Just a thought - Gun Control Always Floats to the Top

When “Card, 40, of Bowdoin, Maine, was a U.S. Army reservist who underwent a mental health evaluation in mid-July after he began acting erratically during training” Goes out and kills 18 people and injures 13 the response is to trample the Constitutional Rights of law abiding citizens. Never a discussion of mental health, never talk about self defense, can’t talk about that, Nope, Yell, at the top of your lungs, The Government needs to fix this, More “Common sense gun control laws” Make this platform or that magazine illegal, take them away from everyone.


We first need to fix the government.


That requires peaceful assembly ( just like BLM & ANTIFA ) , communication and money! That’s how they implemented, executed and finalized their plan! They burnt it all down and for all intents and purposes, they have won!
It holds true, now more than ever, NICE GUYS FINISH LAST!
Fight fire with fire! The pen is no longer mightier than the sword!
Look at the current situations around the world! It ain’t the pen!


Sitting up straight, eyes forward, with hands folded in front of us.:innocent:


It’s interesting. This time around I’m starting to see the news reporting on citizens saying they felt scared when he was on the loose, some saying they wished they were armed (even NBC aired a segment of a local saying he regretted not being armed). Fox news had a segment with our own Colian Noir, basically saying the same thing. By the time the shooting starts, it’s too late to wish you were armed.

Cameltoe and her cronies are, of course, blathering that Austrailia has it right taking everyone’s guns, but the reporting doesn’t seem quite so one sided this time. Hopefully the general population is waking up to the fact that gun control laws don’t work, and the police can’t help you.

Gun control is about like the US, France and GB agreeing to give up our nuclear weapons because nuclear war is horrible, while Iran and NK continue building their own. Most US citizens would never agree to that. Hopefully, eventually, they’ll see gun control the same way.


It has always been thus. With many mass shootings, after the news reports decrying the details of the shooting, in small print, a couple of days later after the media cycle calms down is a report about the shooter having been treated for some mental illness or being prescribed some psychotropic drug to control some mental condition. But, the policy reaction is always to criminalize otherwise law-abiding people for pieces of metal or plastic they might possess.


So, camelface thinks Australia is some sort of meca because only criminals are allowed to have guns? What a twit. Realistically, they don’t want our guns, and they don’t want to disarm thugs either. They (politicians) need the talking points to garner votes. Dems say they want to take our guns because their weak minded base believe that if law abiding people don’t have guns then the criminals will give up theirs. Republican politicians say they are pro 2A to please their base, they don’t care, they have their security. It’s all a smoke screen. “Vote for me, I’ll set you free” I call bullshit on all of them.


I have 70 years of walking around time on this planet and in all that time, I have NEVER seen the government FIX anything. I have, however, observed it to repeatedly take a bad problem and do the precisely wrong action (if any action was taken at all) to screw things up beyond all recognition. So far, the government has a perfect score in this regard and appears desirous to maintain that record.


They have no intention to “fix” anything. If the problem is fixed they won’t have any campaign promise potential.


The CHEATING Resident Joke Bite Me Deministrstion Demoncratic Party that’s allowing hundreds of thousands of invaders thrashing and splashing like a herd of cattle stampeding across the Rio Grande of our Southern borders will have these invaders voting Demoncrat to outnumber Republican voters to try to keep the Nation illegally Demoncratic to continue demolishing our Constitutional RKBA. :thinking: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Like Robert1246 says, “We first need to fix the government”. Just a thought-Gun Control Always Floats to the Top, :smirk: :point_up: JUST LIKE :poop:!


BUT….our economy is doing the best it has in human history! :roll_eyes::rofl:


Ah HAH! :thinking: So these invaders crossing our borders ARE NOT illegals, they ARE our FUTURE LABOR FORCE (applicants filling in jobs) helping our economy, strengthening, and growing our Country. A Great Disarmed Democratic Nation, ALL EV, no more gas stoves, no oil pumping, everything electric, no fossil fuels. Joes’s GREEN AMERICA, no wonder everyone is flocking into America like “BLACK FRIDAY SPECIALS”.


Isn’t it interesting that whenever an INDIVIDUAL goes berserk (for whatever reason) and kills tens or even hundreds of people, it becomes a reason to disarm the rest of the populace?

But when a government, political system, or ideology murders tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands, and various instances of such do so over decades or even a century, it’s OK for such governing ideologies to stay in possession of all the weapons and power they are able to accumulate.


Their endgame


That wouldn’t work. 300 million guns in the USA if they took away 1 million guns a year it would take 300 years.


Just a thought - Gun Control Always Floats to the Top

“In 2023 (and throughout our recent history these Demon’s are ‘Hell Bent’ on disarming us”.
It is the TURD in the Pool EVERYONE knows about but refuses to SEE it or do anything about it.
Rational people (like some of us) KNOW Disarmament is the DEATH of our FREEDOM’s.
The Administration KNOWS they are out of control and the way to combat a ‘REACTION’
from the masses is to disarm us.
Gun Control (Confiiscation) is the simplest way for the .gov to Have full control over THE PEOPLE.
There will still be Guns (out there) in the hands of the ‘Crim’s’, the BLM’ers, The Anti-Phucks
and for the .gov that IS the plan!
Keep .the Citizenry in FEAR and DEPENDENT on the dot.gov for EVERYTHING.
Self sufficiency is no longer necessary, Freedom? what’s that?, 2A? (are you kiddin’ me!)
‘You don’t need a Gun w/ 200 rounds in the chamber! or 100 rd. Clipazine’.
(It doesn’t have to make sense folks, Dumbed down America believes it all!)
They are doing a FANTASTIC job today making the people the stupidest people ever!
History, Math, Science (don’t need them). You have your phones, computers and Professor’s
they will guide you. EV cars for everybody (although there will never be an infrastructure to support it)
Electric everything (although there won’t be an infrastructure to support it), Maybe a disarmed Military
(who needs to arm ANYBODY that can RISE UP against them?)

The Biggest LIE told ever! “I am from the gubment and I am here to help you”
Pay no attention to the doddering fool in the WH! The .Gov WAR Machine will be here forever.
Remove and replace Politicians with their hair party on the Left. This politician got too greedy
too outlandish remove them, insert new one that will Hold the Line (party line) until they become
so corrupt there will be push back from the masses.

They will keep us in WAR’s, keep us fearful, keep us poor, and as long as we ‘produce’ we
will be ‘ALLOWED’ to live. Go to work my little drones, Eat these Bugs!,
The minute we are not useful to the machine anymore we will be like the much loved aging
horse who kept the farm running, sent to the glue factory because WHY FEED IT ANYMORE?
It’s not producing anything anymore, get rid of it.
We are the future GLUE for America.

Good Times!


I think we pretty much all know it. The ones that do not probably shouldn’t have guns. You are preaching to the choir. I hope you are preaching this message to the two thirds of the people that don’t know it and encouraging people to get the know how and training to help save our freedom.


I was referring to the Shepple.
I would NEVER disparage a Gunner.


I think Joseph Stalin is attributed to this quote "If only one man dies of hunger, that is a tragedy. If millions die, that’s only statistics.”


Seems like all too many of these shootings involve someone who’s under or has been under psychiatric “treatment”. It’s also interesting how many then immediately commit suicide. If they wanted notoriety seems they’d want to live to see the recognition. Seems to me something is going on that nobody wants us to know about.