Victory! We Won Over Tyranny And Another Domestic Terrorist Goes Down!

Good news this morning! We got him! Sgt. Clay Hilton, formerly of the Spokane Police Department is now off his paid year long police vacation and is terminated and charged with Felony Second Degree Assault w/ the Aggravator Of Egregious Lack Of Remorse and Making A False Statement! Hilton’s Qualified Immunity is stripped. Hilton’s career as a domestic terrorist is finally over!

Thank you, Lord!

We got this little retard now! And he’s goin’ away! He’s gettin’ locked up!

We worked all year on this one, calling, writing, screaming, yelling, trying to bring justice to Mr. Hinton and his fine family. It is finally starting to arrive!

Nope, Hilton is not innocent until proven guilty. Just like the rest of us, we’re trying and convicting him on YouTube for all the world to see, for the rest of his life, no matter where he goes, no matter what he does. Just like the cops do to their victims. What goes around comes around, Hilton. It’s your turn, Sweetheart. Those cameras don’t lie, like you do.

There’s some cops… all one need do is look at their ugly face and you know something’s terribly wrong. It’s the kind of face that if you were to wake in the morning and see it looking back at you in the mirror – you would immediately draw your pistol and shoot yourself in the head. This guy is an accident waiting to happen. Hilton has one of such faces. One look at him and a single word pops into my head instantly: psycho. He doesn’t even need do anything and he’s guilty of being both criminal and creep. He should be locked up on that ugly face charge alone. Even a judge ruled against him based on his look and demeanor, saying, “Sgt. Hilton has no desire to protect and serve – but to be violent and dominate.” The judge recommended his firing and his being stripped of his certificate before something really bad happens. But no one lifted a finger to the dire situation and Mr. Hinton had the unfortunate circumstance of becoming yet another victim of Hilton.

Mr. Hinton’s reward from the taxpayers will be immense, in the millions. The ignorant taxpayers deserve to pay and Mr. Hinton deserves to get paid and rest easy on the taxpayer dime, just like the cops do! So long as they continue backing the bloo line gangstas and letting this go on all over the country, bragging about their cops hurting people for nothing – break out your checkbooks suckwads! We got another one for ya! Pay up!

I warn you, what you are about to see, though the worst of it is obscured, is difficult to watch. Most folks can’t even bear it. You’ve been warned. I know a few fake tough guys on this forum who won’t be able to watch it and get a taste of what victims of police must endure. Not man enough. You know who you are.

Justice for the Hinton Family.

All the worst to Sgt. Hilton! Oh! Wait! I slipped!
Hilton’s not a Sgt. anymore! He’s a… a… what was the word you used to describe Mr. Hinton while you were torturing him? Yes, I recall now, “Non person”. That’s it! That’s you now, Hilton! A non-person. A bum. A piece of trash. Rejected and charged and prosecuted by your own people no less, you scum! They finally saw through that ugly face of yours, just like I did in an instant! What took those idiots so long?! I do wonder. Well, no matter. Off ya go to the slammer bammer! Have a depressing stay with lots of violence done to you! Enjoy!


I have mixed feelings on this video. I do think the officer was more aggressive than was called for, but the man he questioned was uncooperative and non-compliant. Had he been cooperative he never would’ve been roughed up. His interview afterwards leads me to believe he’s anti-law enforcement in general. And this post just drips with hate. Here’s some advice for all citizens: comply and you won’t die or be injured. If your rights are violated there are civil remedies.


No need to comply with unlawful orders.

No cop should be enforcing non-compliance when there is no lawful reason to comply.

We know Mr. Hinton was right because all the false charges were dropped like a bad habit and Hilton fired and charged.

You’re a little late and innaproppriate with your argument.

All Hilton need do is tell the man to leave the park. That’s it! Simple. But he instead chose to overstep his legal boundaries and become ultra-violent and murderous.

So now he pays the price. Oh, well.

