Stupid shootings

I’m not seeing the connection between citizenship status and the propensity to shoot people.

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Nobody said there was! Don’t read things into it that are not there. :slightly_smiling_face:
Any comments I wrote were put out by the Texas S.O.


Wasn’t reading anything into it, was just asking. It just seemed like an odd thing to point out with little relevance to what happened.

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Don’t think citizenship is at all relevant to a propensity to shoot people. But his citizenship status and past deportations may have impacted his ability to legally possess a firearm here. He may not have even been legally in the country. If it is determined he was illegally in the country I suspect the story will disappear from the news pretty quickly.

There is also the potential for some racial issues being involved. I often work in construction settings and some of the workers of Mexican descent seem to have very negative opinions of people from Honduras.

The other issue is that this guy seems to have been regularly shooting firearms in his yard. In most areas this isn’t allowed unless you are a 1/4 mile or so from occupied dwellings and have a sufficiently large property. It doesn’t sound like the houses were very far apart in the instance.

I live in a rural area surrounded by forest service land. All the locals here are respectful enough to go to appropriate areas in the forest and not illegally and annoyingly shoot from their back yards next to other’s homes. Every once in awhile some yahoos from the city rent an airbnb in the neighborhood and shoot from the back deck. But the sheriff puts a stop to that pretty quickly.


I appreciate your response.

I work in the trades and spend a lot of time working alongside Hispanics, as well as spending time with them outside of work. I find them to be generally decent, hardworking, fun people, even though they haven’t had the same breaks in life as me, so it gets my attention when it seems they are being scrutinized more than others under similar circumstances simply because of their ethnicity.


I agree. Most of the Latinos I work alongside bust their butts and are very dedicated to their families. The majority are US citizens and the rest are on work visas. Many have quite a bit of resentment over the illegal immigrant situation because they were born here or went through the proper channels to get here and don’t want to have to compete with people who aren’t playing by the book.


I think there is more to this story

It must be complicated for them. I’ve been to the places they come from. They get a lot of slack from me after seeing where they come from and what they’ve been through. I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same things myself if I was in their shoes.


He’s worth $80.000 reward now. The Feds told the Sheriff he cannot use those hurtful words no more, the Sheriff and the news media are using the “murderer”, “criminal”, “gunman”, “monster” and Texas Fugitive descriptors now. :slightly_smiling_face:

I switched out the vid because News Nation was telling a truth at the end. :thinking:

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Is that $80k D or A?
Killing a child forfeits a jury IMHO

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Either, I am sure, this is Texas. :thinking: I’m thinking he won’t be taken alive to rot in prison.


CHARLES514. Did you report on the cop killer William a,k.a, Bill Tyburg That took his dads Law enforcement vehicle and uniform and WEPON :bangbang: while his dad and mom were gone on vacation :bangbang: and he killed his dad’s fellow officer in in California :bangbang:and everyone BLEAVED that another ,:bangbang:killed A fellow officer :bangbang: in superior court Fullerton California , JAY ,NULL , the State’s prosecutor for GANG HOMICIDE , :question:19,82,83,:question:were you in the court room reporting :question::question:

CHARLES514. I Just Seen that you have sent me what you were saying to the USCCA community and I just asked you that QUESTION :question: and then I looked at my email and it was not there it was back at the community :bangbang: so I APOLOGIZE FOR THIS I TRULY BLEAVED THAT YOU HAD EMAILED ME AT MY EMAIL AND I COULD HAVE FIND IT IN MY EMAIL IT APEARED TO THE COMMUNITY THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN I apologize once again Bobby Jean :latin_cross::latin_cross::latin_cross::chile::feather::us::100:

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Let’s go Hunting !

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Question Bruce26, What’s a .556 round cost these day’s? $ .69 ? I will donate $10.00 to the cause just to rid the world of another Cartel sponsored Killer like this… Everyone must know that people are INFILTRATING this country amongst the migrants that are truly escaping TRUE oppression and Tyranny.
Just wait until they get the ‘GO’ signal to really open up on us!
If it never happens, I will gladly eat these words but I feel in my heart this is a real S— Sandwich without the Bread! Reports stated this past week a MILLION more are queuing up ready to cross over in the next few weeks. Sorry folks, this isn’t a migration, It’s an ARMY!


Let’s Go Brandon is determined to turn OUR country into the same sh!t hole they left. :angry:


Does anybody understand the gravity of the situation except us PotG’s? Is this really either too complicated to fathom or too simple to just call me a conspiracy theorist ? If a MILLION Chinese Communists were massing on our border would there not be a Hue and Cry from the Woke dem’s to ‘DO SOMETHING?’ How many of these guy’s are MS13? Cartel Soldiers? am I wrong here ? Am I over reacting here? I sure as hell hope so! Texas is going to get hit the worst because they have more Border cities, Arizona also, a hop skip and a swim and you can be in El Paso or Phoenix !


As @Scott52 is fond of saying 'It’s already too late". :cry:


It might be Brother…It just might be…


WOW, I go to sleep last night thinking that maybe ‘I wrote too much’ , expressed my concerns a little to freely? knowwhatimean Sir?
Then I wake up to your fabulous e-mail!
Thank you Scott. I mean that.
It’s sad times when I feel like I am ‘Chicken Little’ running around saying “the sky is falling, the sky is falling!”
If it weren’t for my own eyes seeing the influx of ‘migrants’ the militant homeless getting more and more aggressive in my own city
(parts of which are dead now…we’ve given ground to the wretched) , the ‘Wellness hotels’
filling up with a combo of both (tax payer funded) yet our Veterans are sleeping on the sidewalks… I would think I was going crazy.

Scott, this is big time trouble we are in these days. This is huge!. I’ve written posts on USCCA outlining the ‘Defensive Measures’
I’ve taken in our home and that I carry ALL the time now, I’ve bolted an AR in my 4x4 (hidden)(the one that got totaled recently
and I expected some people to say ‘Chill out Donald’, or You’re way too Paranoid etc etc… but on USCCA all I get are thumbs up’s! It’s calming to see this.
On TTAG (The Truth about Guns) site I don’t even visit anymore, I use to get satisfaction conversing there, but I think they are
stuck in the 2A merry go round and fail to see the bigger picture. You guy’s here see the bigger picture! And I am grateful.
This turmoil isn’t going to just ‘go away’ and the next election isn’t going to solve the world’s woe’s… Why would it be any different
this time around from the last (2) stolen elections… One man, isn’t going to solve all our problems. it’s going to take US.

Talk more soon,