They are freaking poisoning us…

We’ve opened the gates and now we have millions of people here in the USA with questionable backgrounds and even foreign agents of enemy nations.

Food companies are infamous for hiring illegals because of the cheap cost of labor. If you don’t believe me just use your preferred search engine, I’m not doing your homework for you.

For those that don’t follow the news, there are multiple nationwide food recalls in progress RIGHT now. Prominent one being Boars Head, a premier and wildly popular purveyor of deli meats. But there are quite a few more popping up almost daily now. Listeria, botulism and e-coli are EASY to introduce during unsupervised parts of the food handling process as you can easily see by the frequency of the incidents. How long before it’s Fentanyl…

Just bringing attention to this as my way of saying BE CAREFUL!!! The attack on our country is active and will only get worse as we progress towards the elections, and will get worse if some folks don’t get the heads out of their ass and vote for a cleanup solution.


Good observation, and thanks for posting this. Very good points.


Usually, I might say Enzo you may be over reacting a bit here.
But these day’s w/ the opposition posting a Harris/Tampon ticket
They are acting increasingly desperate.
.gov Tim isn’t even out of the gate long and he may be DONE BEFORE the DNC Dumpster Fire on the 19th. NASTY times we live in=Protect your family.
Don’t take ANYTHING for granted. If a proposal, .gov initiative is instigated
don’t fall for it.
Now is the time they will open up their purse strings and BUY the Election once again.

It may get loud folk’s, Please prepare.


Trust me brother, I NEVER over react. If anything I need a nuclear bomb sometimes to set me off. There is hardly a day going by now that I do not read an article about food recalls… And now in the city I live in almost every day we have a random highway shooting of folks just driving around on the interstate minding their own business with zero suspects. I avoid the highways like the plague now, especially at night. Just like lotto, the odds are low, BUT, someone will win the prize.

I have been on this earth for a few years and I have NEVER seen this before. Head on a swivel at all times and we might just make it to the cleanup.


As you just pointed out: SCARY TIMES INDEED.
Highway’s? Not on your life anymore.
South Valley? NYET!
Oh, you want me to cross the river (rio grande)
to get to work? Hardly.
As Mr. Eastwood once said:’ A Man’s got to know his limitations’.
And Traveling around my little city, Highway? Job Hunting? I stick close.
Living on savings now, I just don’t care.
I will lessen the risk of (Apply anything negative you like here). By not venturing
past the comfort zones of my Westside area (for now). Too dangerous.
I’m not hiding, I’m using an ABUNDANCE of caution.
Honestly? I expected to be HIT already. A Black Swan, Floyd-like riots, Political unrest…

Watch your sixx folk’s.
The only one protecting your A** is YOU!



On the look out for signs of bourbon tampering. :tumbler_glass:


Tyson recently admitted to hiring immigrants to do the jobs “Americans won’t do.” Just another excuse for open borders. In addition, Tyson has reached an agreement with Protix, the leading global insect ingredients company. YUM! No telling what we’re eating now and especially in the future. And they’re not alone. Unfortunately this topic is very real and very scary. Maybe they’re planning on replacing children fried steak with chicken fried crickets. They’re sabotaging our meat industry to bring this into play. It’s no joke, they are freaking poisoning us.


Tyson is a LEADING offender and they have been caught many times hiring illegals AND child labor!!! I won’t buy their overpriced crap products. I try to buy local small farmers products whenever I can.


Me too, and rum, let’s not forget good rum!!!


The good news is that their own chickens have come to roost. I CAN’T wait to see the protests they will generate at the DNC Convention caused by the far left lunatics they have fed for decades and now believe their party is not left leaning enough. Should be a “riot” literally and figuratively.

Actually I’m kind of expecting them to just announce that since Kamala is the heir apparent they will skip the convention outright for “security reasons” and then blame it on MAGA extremists instead of their own spawn…


I am TOTALLY expecting these Criminals to change the rules!
I’m expecting a MAJOR DISTRACTION! real soon,

They need to stir the disenfranchised into action once more (a little turn N Burn Chicago style>) The more Kamala and Tim talk the more their Sheeple see they are NOT the ones…


They could always build a wall…:rofl::joy::scream::sunglasses: around Chicago!

Should be more exciting than the Olympics! How peaceful can it get?

I know they can do better, we have the technology!

Already placed my order!


And they will…
If they Loose, MAGA Did it.
If they Win, MAGA Did it.
If they riot, MAGA Did it.


Biden and the rest of his idiot followers are the ONLY people in this country that could try to make Make America Great Again into some sort of an insult.

Just for that one, F’em… ALL of them…


Don’t even joke about that!


You guys need to do more Bourbon testing; Scotch distillers need the barrels, and I prefer Scotch. :sunglasses:


Assuming there will be “mostly peaceful protests” outside the DNC, and Chicago burns, it will get NO press coverage and Americans won’t know the real story. I remember a bunch of large scale violent pro-Hamas protests that I only learned about reading here, didn’t even see it on the news. Not a peep. I had to go digging for the story after I saw someone mention them.


This is what gets me. Making America Great Again is supposedly some evil plot? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
And we’re supposed to believe that half the country thinks so?
I know otherwise intelligent people that believe the dems are going to save us from the evil that is MAGA. Brainwashed by the view, morning joe, cnn, and you know the rest.
Do libs know that they are being poisoned also? I guess not unless the liberal media tells them so.


This is the truth. But not the whole truth. The NWOrder is behind this invasion and much of the global unrest. Just like the 5 or so families that own the US Federal Reserve, their are just a few thousand people (that do not want you to know who they are) who own 75%+ of the worlds wealth. Who do you think carries the US’s debt, China?! No way! This video on R umble (“Who Owns The World?”) is a foundational starting point to learning this information. MONOPOLY - Who owns the world? [MUST SEE]


THEY own the worlds food industry, and thus control the supply. “Control the food supply, and you control the people.” -Henry Kissenger Bill Gates is a foot soldier in their effort. Bill Gates is rapidly buying up much of America’s farmland. Yes, the same Bill Gates that vaksinated* Africa, and the world during Covid. The same Bill Gates that stated on video he wants population reduction, and who’s parents were eugenicists in the NWO.