USCCA Still banned in New York? Updates?

Thanks Johnny
and God Bless you and your family!!!


Is the problem with NY the ā€œInsuranceā€ issue? What if it were considered a fee to retain an attorney instead of an Insurance benefit?


Welcome to the family brother and itā€™s a pleasure to have you here.


Take out all of the politics in the middle and you see their end game. If you protect yourself and they canā€™t punish you criminally they will punish you economically by bankrupting you defending yourself. Anything to make gun ownership unattractive to their citizens. Was listening to a radio talk show on 2A a few years ago and serendipitously George Zimmerman called in. He said that although he successfully defended himself criminally and civilly that he was bankrupted with legal fees from the endless legal actions taken against him.


Believe me, @JOHN435, weā€™re looking at the situation from numerous different directions and pursuing the best options for responsibly armed Americans across the country.

As soon as I have anything I can share, Iā€™ll be plastering it all over the Community!


Welcome to the clubā€¦@JOHN435
My USCCA was expired in 2018 & couldnā€™t re-new in 2018 when the ban in NY started.
I started a thread back then, with no progress to date.
No newsā€¦no updates, no progress for NYā€¦


A question for someone who is in the knowā€¦ Does this also include the free membership where there are no benefits from the ā€œMurder Insuranceā€ that has the Governor in such an uproar with the NRA?


Technically itā€™s not a free membership itā€™s a free online account. There are some training materials in your dashboard and the free account gives you access to comment/like on the Community.


Thank you for the clarification @Dawn.


Updates pleaseā€¦
Nothing since July 2020ā€¦


Still waiting on updates - we know things are happening, but I do not have the official details at this point. As soon as I have anything I can share, I will!!


I was very disappointed when I got on the website and found out that New York residents were not eligible to join. Are there any new updates since Feb 21 (the last post on here)?


Iā€™ve asked before but never gotten an explanation- on what legal claim does the state of New York ban residents from joining an organization? SCOTUS recognized the freedom of association back in the 1950s, how is it that states can still tell us who we can and cannot associate with?

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Welcome to the family @Lorne2 and God bless you. I am a former New Yorker

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Welcome to the family brother @Allen5 and you are blessed to be here.

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No updates I am aware of. Your state still says no and thatā€™s that as far as I know


Hi USCCA World.

Washington State just as messed up as New York. I moved to Arizona ! God Bless Arizona ! (and Texas, Iowa, South Dakota,ā€¦)


This state has lost its mind in many things. Not sure how much longer we will be staying.


Hi Dawn, maybe NY will let USCCA sell to criminals in NY. The criminals seem to be the only people allowed to carry guns, and currently the criminals are running NY. Seriously, muck NY. I will never go back to that crime ridden cess pool.


Here is an explanation as I understand it. In NY the insurance industry is regulated by the state. NY being an anti-gun state, they will not allow the sale of self-defense insurance in the state. Grew up in Upstate NY and left 45 years ago. My whole immediate family and my wifeā€™s immediate family still live in Upstate NY. We realized that NY has nothing for us and have no desire to live there. Just like itā€™s illegitimate cousin CA, itā€™s a beautiful state but it is overtaxed, overregulated, itā€™s a sanctuary city and state, its beholden to the left wing and too liberal for my blood. Just like the problem with LA pretty much negating the votes from outside the city NY suffers the same problem NYC voting pretty much negating Upstate. To some people thats not a problem, Iā€™m not one of those people! YMMV