What you are suggesting is that Mr. Hinton should have bended the knee, licked the boot and refrain from contempt of cop and given up all his Constitutional Rights in the name of “Because I’m a cop and I said so!” But contempt of pigger is no crime. The overbloated ego of this wretched pigger would not let him leave it alone and go on about his business. So his big ego got him into a jam from which he will not recover. So, he has to do the prison laundry for a couple years and eventually wind up at Burger King with a mop in his hand. So what? No loss.

Congratulations, you’re part of the problem.

Remember this when they come for your precious guns and your Rights. Remember to lay down, shut your mouth – and lick that boot, boy. See where that gets you. When that ATF agent knocks on your door and starts giving unlawful orders, better let him in and comply, better give up those guns, boy --or else!

I have also tens of hours of video, articles, etc., showing victims of cop doing exactly what you say:
complying with every unlawful order! Guess what that got them? That’s right! Murdered, jailed, tripped, beaten, raped, wrecked.

Face the facts. Cops enjoy hurting people just for the sheer joy of it and because they think they can get away with all of it. That’s all there is to it.

Not this time, partner. Your evil cop loses. Good.

It absolutely astounds me that someone can say these things you say. You casually compare a man minding his own business, standing on his Rights to an evil pig, torturing a man nearly to death because he is standing on his Rights. You are saying it is better this pig beat this man until eight of his ribs are separated from his spinal column, his lung is punctured, major concussion and cracked skull, face all mashed up – all because this pig felt like it – than to leave it alone and mind his own business and refrain from committing his numerous crimes.

Indeed. You’re not part of the problem. You’re the whole of the problem.


You sound like a ranting anarchist who hates all law enforcement. Was asking to see Kevin’s ID an unlawful order? Your anger, obvious hatred of all law enforcement, and emotionally driven arguments convince me that you’re not worth my time engaging. Be happy in your Antifa cultural Marxism and I hope if you’re ever confronted by a peace officer things go well and safely for you.


“Was asking to see Kevin’s ID an unlawful order?”


Are you asking me because you don’t know or are you just being facetious?


He is just ignore him and move on he likes to see how much crap he can stir up bashing LEO


Great post @Bradley77 ! You have this guy totally figured out. I myself used the cop-hating anarchist line on him several days ago.

He may be a leftist troll trying to get us to agree with some of his crap. You know, so he could show his leftist buddies that us concealed carries hate the police.

He seems to not like military people either. He seems to think we are mindless robots that just follow orders. Proof positive that he knows jack crap about military people. I take it as an insult nonetheless.

I don’t like or trust him. I refuse to interact with him. Anyway, great post sir.


Both sides of this altercation are at fault. No question about that.

At the beginning of the stop the crime was articulated. Being in the park after dark. Even though the old guy didn’t believe it was a crime, he did violate the law. It is a victimless crime, but still a crime. Having articulated the crime, the officer does have the right to request ID. Had the old guy just given up the ID, explained what was going on, the officer would have probably let him go with a warning. The right attitude towards Law Enforcement goes a L O N G way.

Old guy badgered the officer until the officer could no longer take the abuse. He was reasonable until he was forced to become unreasonable, and that was the point where the situation turned sour as the officer did use excessive force to take a 62-year-old man into custody.

My rating on this video is a resounding “TWO THUMBS DOWN” :-1: :-1:

Shame on the old guy, shame on the cop, and that is the opinion of an old guy.


Let’s see… Ummm… No! Hell, no!

Let’s just say you don’t know all the facts of the case and don’t know what you’re looking at and leave it at that.

I don’t want to embarrass you any more than you have already.

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EVERY encounter I’ve had with police except for one was the same. Courteous, professional and uneventful, and that even included a firearm incident that was caused by me forgetting I had a gun in my briefcase.

The one incident that was not I was compliant to a fault even though the officer was a raging lunatic. I gave him NO reason to amp up any further. I did inform him that I was going to follow up with his superiors to which he arrogantly said, “Go ahead!”.

