We need to pray for our country

There’s evil all around us

As far as the eye can see.

When will it stop

When will we take a knee

We need to bring God back

Into our country .

Schools and homes

The time to repent is now

To turn away from our sins and become a God fearing army.

To stand for good and not let evil overcome

Raise our children to follow the Bible instead of the world

To fight the battle of good and evil and stand firm in the Lord.

To overcome peer pressure and be the light in the darkness,

To be kind, caring and compassion

To the lost generation .

Remembering always to walk with the father and He will walk with you always.

You’re never alone in this battle we call time .

Just kneel and call upon Him .

He is always listening

No burden is to much for Him to carry

Forgiveness is waiting at the door.


No truer words have been spoken. If we could get God back in our every day lives like it was 40-50 yrs ago we would be a much better country and stronger country again. this is why Texas just passed a law to have the bible taught in school again. :pray: :pray:


I disagree … The bible takes mass killing to biblical proportions …, To be kind and have compassion … Is not an exclusive trait … Bestowed on the faithfull alone … I lay fault solely on my parents for not being one of the faithful … They were educated … I do not subscribe to one of the approximately 10,000 Distinct Religions on the planet …
Yet somehow i find compassion for others and the ability to function within the parameters of the law …

I have always tried to educate my children whenever possible … One day we were driving down the road. I looked over at my daughter and asked her. Do you know why the sky is blue ? Which she promptly replied … Because god wanted it that way … I replied so it has nothing to do with… when sunlight enters Earth’s atmosphere, the shorter wavelengths of light like blue are scattered more readily by air molecules, causing the blue light to be dispersed across the sky, making it the dominant color we see…

I told her look when the question is asked in school you can put down your answer … At this point do me a favor and put mine down below it … I want you to get an A… This is a true story … I think at the time I might have used the word refracting …


Children are very astute.

My children teach me things too.


:notes::notes:God is Watching Us From a Distance. :notes::notes: Bette Midler


Less gods, more guidance.

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Don’t we have 7 of these going? And we are still in a world of :poop:.!?


Turn that :slightly_frowning_face: upside down.:upside_down_face: The world’s not going to change till we do.


These words are so true. If only we could get some religion back into school, like when I was a kid, am I telling my age, I believe things would be different. A lot of my friends were able to go to a Catholic school until 9th grade, then they had to go to public school. I so wanted to do that, but my parents could not afford the cost. my dad went to Catholic school when he was growing up.


The thing is it takes clergy to teach religion. Most schools, unless it a religious school have teachers. Then what religion would they teach¿



Healing Prayers up for our nation.
God Blessed America when we were able to re-elect Donald John Trump #47.

May we continue being blessed going forward.


That is true


I remember just praying in school. (public elementary school)


I would never have made it through elementary school if I didn’t pray.


we prayed and said the pledge to the American flag every day


We had a moment of silence, said the pledge and sang a patriotic song.


Indoctrination , The process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs Uncritically…
Uncritically , With a lack of criticism or consideration of whether something is right or wrong…
Is it the states job to teach wrong or right … What may be right for you… Might be wrong for someone else … So the state will always fall short on this … It is their Kobayashi Maru

I am ok with my kids being exposed to other ideas. Again I am the final authority … As a proper parent , I take time to involve myself in my child’s life… To teach them what I believe is right and wrong… I take full responsibility for fooking them up … After all it is a conservative belief …

Remember If you want religion which one… Like i stated over 10,000 … Well yours of course … You are in luck we have those … Private schools, enroll today … There is no end to like minded people … Like the flat earthers …


Did this have to do with your grades or little suzy …


God please continue to bless America as you have this Presidential election.

He and his Administration need all the strength that you can offer to help overcome the resistance that they may encounter.

Amen :pray:.


I guess a little of both.