They are freaking poisoning us…

And if you had ANY doubts we are under attack from within:

FBI, police investigating placement of multiple explosive devices in Hawaii after SUV destroyed!!!

And STILL people have their head up their ass and will vote agains “orange man” so as to continue the complete decay into 3rd world status for the USA.


I always thought MAGA was a great slogan. It is what America needs. The democratic party and politicians had to make it evil to even come close to winning an election. And they did what they set out to do. Make it something bad and tell their constituents a lie about how bad their lives will become. That’s why they got such a large turnout in the last election. That is why they won. Hopefully, but not expectedly, some of the democrats will switch votes. Either way, the people that think this country should be great, whether now or again, will have to get out and vote.


These are Velociraptors testing the fences. They have not gotten serious yet. If the were able to introduce listeria they can add Fentanyl to a food item production line and kill thousands in a day…


They appropriate and destroy everything they see as a threat. Remember when Nationalism (literally loving your country and acting in the best interest of the USA first) was a good word?

Then they started using it to describe neo-Nazi groups.


Actually, they “Won” by manipulating the results of the electronic voting, and used “Mules” to stuff hundreds of thousands of ballots into the ballot boxes for mail in voting.


All that is, is a company saying we don’t want to pay Americans a decent wage and pocket the difference. Cheap ass bastards. Gubment wants to talk about minimum wage but they never talk about getting Americans hired. It’s all about the money. Keep it from you and more for them.


Yes I do. They do know how to turn a phrase. The problem, to me, is the right doesn’t seem to fight back nearly as hard as the left does. The left will make up anything to win and hope they don’t get caught until after they have won the election. After all these years it seems like they would learn but I doubt it. They will forget how bad the economy was after Biden took over. They already have forgotten the pandemic and the fact that the vaccine was made in record time during the Trump admin and saved the lives of millions when it was passed out during the Biden admin. I used to think, long, long ago, that politics was no more than differing ideas about how to get to the same basic goal. But then, I woke up!


boiled down all the arguments/ Threats/Fear mongering etc. comes down to this.
We are doomed if we don’t get rid of these Criminals and get our heads out of our aXXes!
They STOLE the last Election (we did nothing)
They ILLEGALLY bankrolled Ukraine (we did nothing)
This administration Sold us out to multiple foreign enemies * We did nothing)
(notice a trend here folks?)
But they tried to KILL TRUMP! That was my breaking point w/ these Elite F**KS!

DRAIN THE SWAMP! NOW! (or we will never see peace)


1-All that is saying CORPORATIONS DO NOT have to pay Americans because the government does not MAKE them do it and the public does not care as long as they get cheap chicken.

2-Corporations do NOT “pocket the change”, they move it down in salaries, investments, benefits, real estate, utilities, social programs (yes plenty of companies invest heavily in those) and value for their investors based on stock price and sometimes dividends. Thinking that “corporations” pocket money is about as nave as it gets and the battle cry of the liberal mind that has bought into the “fight against the rich” glossy brochure that is so anti-American it borders on treason.

Idiots in government want to talk about minimum wage because it’s a talking point that resonates with the core constituency, mainly uneducated voters that do not understand economics.

NO PART OF THIS has anything to do with minimum wages. No one that feeds chickens for a living or takes fries out of a frier at McDonalds should make $15 an hour. Thats just absolute nonsense!

What it is ALL about is with complete lack of accountability from the current government. If a company or individual (how many here have Paco and Julio who speak no English mowing their lawn) was fined $1,000,000 for every illegal they hire they would SWIFTLY do whatever they need to do to hire American Citizens. But when given an option WITHOUT CONSEQUENCES, EVERYONE in the world will always pick the lower cost alternative.

AND OF COURSE IT IS ABOUT THE MONEY! It’s called Capitalism, another word the liberals have appropriate as a bad thing along with all the others that used to define America.


I’ll add, Say something about illegals working anywhere and the left will scream “RACIST!!!”…


Ding ding ding ding ding! THAT! Nailed it in a nut shell!


Why I am working on becoming independently wealthy. Not having much success at the moment. If I can get rich enough I won’t give a pluck what they do. Just Trump does. He’s so rich they can only pluck with him and his family. But one day the worm will turn like it did in the 1770s.


Wish you the best of luck becoming “independently wealthy”, it is after all THE American dream. Then you can join the rest of us that the idiot left 40% of his country hates.

Let’s not forget thatTrump was already wealthy beyond comprehension when he ran the first time. He truly had NO incentive to become a public servant, he wanted to clean the Washington swamp and they have made sure he felt their hatred.

The Bidens, the Obama, The Clintons, the Pelosis, the Schumers, AOC and the rest of the squad, (and this list could go for hours and miles) have made themselves rich while in government working for their own well being and interests peddling their influence to anyone that will give them a dollar, NOT the American people.


I’m not saying the corps keep the cash but rather the executives do. Just like a glutton that can’t get enough to eat, these executives can’t get enough money and will kill anybody that gets in their way.

It’s a distraction from holding them accountable. Give people just enough to live but not enough to thrive.

Why they sent all the jobs overseas. You live here in the US and eventually you and your family will move up the ladder. They can’t have that. Once you get a taste of freedom, you don’t want to let it go. Send the jobs overseas where there is no freedom, bribe the leaders of that country and you and your company are set for life.

Of course it’s all about the money and always has been for 1,000s of years. People are selfish and many like to see others suffer. Until there is something to break the cycle as our forefathers did it’s only going to repeat generation after generation.


Government will never be the one that breaks the cycle because it’s totally populated by selfish people (therefore The Swamp). We have extracted God and Patriotism out of the equation so we are left with hoards of individuals that can only think of “What can I do for myself today.” without a thought as to how they affect others.

And those evil Corporate executives that make all that money are the ones that fuel real estate sales, buy cars, use mechanics, go to restaurants where the employees make “living wages” as opposed to McDonalds, use car washes, pay people to cut their lawn, keep boats in Marinas, fuel the travel industry, make decisions every day about how to grow a company so they can increase hiring, launch more product and create more and better jobs. HOW DARE THEM!!!

And you know how they become rich corporate executives? By working 60+ hour weeks at a massive personal sacrifice for the benefit of their families so they can have a better life and lifestyle. You know how one becomes one? You go to school and work HARD! But a ver small percentage of the population has the personal fortitude to do so, and yet they still feel entitled to the benefits without the pain.

I once had to listen to the dumb bitch that used to cut my hair (that by the way charged a ridiculous amount of money but I went with her because my wife insisted) basically complain about all the “rich people” that were moving into the area, an affluent gated community full of those “executives”.

I asked her how many of these folks were her customers? She said most of them. Then I asked how many “poor” people could afford her haircuts. She turned red when she figured out she had walked into a trap. I then told her, “Don’t you think it’s really stupid to bitch about all the folks that are sustaining you business and basically feeding you?”. That was the last time I spoke to her…


We all need to get out and vote. Everyone. The more legitimate votes, the harder it will be to cheat.


The vaccine was dangerous until sleepy joe and the ho took office, then it became life saving and mandatory.


That’s it. They take credit for something no matter what the evidence says. Vaccines normally take 5 to seven years to develop and test. A large part of the world could have died during that time. And Joe was sitting in his basement campaigning. It was miraculous to me that he started taking credit for something he had nothing to do with.


Most people never believe anything past their indoctrination and most often when you show them the hypocrisy of it, you’re the bad guy. They prefer the darkness over the light.


Gives a whole new meaning to Frosted Flakes!