USCCA SAves Lives

Have you been inundated with USCCA Saves Lives emails like I have. I replied to one of the emails from Mike Lowney and also sent another email to Tim Schmidt with this question but both emails were bounced. It takes a certain kind of person to send you multiple emails and then not except your replay.
I am a NRA Patron Like and Ring of Freedom member. Not totally satisfied with NRA lately with the reports of squandering lots of money and no clear response by management. I haven’t and won’t for the future write a check until NRA deals openly with these issues.
That said the NRA is the voice of gun owners and champion protector of our 2nd amendment rights. NRA has been the unified voice for a long time and have done a pretty darn good job at it!
My question to Mike Lowery and USCCA in general is do we need another voice and doesn’t having another lobbying organization actually detract from our unified voice of the NRA.
Why do we need USCCA Saves Lives?
What is it going to do that NRA doesn’t or what is it going to do that is better?
Doesn’t USCCA Saves Lives really dilute the gun unified voice?


You answered your own question. The more voice’s the better. :us:


The more targets for the anti-freedom forces to attack the better too. There can never be too many 2nd Amendment rights groups.


I blocked the USCCA stuff. NRA is a club sponsor, GOA and FPC my “donate to” gun rights organization s, and USCCA my legal defense group. Sticking to that, based on historical effectivity of each group by my observations. USCCA was so freaking late to the chipman party, and the signature link going to donation first just burned that bridge to my checkbook.


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