Sure You Want To Carry?

One of the best reasons NOT to carry a gun?


Driver runs red light. Cop pulls him over. Cop asks if he has any weapons. Driver says he’s carrying a gun and has a permit for it and continues to comply with all officer commands.

Cop commands him out of the car. Driver complies. Female cop runs over to the driver and yanks his pistol out of his holster and shoots him in the leg.

So if you did this to yourself and called for help, you’d likely get arrested or cited for negligent discharge or something like that.

But since a cop did this, they did a press conference to make themselves look good, saying the man the cop shot was still being charged with running a red light and this shooting up of his leg was, “Just an accident. We have thoroughly investigated ourselves in this matter and found no wrongdoing.”

Of course.

See kids? No biggie. When a cop does it, it’s an “accident”. But when you do it, it’s “negligent and criminal activity.”


Man, this is pretty messed up. That’s one of my fears carrying.
He should asked the officer to remove the gun with holster, that’s what I was tought.


I almost never carry anymore because of things like this; after a lifetime of never going anywhere without one of my revolvers.

The cops are too far gone in this country any longer. Too risky. They’re just too unpredictable and absolutely violent.

Your chances of getting hurt or killed by a cop in this country are now more likely than it happening at the hands of a crook. The world laughs at us because of our cops and how out of control they are.

I still carry from time to time however. I keep my permit up so I can keep doing what I like when I like.


It sad but true, I think the issue is yes, our cops are out of control, plus evry department is understaffed big time, which puts bunch of rockies that are unware and untrained in serious positions.


Cop reassigned? DEI hire? Sue the department… Tax dollars will pay and the DEI hire will keep his/her job anyway. Is this a great country or what :wink:


The lawsuit is filed already. As far as the rest of it, I don’t know.


I blame the guy with the gun in creating this situation… He broke the law and is carry a firearm too.

I carry all the time, I make sure I extra follow the law when I am driving or out in the public.

Carrying in not a fad, it is a life style for responsible grown up men or women. If you are not looking to interact with LEO, do not give them a reason.

Another point, I am invisible when I carry and act normal like any other day even when I am not carrying.

If you choose not to carry cause of these situations you read about, then do not, but most of these situations occur when someone is breaking the law or shinning a light onto themselves.

You will not coward down on your 1st amendment and use that mouth with no reguard, then why do you coward down and let these situations make you coward down on your 2nd amendment.

Stay strong, always carry, and obey the law!!


Not at all, just another dumb female cop getting hostile and out of hand, as usual. We know this already because the cops have refused to release the body cam footage thus far. That’s always a sure sign they are desperate to cover their tracks and blame the victim.

It’ll happen to you. You’ll slip up or meet the wrong cop (I can’t wait!).

Then you’ll know.

People like you think no cop can do any wrong ever.

Boy, are you in for a big surprise!

The cops will be quick to pay him off and try to cover up their stupidity and make this guy go away. We’ll get all body cam footage soon enough and you’ll see.

The proof is in the pudding in the these cases always.

Don’t try to protect cops around me. You’ll get zero sympathy.

I’ll follow this case and square you away when they pay him off and he walks away with your tax bucks.

This one was too easy.

I have been studying cops for decades. Stick around. You’ll learn something.

And, no, we don’t always obey the law. If it’s an unjust law – I break it.

But, you don’t have to take my word for it, watch the amazing Officer Izzo lay it down for us. In this scene, correction officers kill a man in cold blood, beating him to death while he’s handcuffed on a gurney.

But let me warn you, it’s not easy to watch. Only real men can handle this sort of scene. Not for cowards nor the feint of heart, so watch at your own risk… If you think you got the balls.


It all started by that individual deciding to break the law by running the red light.
You are not the victim if you create the circumstance that cause you this situation!!

There are some cops that are bad just like bad teachers or politicians.

Those bad ones do not determine that the rest are bad as well.

I know for sure there are bad and incompetent individuals than there are bad cops, teachers and politicians.

Maybe common sense starts with us before we can assume that others have it to.

The best way to avoid those encounters with the LEO, is to not break the law. I CHOOSE THAT ROUTE!!!

Stay strong, always carry and obey the law!!


I mean, i get your point… but uv never accidentally went through a red light, missed a stop sign, took a turn and realized ur on a one way, went lil over the speed limit, nothing like that? Running from the police, or doing something stupid and illegal is another story of course…


ok so i carry everyday i have been stopped asked if i have a firearm i gave the officer all the papers i needed to and was not asked to get out or disarmed and did not get a ticket. so my take on him being shot is the police officers are both at fault he was doing as they said they had no reason to get him out of the car or disarm him and don’t give me that tired reason officer safety that’s just bs in my book.


Man, that video is sick.


The whole point to this, in my mind anyway, began even before he was asked to get out of the car.

What for?

They knew already he had a permit. He had no criminal record and was 100% compliant.

WTF did he need get out of the car for or be hassled AT ALL? Just tell him, “Keep your hands on the wheel and off the pistol while I write your ticket, please.”

“Yes, Sir” would have been the reply, ticket signed, driver on his merry way, State gets the payday. But instead, the way the cops did it, the State’s getting sued and the taxpayer has to pay out – again – and the public isn’t “kept safe” by the cops – but kept in danger by the cops! which is antithetical to all bullcrap cop claims of “serving the public”. Yeah, they’re “serving” all right.

