Smith & Wesson to Relocate Headquarters to Tennessee

Bye, Taxachussets

Smith indicated that the company vetted a number of cities and states and, after careful consideration, made the decision to relocate 750 jobs and its headquarters to Maryville, Tennessee. The key factors in the decision included the following:

Support for the 2nd Amendment
Business friendly environment
Quality of life for employees
Cost of living and affordability
Access to higher education institutions
Availability of qualified labor for its operations and headquarter functions
Favorable location for efficiency of distribution

The only thing I have to say about this is that I wish I lived in Tennessee.


I wondered why they waited this long. Sig Sauer is probably not too far behind leaving N.H.

Stay safe out there.


Yep!!! The birthplace of Liberty has become the graveyard of tyranny.


It will be interesting to see if more companies follow. I would like to see this from more companies and put some pressure on states trying to push more gun control. Not many people realize the amount of revenue Smith and Wesson generated for Massachusetts. Hopefully, it will include pressure on politicians.


We saw it years ago with Magpul. I’m hoping that (as you said), others follow suit and come down to more tax and gun friendly States.

Stay safe Tim.


They are moving 700 + jobs but leaving over 1000 + in socialist MA…are the new owners playing political games for money ???

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So you could take a tour, and maybe get free samples? :star_struck:


As important as the firearms industry is to those who believe in defending themselves, I don’t think it is big enough for moves like this to really have an impact at the State level. It will certainly be a blow on the local level as fading cities like Springfield can’t afford to lose any good paying jobs.

I’m sure this move had as much if not more to do with finances than politics. But that proposed bill sure provided Smith and Wesson with the perfect cover to relocate to a cheaper site. The majority of people in MA obviously don’t want them there so they will have to live with the consequences of their beliefs.

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Why keep pushing against misguided legislation, when there’s money to be made in breaking unions? :thinking:

[…U]nlike Massachusetts, Tennessee is currently one of 28 “right-to-work states,” which means its workers can’t be forced to join unions.


That’s called “freedom of choice”. Don’t see why anyone should be forced to buy their job from the union.



“We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately.”

Solidarity, forever.


Yes, there are good reasons why the Mob took control of unions; one being legalized extortion/protection money. Now back to the thread topic.

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We are moving there in three weeks!


@RED_ARROW5726 ,
That is a blessing and I hope and pray things go well with you and your family there in Tennessee.

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Don’t you mean the “birthplace of Tyranny and the graveyard of Liberty?”


Welcome to the family brother @Lewis17 and you are in the right place at the right time.

I do! It wonderful out in the country. Peaceful for the most part, good neighbors, lots of friends.
S&W going to Maryville
Beretta outside of Nashville
Barrett already in Murfreesboro

And in Alabama.
Remington outside of Huntsville
Kimber moved to Troy.

We just need ammunition companies to move this way and we will be set.


Welcome to the family brother @Michael1114 and you are in the right place at the right time.

Been here for about 40 years. Just about all of my adult life. My dad was born & raised in TN. I haven’t found a better place to plant roots.