Warning black swan event

I’m not the paranoid type one bit. but when I have seen or heard about this article about a dozen times this past couple weeks. isn’t it convenient when they tell you what they are planning.


What is Ron Paul planning?


unfortunately this will happen before the next election :frowning_face:


Ever since the schmuck was installed,
I’ve been expecting an Oklahoma City X 9/11 = Pearl Harbor X 50.
We have lone wolf actors plus everyone who hates American ( from within and from outside ) plus those that want to turn into their own imperialistic country!
No longer can we watch from the inside and think “that can’t happen here”!

What I don’t understand how did we allow such a downfall when we all saw it coming? We failed the forefathers. It was clearly written what we should do in the event.
It has become necessary for the people to dissolve the political bands…deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever ANY form of government becomes destructive of these ends, well, you should know the thing!
Yet here we sit memeing our way to the grave!

What matters most, is do we go out with a bang or a whimper! How will we be remembered. We still remember the 300, how is that possible?
It was worth writing about! If we let them walk all over us, they won’t write about it! We won’t amount to a footnote!

That break in at the southern border was our prologue.
We can write the epilogue or the epitaph!

Any moment they are about to take down the only person that can help our cause for freedom! Taking away all he’s built is akin to a witch burning.


Is that us in the background, sad, powerless, sheep? Of course not, we’d be holding up cell phone cameras, and posting it to TikTok. That’s our “black swan”.


Wish I could argue the point.


well I have my off road power wheelchair all kitted up and ready to go if trouble comes my way. I know I can’t do things how I used to but I can still work a trigger.


(5+) lbs. of Pressure Brother is all we need.


“The time for talking is over. You must buy guns and ammunition. You must train. You must carry when you can. And when bad stuff goes down, you must engage. Don’t spend the rest of your life hating yourself for being a coward like the loathsome femboys who lurked outside Florida and the Uvalde schools while some freak was inside shooting kids. Seek out the enemy and kill as many of them as you can in conformity with the law. Maybe you’ll die, but you’ll die like a man, and not everybody gets that option”. from the article---- Kurt Schlichter

That was F**kin’ awesome Aaron! Thank you

As for the rest of US YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO!
It’s here now. It isn’t paranoia, right wing–white Nationalist *whatever the hell that means)
This administration has let too many KILLERS in and we are going to EXPLODE way before
the election. Read Aarons article.


Given the political and social climate of our country, anything, ANYTHING, can happen. And. With a fool/tool like Joe Biden, he will let it happen. Unless, it happens to him.


Thanks for the kind words. Colonel Schlichter wrote a book on this subject called “The Attack.” Highly recommended. You can buy it off Amazon.


You earned them
Great Post,
As for the book …It’s on the List
Thanks to you guys I am (9) books in the hole.
I’ll be reading by candlelight when the lights go out on April 8th!


Paul warned that we should brace ourselves for a potential “Black Swan” event.

What the Hell does he think we have been doing since 2020? Really??? :roll_eyes:


Ron Paul is one of my heros. He leads a lot of the libertarians in the world. The forums in which Ron Paul features prominently are often sponsored by the Mises Institute at the University of Alabama’s Auburn campus, which used to be run by Jeff Deist, Dr, Paul’s former chief of staff. If you have a chance to pen something for or attend a Mises sponsored event, it’s well worth it. Here’s a call for papers for one such event.

Libertarian Scholars Conference 2025 | Mises Institute


I started bracing for such an event back in 2007 or so. It has actually been on my radar as a distinct possibility since probably the late 90s.


I’m not a Paranoid kind of guy…STOP LAUGHING! DAMMITT! :angry:
But since the stolen election things have gone sideways with a general
downward spiral evident. The last couple of years though and the stupid
actions of ‘THIS’ Gubment have made it essential to be CAUTIOUS just leaving the house.
I won’t go into most of what I do/don’t do I believe most here practice the same
Security and Awareness when ‘out and about’.
But for anybody to think this will ‘GET BETTER’ all on it’s own without a drastic
Change in the way we humans operate…well, I feel sorry for those people. They are in
for a rude awakening .
There is so much wrong with the Insane actions being taken today (I won’t go there in detail either)
But without an EVENT the turn around will not happen, and the country will spiral into the abyss.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t WANT a Black Swan event to happen, but with (MILLIONS) of
BAD CHARACTERS crossing the Border it WILL happen. They are not here for the Visa cards.

This is going to get interesting


IDK isn’t this something we have been preparing for our whole lives¿ Why we train. Why we are armed. Why we fight.


Yes and No Brother.
WE are NOT fighting
We’re Waiting!
We are waiting for cooler heads to prevail
and the situation is getting FUBAR!
The worse it gets ‘Out there’
the harder it will be to come back.
There are places in this World that you aren’t
I don’t want America to be like those places.


I live here. The places I am are the places I am living. If I am not there. I am not there. :joy::joy::joy: Good morning. It’s another day in paradise.:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: Phil Collins


Amen Brother.
(I think…? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:)