What is the point in having the gun permit then if all it’s going to do is get you in trouble, hassled, shot by the very cops who gave it to you?

I can tell you right now, he was pulled out of the car and messed with for two reasons: he’s Black and the cops were profiling him and power- tripping on him.

Racial profiling and power-tripping are two things cops do daily and deny – and the public denies it as well.

If I were this guy, I would NEVER carry a gun. He’s just the guy the cops are looking for to f’k with.

They found him.

Because, after all, kids, a cop is nothing more than a dog looking for a bone. And this hardass girl boss cop saw a bone and went for it like the rabid racist idiot she really is and shot a man recklessly, carelessly and with ZERO thought for the safety of this citizen whatsoever.

And I guarantee you all these dumb cops are laughing their heads off over this behind the scenes. They could care less. They bear no responsibility for nearly anything they do and it doesn’t cost them a thing.


Yes, cops are sick and sickening.


Joe Rogan brought up the issue of concealed carry on one of his podcasts. In reference to a friend of his who carries, he expressed concern that if you carry a gun, you might be psychologically susceptible to exposing yourself to situations where you might be justified in drawing your weapon instead of diffusing or escaping a situation.
I live in a virtually crime free beach town, where the standard dress code consists of swim trunks and t-shirts. As a result, concealed carry is impractical. While I don’t carry in my home turf, I’m fully strapped when travelling outside of my safe bubble in regular street clothes.
While I realize that the bad guys chose the time and place of attack, the chances of it happening near my home are between slim and none so I feel as if I’ve reached a reasonable compromise.
I doubt that I’m an exception. Anybody else facing similar circumstances and using a similar solution?


As a general rule, my experience with LEOs has been very positive, so a story like this isn’t exactly going to get me thinking twice about carrying or even informing an officer that I’m carrying if I was pulled over.

However, I also used to frequent a training facility called “Front Sight” where I ran into a lot of LEOs who were an absolute disaster with their pistol handling and marksmanship. I always wondered if their supervisors sent them to Front Sight specifically to fix those issues. I don’t know how some of them made it through the academy and are then being sent daily into situations where they’re far more likely to draw their weapon than I would be (I have the luxury of avoiding certain situations).

But as a general rule, I rely on the fact that there are a LOT of really good LEOs out there and the odds of an incident like this happening to me are about like the odds of being struck by lightening.


I’ve never had that experience carrying. Quite the opposite for me, actually. I avoid all troublesome situations, carrying or not. I will not risk my life stupidly for others and if I can get out of a situation without doing a thing, I will. The last thing I want to do is shoot somebody.

But I absolutely will if I must. That you can count on.

Your sense of security seems false. I would never look at it that way. Violence can and does happen anytime anywhere. Even in the best of neighborhoods. The situation is not up to you, as you have amply demonstrated.

It’s simple: if you have your pistol with you, you’ll be able to use it if you need it. If you don’t, you won’t.

It’s good to have alternatives to the gun solidly under your belt for when you aren’t carrying. I have a three inch razor, 240 lbs. of combat ready muscle, nerve and sinew and loads of intent. I don’t walk out that door until I’m loaded for Hell Pig. Gun or no gun. Having no firearm means nothing to me. All it means is that I will have to be a lot meaner and get more exercise. A gun, to my mind, is really nothing more than a kinetic force dispenser (KFD), a labor saving device.

And, as always, first and foremost and forever: never forget your primary weapon is with you at all times. You carry with you 365/24/7 the most dangerous thing on this planet: a human brain.

If you can think and move – you can take him. I don’t care who he is.


And, keep in mind:

  1. Unless a state has enacted a statute to the contrary, cops acting in performance of their official duties are generally immune from civil lawsuits under the doctrine of sovereign immunity (“the king can do no wrong”).

  2. If you choose to sue local government authorities for damages, you do so using/risking your own money to hire and pay for your lawyer(s) and court costs, witnesses, etc. In contrast, a public agency defends itself with a virtually unlimited war chest of legal resources – the county/city attorney paid for with tax dollars and any damages are also paid for with taxpayer money.


Most cops… have never handled a weapon in their life until they joined the cops. They get fascinated and excited by this new power in their hands. Haven’t shot enough yet to get past the initial excitement and get down to brass tacks and training. You see them on traffic stops, staring at ordinary people, with their hand fondling the butt of their pea shooter. Childlike. Churlish. Especially the female cops.

Get over it. It’s just a chunk of metal and plastic with some gunpowder in it. If carrying it around makes someone feel like a hero or Billy Badass – maybe you should seek a new occupation, copper.

Front Sight’s dry practice manual is outstanding! Dry practice rules. Indispensible part of gun training.


It’s called, “qualified immunity” and cops are granted this extraordinary privilege – which they should never have in the first place – from the bench, so long as they have followed all laws, rules and policies. When they don’t, their “qualified immunity” is stripped from them. We do it all the time. Cop gets stripped ‘n’ clipped – and career is over.

And so long as the taxpayers are stupid enough to keep advocating for cop brutality ahd kissing cop butt – they can go on paying these lawsuits. They deserve it.

Yes, the other part of our huge problem with police violence across America come from the rabid, screaming public who demand cops punish people on contact for the crime of standing on their Rights, which isn’t a crime and about which the dumb public know nothing about to begin with.