So the day after I wrote a 3 page letter to the State’s Head of public safety, the Governor and copied the Editors of two local newspapers and the AG of the state.

The officer was fired with less than two years to go on to retirement and he is now a whole chapter in the state Academy textbook showing how you can F-up your whole career in MINUTES when you pick on the wrong citizen.

There are ways of dealing with incidents that do not end up in your death if you’re not stupid…

The formula is simple. Don’t be as asshole.


SO, Ted, you post a video with an ad for some pill in the middle of it (now that’s embarrassing), give us a small percentage of the “facts” and expect us to come to the same conclusion as you, the person who theoretically has all the facts.

If you would be so kind as to share ALL the facts pertinent to this case, we may begin to see more of your side of the story.

Or not.

Ball’s in your court, Ted. Change my mind. And just because I’m and old guy also, I want you to do it without profanity or name calling.

Can you do that?


Again, the bullshit.

Even if Mr. Hinson was being an “asshole”, which he wasn’t, it doesn’t warrant a beating to near death.

Again, “I’m sorry, Sir, the park is closed (it wasn’t, but that doesn’t stop a cop from being an asshole), so you’ll have to move on”, would have been sufficient. Mr. Hinson did in fact try to do just that.

But was stopped by vicious animal for no reason other than a mentally ill pigger wanted to beat the living fu*k out of somebody.

The End


You’re not understanding the first thing about this.

I’m going to just leave you alone.

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Are you not going to try to explain it to me Ted? I will listen to well-articulated and civil reasoning.




Mmmmmmm… I’ll say it one more time… Then I’ll leave you alone…

'Good news this morning! We got him! Sgt. Clay Hilton, formerly of the Spokane Police Department is now off his paid year long police vacation and is:

'terminated and charged with Felony Second Degree Assault w/ the Aggravator Of Egregious Lack Of Remorse and Making A False Statement!

Read it again, Bruce:

'terminated and charged with Felony Second Degree Assault w/ the Aggravator Of Egregious Lack Of Remorse and Making A False Statement!

'Hilton’s Qualified Immunity is stripped. Hilton’s career as a domestic terrorist is finally over!

‘Thank you, Lord!’

There’s your explanation.

If you want more detail than that, I suggest you do some research.

Meantime I’m not the one who got Hilton into his mess. He is.

True, my partners and I helped keep up the public outcry that forced the powers that be to take notice and not sweep this one under the rug, as so many do get swept under the rug. But we did not charge him. His own people did! They, too have found him guilty as sin and have charged him for his crimes, which are, once more:

'terminated and charged with Felony Second Degree Assault w/ the Aggravator Of Egregious Lack Of Remorse and Making A False Statement!

Pig Hilton did this to himself! He wanted to play Billy-Bad-Ass and hurt someone and brag about it and got caught! Pig Hilton is a f’cking criminal! now, a felon! and defendant!.

Got it, Bruce?

Same thing would happen to you or me, had we done same.

Breaking the law warrants JUSTICE be served, not Bruce’s wishful thinking.

Bye, Pig Hilton! Have an unpleasant lockdown!

Bye, Bruce! Have a happy research and investigation!


I’m positive it’s NOT the end…


Of course not.

Now Hilton will have his trial. Then he’ll get sentenced.

The sentencing is my favorite part! Yippee!

Watch Former Piggy Daniel Holtzclaw get his sentence. Fun!

Of course Hilton won’t get it as bad as Holtzclaw, but it’ll be fun just the same!


Here’s some more former oinkers getting their sentences:

Oh! Joy! Justice being served up hot ‘n’ heavy!


Dang! The corruption just keeps on comin’ today!

Here’s another sweet, warm, kind, caring Chief O’ De PoPo who claims to have your best interests in mind.

Only that’s a lie. Of course. It always is.

“Jumpsuits are red, justice is sweet, commit a crime in Lee County and your ass will get beat.” is De Chief O’ De PoPo’s personal slogan.

Well, now he’s about to get his own ass exposed to the switch and get it beat. Enjoy.