Supporting Law Enforcement

I respect that completely, Fizbin. I’m not a fan of government either, but I don’t see something like this as a “Government Giveaway”. I see it as getting more of my own money back, come tax season.

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Myself I have never had my fire arms locked up,and as for my children,I brought them up as I was brought up as to if they were curious taught them to come to me and with them I taught them the safe way to handle weapons and how to break down and to clean the weapons,They also never touched a weapon with out me being with then,but in the same respect they knew how tho use them safely and what to do if they ever had to use them for family defense.Also every time I have been stopped I always put my hands behind my head untill the LEO came to the door of the car,then I told him I was armed ant told him what move I was going to make and waited until he said ok,then and only then would I slowly make the move,and I never had an LEO ask for my weapon at any stop,the only time I have surrendered my weapon was at the time I had a confrontation in Wa.State then I told the officers that with my left hand i was going to un snap my shirt so he could remove it,I also said one was in the pipe,he sounded surprised for some reason that it was a 45,and made a comment about it,and I said,I know the stopping stopping power of a 45


Welcome to the family brother @TxDet and you are in the right place at the right time.

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Definitely is a touchy question. As long as we have our U.S. Constitution and 2A rights, every responsible American should have access to a firearm. Part of the reason that stands is our forefathers wanted to protect individuals from a tyrannical government, not to mention our right to have a choice. My father was in LE and I have many friends in LE that believe 2A is a right. In the perspective a LEO would think civilians should not have a firearm makes me wonder if they have a superiority complex or maybe they have seen too much violence in the streets. I personally am curious to know what’s going on in the mind of a LEO who would think civilians shouldn’t own one. Yet, I will disagree with their snowflake reason all day long. If there came a point where all Americans were forced to give up their firearm, you better believe criminals will not comply and that is why 2A will stand firm.


I feel that LEOs are in favor of legal, responsible gun owners. Every day they see the effects of criminals with guns. It is my experience that they just want to enforce existing gun laws, not make guns illegal for everyone. I don’t blame LEOs for not trusting anyone with a gun automatically. The crusade against them, which has often included out and out murder just because they wear the badge, has got to be scary. I am thankful that that do what they do. Many times they cannot speak out about personal feelings on the second amendment because of the local political scene.


It used to be the Democrats were Red, and the Republicans Blue, but it changed about 20 years ago; the presidential election in 2000.

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I’m a former police officer and I do back gun laws that keep guns out of the bad guys hand , having said that they don’t get their guns the same places we do . They do support us , they are just trying to figure out how to stop the bad guys .


to stop the bad guys they just need to strongly encourage arming the law-abiding citizen and stop harassing honest people with firearms. EasyPeasy.


As a retired LEO myself, I was always and continue to be intrigued as to why citizens really care what Police Officers think? I have to tell you that a surprising number of LEO’s are not really “gun people”. They carry a gun because it’s part of the job. I’ve also watched some of the worst shooting performances on different agency ranges during qualification.

So, why the narrative? I personally don’t care what Police Officers think of my rights to self defense. They aren’t the arbiters of my rights. But I guarantee you one thing, after all the “brave talk” about how the younger generation LEO’s “would never confiscate guns from the law abiding”, when presented with a choice between pensions and confiscations, many will choose the latter.

Look no further than the nonsensical “mask and Covid injection mandates” sweeping our Country. Trust me, most newly minted LEO’s aren’t the least bit concerned with your rights when threatened with loss of their jobs, pensions and benefits.

If you’re retired (like me) or still on the job, it matters not to me what your opinion is. You’re not that important really. Neither was I.


Stay safe.


