USCCA Members We Need Your Feedback!

I joined for several reasons. Knowing I had a group of like minded individuals in my corner was instrumental to me. The issues that USCCA stand for are very important.

I joined mainly for the insurance and legal advice but got so much more in training and fellowship.

Joined as the reluctant wife, and wound up being an enthusiast! The insurance was foremost on my list of priorities but the information, education and training have had a great influence in my motivation, purpose and confidence in carrying. Thank you!


I joined, primarily, for the insurance. I feel the magazine is excellent. It’s read every month, cover to cover.

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I joined to learn more about protecting for myself and my home.

My husband passed away in May of 2020 and now I am alone. I

As a retired Federal Agent who carries LEOSA creds, I needed the legal backing should I be put into a situation to engage with deadly force.

I thought that will all that USCCA had to offer this was a great deal, As many have said the insurance is a great benefit but enjoy the magazine and all the other educational material which is brought up. It is necessary to be with community as things are changing rapidly and we need all the support possible.

I am impress by all the info offered not to mention being new to conceal carry I wanted the insurance coverage and legal help if ever needed

For me the deciding factor was the Insurance, training, and education. Not just one thing. I know no one else who has joined USCCA, several should but never did. My Daughter planned to but ended up dying of a blood clot instead.

I joined for the insurance, however discovered so many more benefits like the training videos and the magazine

I joined USCCA after getting the CCP. The reciprocity map is my favorite thing about USCCA because it helps me to stay informed of current state laws and keep track of which liberal states not to visit at all.

I came here for the insurance but have got so much more from USCCA

I joined the USCCA because I wanted to protect myself from legal issues in the unfortunate event that I may have to use my weapon to protect myself or my family. All of the training materials and information are an awesome bonus.

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Started with a recommendation from family, but joined because of the excellent benefits and company who stands behind their business and their clients.

The ethos of the company was the deciding factor for me. The value and principles were in direct alignment with mine.

My initial reason for joining was actually a specific legal case. I was in the process of getting my CCW when I heard about a case here in my town where a citizen with a CCW made an offhand joke about killing himself (bad joke, yes) that was overheard by an employee at a therapist’s office. She called the police, who then pulled him over. What followed was a nightmare of trampled rights. The individual had his entire firearms collection confiscated. Despite being evaluated and going before a judge, who ordered the city to return his property, the city is appealing and demanding they be allowed to destroy his firearms. This case made me realize how critical legal defense is for gun owners. In this day & age the police and city government are not your friends. Without adequate legal representation you may find your rights are merely suggestions to them.

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I joined because of the liability insurance and stayed because of the community. It’s nice to be able to have a conversation on different topics and they are great at getting the answers for you. I also paid for my daughter’s membership so she can be protected and all the benefits too. Thanks for all y’all do.:pray:


`I really enjoy the opportunity to learn more about weapons safety and the amount of training that is available. I have had extensive weapons training during the late 1960s into the 70s, 80s with the Navy and Army systems from handguns to 105 mm Howitzers. Most recently from 2003 to 2019 weapons training with the Indiana Dept of Corrections. I was trained to use, defend, and retain a handgun issued to me for the purpose of offender transport to various locations. The DOC also trained me and others on the legal use of weapons during the course of our employment. We received training on the use of Pepper Spray, Shotgun, (Rem 870), Mini 14, and the AR 15. I really enjoy the magazines’ articles, especially how others have defended themselves and their family with a weapon. I have peace of mind when traveling about the country with my weapons.

My life was threatened in the summer between my junior and senior year of college. I got a concealed carry permit and a sig p365 within the week of this person threatening to track me down and kill me. After I graduated college I knew that I wouldn’t be able to afford a lawyer and I wouldn’t be able to win any legal battles if I would have to use the gun on the person who promised me that they would take my life. I signed up for USSCA and I am really grateful for this type of insurance. It gives me a peace of mind knowing at least one person is on my side.


Definitely the Liability insurance was my first driving force and I highly recommend the training resource’s, along with the fact that every time I ever needed to contact you folks you were quick to respond and right on point!