Texas School Shooting

Ok challenge accepted,

  • MTI’s latest tally shows 184 vehicle ramming attacks since 1963; 128 (70% of the these) have occurred since January 1, 2014.

A LAW suspending the 2A would never hold up, let alone an executive order. The only way to get rid of the 2A is to amend The Constitution…and that’s not going to happen.


Its impossible to prove a negative, if there are no guns like in the UK then you cannot gain any information on the possible saves via defensive firearms.

Very true that,

If anything the past 30 years have been a 2A strengthening,

The buzz with New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen is that many of the current gun laws will be hit hard.

For a group that keeps on wining at every level of the system, who so paranoid?

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Defensive firearm uses are not a negative. They are a thing.

Would you share with us how many of those there are in the US each year vs “other industrialized countries”?

But, you may be right, in that there may be hundreds of thousands in the US each year, and zero in the UK. Not a very balanced scale there, is it…hundreds of thousands (or maybe only tens of thousands?) vs 0

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Which federal laws have been “winning”?

PS: Many states have passed more restrictive gun laws in the last 5-10 years. You should do some more research. :wink:

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When I first got married I thought my wife was trying to poison me. Over the years I’ve realized that her meatloaf is SUPPOSED to taste that way.


To be clear, are you claiming that the mass murders with a firearm, and the listed vehicle ramming attacks, combine to form the entirety of Europe’s “mass murders”? Because that was the question posed

How far back are we going with Europe’s mass murders by the way? 'cause, I can think of some BIG ones, not committed via firearm…


Which states have passed more restrictive laws v more open laws, As I see it now, I can CCW across a greater swath of the USA then previously.

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It’s not really that curious. The left interprets each event separately and spins it to whatever they believe is their political advantage.

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Wining at the state level, and the SCOTUS is about to cause a world of hurt on most gun control laws in places like NY, CA and IL.


In the past 5-10 years, new gun control laws have been passed by


Just off the top of my head

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This seems to have been missed

You say “more guns”

But, a question for you:

When the shooter/murderer showed up at the school, other than the murderer’s, how many guns were present?

Was it…0?

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“Arkansas, Iowa, Montana, Tennessee, Texas and Utah this year enacted what gun rights advocates often refer to as “constitutional carry” measures. A legislative priority for groups such as the National Rifle Association, 21 states now have such measures in place”

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Are you going to acknowledge the many states I listed, and likely others, that have passed gun control laws in recent years?

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Seems that the murderer was engaged outside of the building by LE, so some guns where there…

Yes of course the usual suspects, excepting Vermont, their constitution has a right to arms built in…

To be clear, you are claiming LE was present at the school with guns when the murderer showed up?

That is your claim, yes?

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Great points. I know I’m only one person. This past week has given me great pause to think about mental health care. If we dedicate our resources to that cause, it could be a way to keep more of our firearm freedoms, while reducing sentinel events.

I noticed a few in this community work in mental health already. I wonder, could the entire firearm and or 2A community end up becoming a staunch steward of stronger mental health care? Never thought that could be the case, but “What if”? I’d be proud!

Has the reporting changed?