Have you read this article in the USCCA Magazine? Self-defense is just the start of things happening. This article covers a lot of good information. I know we all talk about the range and training, but it is the aftermath training that I see that will be the hardest part of a self-defense situation.
This article covers the incident, the aftermath, the call, the second call to USCCA, the police interactions, (to which is very informative) then another perspective, evidence and witnesses, ask for an attorney, and stay calm.
We all hope we never have to deal with such a tragic ordeal but in reality, these things do happen, and we should be prepared for as much as we can to do all that is right and proper within all of our capabilities in hope for the best outcome. In this case we are on part one of this article and being charged with murder is the last part of this article.
What are your thoughts of this article? What are your experiences?
My experience? The difference between saying you’ll pull a gun to defend you and your own and actually finding yourself at low ready and about to engage is night and day.
Even when you do everything right. You can still find yourself handcuffed in the back of a police car and have your life turned upside down.
If you want to find out what I’m talking about turn to page 76 in the current issue.
That is so true! The whole how would you react is far different from the experience of being there and doing that and how it runs its path is probably far from what a person may expect.