Stupid shootings

Too many innocents getting killed or injured by what sounds like paranoid idiots who shoot first and ask questions later.
This can’t be good thing for responsible gun owners as it not only emboldens the anti-2A crowd, but it’s killing kids.
The question is, how do we deal with this problem?

So much I’ve read popularize paranoia as “being prepared” and if you read enough of those articles/fictional accounts it can affect your brains just like Tik Tok and Woke-isms----and not in a good way.

Add that to the literary diet of someone prone to being easily frightened, say, maybe an invalid senior citizen, or someone who is timid and feels threatened by others who don’t look like they do.
We can agree that such does not justify a shooting, but how do we respond?

I thnk discussing what does justify a shooting as opposed to what doesn’t is the best solution.
Maybe someone will listen and change thierirrational behavior for the better.

Your thoughts?


Here’s what I understand, being prepared, ready & trained is not being paranoid… if your life is in danger, true danger of death or bodily harm do what you have to do…




A man sits in his house and binges on Zombie movies. He gets a knock on his door and looks out and people dressed like zombies are going around collecting money foe a charity when he comes out and starts shooting.
Just like you were saying, a buildup of the fear of violence that is on the news and wherever else they may hear about it like having a police scanner and hearing about the violence that is going on can trap a person in fear from a car backfiring in the neighborhood little less someone pulling into your driveway or knocking at your door.
Just remember that there is nothing to fear but fear itself.


giphy (1)


Movies, TV, Social Media, and video games can be powerful influences.


There has been a push in the news media to say that stand your ground laws are to blame for these incidents. The media falsely implies these laws allow people to shoot others with little to no reason even though they only supply an affirmative defense if a person is forced to defend themselves or others from an imminent deadly threat.

I wonder if the misinformation being intentionally spread by the media and anti self defense politicians may be misleading some of these untrained firearm owners and encouraging illegal acts? If they believe the media hype they may be thinking all they need to do is say they are afraid and they get a free pass to shoot someone. The laws obviously don’t work that way. If the media and politicians spent more time explaining the legal requirements for use of lethal force in self defense situations instead of pushing these false narratives maybe there would be less of these incidents?


Good point. These are the same news outlets who claim there’s a law which forbids anyone to use the word “gay.” One has to wonder if this kind of common misinformation reflects stupidity, laziness, or treachery.


For better or worse, we live in a 24/7 national news cycle where events anywhere become national news. If it bleeds, it leads.

That creates the impression that the world is a dangerous place with bad guys galore who are just waiting to attack you and your family at any minute.

Truth is, the “news” is not factual reporting about things relevant to the world we actually live in, but merely infotainment where lurid tales attract eyeballs and more viewers mean higher advertising revenues.


Bingo… 3 for 3.


Our own President said “Just shoot thru the door”. I mean Biden is a moron but some people seem to take his advice to heart.


Of course it is deliberate. Trust the media to distort anything they print. Occasionally, they just get the info wrong. I worked as a court reporter and back long long ago the newspaper covered criminal trials going on at the courthouse. They had a reporter whose beat was the courthouse. I can’t recount the number of times I went home and upon reading the article about the trial I had been working on wondered if I had been unconscious during a significant portion the day’s proceedings. Remember, my job as a court reporter was to write down every single word tha was uttered in the trial. So I pick up the paper, start to read the reporter’s account of what happened and wonder which of us was drunk. I was always pretty sure I wasn’t, so I suspected it was the newspaper “reporter” who must have been asleep and made up what he thought happened.

Yes, the lurid accounts you read I guarantee are rarely close to the actual facts.


All 3!

I think what’s missing in these tragedies is common sense.

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(Heavy Sigh) :thinking:

After a Texas family asked a neighbor to stop shooting a gun in his yard because their baby was trying to sleep, he came over and killed 5 people with an AR-15 style rifle, police say. (


I think there is alot more to this story than what was presented.
No excuse for the action, but there is a ton more to this story.

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Sheriff say’s the killer is from Mexico and the victims are from Honduras.

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What is the significance of that?

A twice deported Mexican citizen who had run-ins with LE and owned more than a few guns???


This ‘person’ HAS TO GO. He needs to be put out of OUR misery…