Symbols Look Familiar?

These were on a Little Caesars about a quarter mile from my house today. I’m not familiar with them but curious if anybody else here was familiar by chance?


Does not look good. Best case is that it’s some low-life gangbanger tagging his territory. Meanwhile, the property owner has to clean the paint off his wall.

City livin’


I did a quick search and maybe refers to a high ranking in Sumo wrestling “champion”. But that didn’t have the reticle looking “O”.


Local law enforcement could probably tell you


I don’t use many symbols, but when I do…they’re usually Ω or ‽.

So many people use symbols and don’t even know what they mean.


When I was in Japan, I was called Yokozuna by the Japanese. I never knew what it meant except a girl over there told me it meant to give me much respect and honor. I had a lot of fun over there singing Japanese Karaoke in the late 80’s.


Late 80s…the beginning of the end. So glad that I grew up when I did!


The symbols appear to be Pagan. Further search with that in mind. :thinking:

A pentagram (sometimes known as a pentalpha, pentangle, or star pentagon) is a regular five-pointed star polygon, formed from the diagonal line segments of a convex (or simple, or non-self-intersecting) regular pentagon. Drawing a circle around the five points creates a similar symbol referred to as the pentacle,[1] which is used widely by Wiccans and in paganism, or as a sign of life and connections. The word “pentagram” refers only to the five-pointed star, not the surrounding circle of a pentacle.

Pentagrams were used symbolically in ancient Greece and Babylonia. Christians once commonly used the pentagram to represent the five wounds of Jesus.

The word pentagram comes from the Greek word πεντάγραμμον (pentagrammon),[2] from πέντε (pente), “five” + γραμμή (grammē), “line”.[3] The word pentagram refers to just the star and the word pentacle refers to the star within a circle, although there is some overlap in usage.[4] The word pentalpha is a 17th-century revival of a post-classical Greek name of the shape.[5]

Sun Wheel Symbol

The Sun Wheel is an ancient symbol featuring an equal-armed cross within a circle. It is quite a popular spiritual symbol that has been discovered in the iconography and religious art of a number of prehistoric cultures across the world. It is also known by the alternative names of Sun Cross, Wheel Cross, Solar Cross, Pagan Cross, Woden’s Cross and Odin’s Cross

Throughout history, the Sun has always been worshipped and considered to be all-powerful, supreme and a preserver. It is supposed to control the actions and impact of the planets as well as their moons. The Sun Wheel symbol is believed to invoke the great cosmic powers to bless the Earth with fertility, life, abundance, prosperity, and peace. The cross in the Sun Wheel divides the circle with four parts, which are said to be representative of the solar calendar and are marked by the solstices. They symbolize the four annual seasons that have a very significant influence on the agricultural cycles.

The simple symbol of the Sun Wheel lends itself to several interpretations. Its divisions are also said to stand for the four cardinal directions – East, West, North, and South. Giving an astrological symbolism to the icon, the divisions signify the four identities of life-self, intellectual, emotional and the actual manifestation.

Sun Wheel


Sometimes, people just like a symbol. Here’s one from a riding trip years back.

Nazi discotec? Yea, no.

One of the oldest symbols made by humans, the swastika dates back some 6,000 years to rock and cave paintings. Scholars generally agree it originated in India . With the emergence of the Sanskrit language came the term ‘swastika’, a combination of ‘su’, or good, and ‘asti’, to be; in other words, well-being.

Pentagrams look great from an artistic standpoint, and who doesn’t like scary movies? Seems like yet another reason to cause grief between people.


Yes, the pentagram and sun wheel are pagan, and they are no joke. We had a teenaged female homicide victim found naked with several pentagrams carved in her breasts with a razor. Unfortunately, it remained an open case so the photos remained year after year.

No, I don’t like scary (horror) movies because I know better.

The swastika is forever owned by Hitler, and also is no joke.


I wonder if you looked anything like the Japanese actors in movies like Godzilla when they dubbed English over the Japanese. :rofl:


I had to sing Japanese songs in Japanese because it had not come to America yet.


With my limited search the letters seem to be Greek. The (sun wheel) shows up in Ancient Greek as Theta, all the other letters are there, I just couldn’t find a translation. It’s all Greek To Me…


Did a quick search on this place and found this:




It definitely is not. In the USA, yeah, we don’t know any better.


Like dogs pissing on a hydrant!


There’s always HOPE Brothers and Sisters


Justa Sayin’

It’s the most Wonderful time of the year…