@Bruce156 Welcome to the community, we are glad to have you here. :us:

I have a lot of LEO friends. From all over the country because of a fundraiser bike ride I do with them in New York past 4 years. Also locally. Plus I talk with anyone them I see on the street. In the bass pro parking lot. Wherever. Everyone of them is in full of support of concealed carry. Which of course means you need a gun. Especially in this environment they’ve been saying “we can’t be everywhere and you need to be prepared”
I don’t know any who speak in the manner your saying.
I’ll be back to blue till I die or experience otherwise. They’re getting a raw enough deal in this godforsaken country right now


Welcome to the family brother @Bruce156 and you are blessed to be here.

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“Senator Roger Marshall’s Firearms Safety Act, which would create a tax credit for anyone who participates in an accredited firearms safety course and/or purchases a safe for their firearm, is a law that I would fully support.”

This is where gun controller’s lose me Everytime.

  1. Do you watch John Correia’s ASP. In your average home invasion you have 7 seconds from “breech to contact” I don’t want to be wasting precious time fumbling around from a cold start, to trying to get my gun out of a safe. I carry at all times I am awake. If I am asleep my Glock is less than 2 feet away and good luck on my dogs not waking me. I keep the yappiest one in my bed room and I have an AR-15 racked on the side of bed. I have had those precautions forever.

  2. It is not the governments job, to legislate, my responsibilities as a parent to teach my child not to mess around with a gun, if one is left out. That responsibility is mine. At a very young age I took my daughter to an outdoor gun range and set gallon jugs of red water out, gave her ear pro, and then a very graphic demonstration of the destructive power of a gun on those targets. But I also explained why it was so important that if she saw a loose gun to report it to me or an adult and if it was another child playing with one to call me.

  3. Where are all of the QUALIFIED instructors going to come from? I’ve known so many instructors who I wouldn’t trust to pour piss out of a boot, with the instructions written on the heel.

I have a friend, more like a brother, who lives in one of the wealthiest parts of Texas. The waiting list at his range to get a class in basic gun safety was a year and a half, and he is a veteran, ex law enforcement, and downright fastest draw I have ever seen. He finally got the classes he needed this week.

BTW Tim if you made it this far this is not a diatribe against you.

I have 2 large safes and a car safe and have taken more classes than I can count. All due to my personal sense of responsibility. Not because the Government incentivized me too.


He should have checked out ranges and courses out of town. We have classes down here in Johnson City, openings every week. Well not this week, it’s Christmas.


I’m retired law enforcement. Where I’m from officers somewhat encouraged people to get a firearm to protect themselves because our response time were usually backed up. We would arrive in some cases an hour late after a serious crime has occurred. So we encouraged law abiding citizens to get a firearm, learn the laws, and safety rules of firearm ownership. Now your point about law enforcement being anti gun. I can’t speak for all jurisdictions. Police Commissioners, Police Chiefs etc are usually appointed positions by Mayor’s. Mayor’s want Police Commissioners etc to be in their pocket, their puppet. So if a Mayor is making a speach on anti gun restrictions, look who’s in the background … Police Commissioners used to have power and stood up to Mayor’s on how to handle crime etc. Look at what’s going on nationwide the big cities. Police Officers are not anti gun, we are with law abiding citizens. Commissioners and Chiefs, another story.


I fully support LE as its a dangerous, difficult profession and is under attack regardless of the situation by liberals. That said it is frustrating that when TN was becoming a Constitutional Carry State over the last year, the TN Sherriff Association was fighting against the CC bill.


They had to be from an " accredited instructor at his range before he could draw from holster.

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I am retired law enforcement. Remember one thing when dealing with law enforcement. We generally see guns when they are used in a wrong way. Dealing with the public isn’t always a pleasant scenario. I respect and honor the 2nd amendment as all officers I know do. So it’s easy for leadership, the Chiefs and Sheriffs to Lien for for stiffer gun laws but that is more political than what an average police officer feels. It’s best to support us because the alternative is lawlessness. The wild Wild West will return. It has in cities like Chicago and Portland. You want to live there? I wouldn’t. Just my take. You free to do as you wish for now.


Welcome to the family brother @William896 and God bless you.

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