know what is! I’m just waiting for the Stockholm Syndrome to kick in! The question is, do we pay the ransom?

Would it be the same if you said: no ands, ors, buts, ifs….
Sarcasm off