They are freaking poisoning us…

agree… it can be very difficult to free a happy slave…


I’d avoid any consumable from a company called Boar’s Head.

Regarding the election, tRump’s at it again…making baseless accusations…just as he did in 2020…right before he LOST!!

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Could you expound on that a little more…? What do you consider “questionable”…?

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Google is your friend. There are THOUSANDS of these.


Coming to America looking for a better life for their families…



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You,… you’re joking right?

You don’t see the relevance to his first post that you yourself asked for clarification on?

I’m just a dumb truck driving freedom loving gun nut, but even I can make that connection


So…just people illegally in the country. Cool!

I have no issues with your objection.

Thanks for clarifying and not hating on law abiding citizens with whom you may not necessarily agree.

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I refuse to deal with Tyson, they are known to many as the chicken mafia. Setting people in business just to rip em off.


Welcome to the Fold Brother Gary
Good first post Sir.


“Chilar expanded its recall of ground cinnamon with high levels of lead and again suggested suppliers are mixing the poisonous metal into the spice.”


No illegals that have not been vetted and we have zero knowledge of the history, criminal records or intentions.

The key word here is “ILLEGALLY”. No one can (should?) really be that freaking dense…


It still boggles the mind the people …

DON’T SEE! by now
The systematic destruction of what the United States of America was all about.
*Abundant Food Supply
*Laws and Reason
These Criminals are now bringing up COMMUNISM…NOT JUST SOCIALISM. COMMUNISM!
And No one says Boo?
Harris is being compared to STALIN! by the Washington Post and
there’s NO push back?
This just PROVES MY POINT THAT NO ONE IN .gov is Clean and UNBOUGHT (is that a real word?)
IF we let these Fkers get away with another stolen Election…
If they succeed in destroying our Farmers/Crops/Food Supply
We will HAVE to Outsource hard earned dough to get F
kin’ BEANS!
This .gov isn’t CORRUPT, IT’s EVIL.
Obummer, Clit-ons, Bidets will all be in Chicago tomorrow…"MAKE IT RAIN FOLK’S!‘’


Some on here brought this up several years ago (2020), myself included and we were shot down as “chicken littles”. :roll_eyes:


We have brought all the third world problems right through our front door. Crime in a bunch of countries that are considered “Dumpster Fires” is way down because their jails have been dumped into the USA and they are now everywhere…


@Gary524 Welcome to the community!


Not who’s “dense”, given that I stated I agreed with your clarified statement. :man_shrugging:t5:

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Thanks for this thread. Enzo_T and all the replies show the focus and depth of the USCCA Community’s situational awareness extending past the personal defense and safety microcosm to our gravely endangered late stage republic. I think voting is nothing more than a “suggestion box” toward solutions.

“I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this…who will count the votes, and how”- Joseph Stalin (1923)

After Stalin’s death in 1953, our CIA established the still active Operation Mockingbird for psyop information, and the deep cover MK Ultra for mind control experiments. In 2012 Barry Soetoro introduced the Smith/Mundt Modernization Act, effectively allowing both government and media not only to hide the truth but flat out lie. All revealed, up front, legal, binding.

In the wake of those developements came digital votus interruptus programs Scorecard, Servis, Total Vote, Albert Censors, Center For Internet Security, etc. Operatives with a cell phone can download a program disguised as ‘analysis’ or ‘security’ that can get on digital vote reporting data streams between the precinct sources and final tabulation centers and change the results as desired. Feel free to look at the numbers from 2020 and spin that.

National or state elections? Are they just suggestion boxes for what Dennis Miller describes as the “Free Crap Olympics” ? Voting is an important responsibiilty. I choose to vote for candidates that demonstrate a fiscally responsible performance record. But hey, there’s Joe Stalin, the three-letter agencies, Barry, the deep state, and big tech control mechanisms involved, and we are not going to vote our way out of this. -Stay vigilant.

type or paste code here

And not just the food supply. We are now seeing outbreaks of diseases that were considered eradicated in our country forcing the FDA to approve nifty little new products like this at-home test for syphilis.

First at-home syphilis antibody test gets FDA authorization as STD cases spike in US

Polio, measles and a bunch of other diseases are spiking all over the country thanks to being imported through Joe and Kamala’s open border.