Wayne Root- Red Dawn is imminent

Any change over, in any of our uniformed armed forces branches let alone all of the branches in the (DoD) Department of Defense, or NATO the armed forces of Europe, is always a huge undertaking.

Just coordinating the budgeting, and the bureaucracy, let alone the actual logistics of distribution of any new item like ammunition.

That whole NATO thing this like trying to turn a super tanker ship vs. a jet sky that can turn on a dime.

The tanker takes miles to maneuver.
So, does NATO compared to a USN SEAL TEAM.

Anything fielded in NATO takes time, maybe a year or more,but they have done it, and can do it again, eventually.

In a war time emergency they can speed up, and expedite that process.

In peace time that can drag it out more. But, itā€™s doable.

They have fielded new armored vehicles, and new aircraft many times, as well as ammunition.

Itā€™s just that the M-16 and 5.56 cal, or .223mm ammo has been around since the late 1950s, going on six to seven decades, and also involves changing to the weapons chambered to the new ammunition, including the distribution of those weapons, and training the troops on them too.

Not just shipping out crates of a new caliber ammunition to all the units that will replace the old ammunition saying here you go use this now, but in what also.

That has to be distributed also.

That is a much bigger challenge to accomplish that is significantly more complicated in its totality.

But, like new armored vehicles and and new aircraft means training drivers and pilots, and maintenance crews also how to keep the new equipment functional.

Armorer in armories have to lean the new weapons also, inspect, clean, do function checks, and needed gun smithing to keep the new weapons functional too.

In addition to supporting the new caliber ammunition. Itā€™s a big undertaking.

The easy part is that all the jobs in all those services have skills transferrable, and can adapt to recalibrating to the newer 6.8mm replacing the old 5.56mm ammunition.
With the new weapons that ammo feeds is an additional layer of logistics, and education to go with it.

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Along with all the NATO countries having to change over to 6.8, I wonder if anyone has considered the fact that we have a quiet militia in this country of what, maybe 15 to 20 million Americans already equipped with 5.56 rifles, many or most of whom would step up to defend, at minimum, their corner of the country should we came under attack. I think of Ukraine desperately trying to get rifles in the hands of civilians after the invasion, and the mix of platforms they were dealing with.


x-ray tubes do not contain any radioactive material

An online search will confirm this with plenty of sources.

Just sayinā€™

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I am sure its a inconsistent mix of what is available from different sources.

Even in our military with mass procurement there are time lags with issue filtering down to all the troops in all units.

The priority pecking order in active duty is to the special operations troops first, then regular combat arms infantry, armor, etc. Then combat support, last is service support.

Then reserves and national guard with their own priority to combat arms on higher alert status first before others, etc.

Those not in a priority status have to make due with older prior issue equipment until production and supply gets down to them.

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Clearly seeking asylum from the Mexican police, and their oppressive gun laws.

Heā€™s just a humble free market capitalist engaged in the production and distribution of,ā€¦. Supplementsā€¦.

Who wishes to engage in Americas right to keep and bear arms, by starting his own firearms and ammunition sales business!

Poor poor immigrant, so unjustly persecuted by the nasty orange man. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::ox::poop::crazy_face:


Not aimed @Will_B

I find it amazing how Mexico, Canada, and the United States, we couldnā€™t do anything about the border without a Congressional Appropriation Bill and Canada and Mexico couldnā€™t do anything about our Northern and Southern borders
Yet the Mean Orange Man takes office and in 2 weeks Mexico is surging 10,000 troops to the border and Canada surged troops and promised $800,000,000 to appoint a Drug Czar and troops to interdict Fentanyl.

No Congressional Bill in sight. Weird what can happen when the United States acts in its own self interest itā€™s almost like we are a Sovereign Nation again. Who knew


Everyone but the staunchest of liberals, so, most of us.



Because Drunky and Sleepy didnā€™t want that


Thatā€™s because they did not want to do anything, if they did he would have just signed a EO like Trump.