Sick and tired of the "hard sell" email tactics

I am sorry but I have to get this off of my chest. I have already seen this topic posted here at least once. I am sick and tired of all of the hard sell that USCCA is pounding my email inbox with. Even after changing all of my USCCA preferences, I actually think that I get more now than before. And the emails are tricky as to what you clicked on. I tried to enter a current contest, went to the rules and entered from the hidden link. It still put some $130+ package in my checkout on my dashboard and will NOT allow me to remove it. This is the third time in the past year that I have dealt with this issue. I am on an extremely limited budget and have told USCCA this twice. I love my coverage and the free training which I rarely use all of. But the pushiness and pressure are making me think that cancelling it all will save me a headache. I only keep the coverage because I live in a high crime area prone to shootings by people who file lawsuits against those who shoot back (police/good guys and gals with guns).

I seriously doubt that Tim ever reads this forum or that he even cares. The hard sell is going to drive me and others away.

Stephen Chiles
PGR Steve

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I’m terribly sorry about this @PGRSteve!

While I’m not an employee, I’m going to go over a few steps and see if we can get this resolved.

Have you pressed the unsubscribe button at the bottom?

Mark it as junk; Of coarse if you have not already.

Lastly, @dawn will be more than happy to help you, sir.
Again I’m sorry about your difficulties and do hope it gets resolved!

Kindest regard,
Randall W. Anderson

Dawn, I have been through that whole process twice. I have called USCCA. I have emailed USCCA and supposedly fixed this three times (including today). A month or two and I think it is fixed then suddenly, out of nowhere, I get email pounded again. Upon checking my dashboard, the preferences have been changed back to something other than my choice. I have been promised and promised that there would be a reduction in email however, they ALWAYS slide the hard sell in it someplace. Then there is a link to my supposed dashboard that always takes me to the hard sell instead. As much as I have loved having the protection over the years, Hard sell is a deal-breaker to me. I am at the point of just cancelling it all to free up my inbox and reduce the stress. I don’t put the emails from USCCA in spam folder because I do need reminders of when my coverage year is ending or changes to service. I don’t even use the free perks anymore because this has become so frustrating to me, a long time loyal member already. Why hard sell me? I have already proven my loyalty to the brand.

@PGRSteve. Sir, call customer service the phone number is on the membership card, as to the statement about Tim never reads this; I think you’re wrong in the fact that every good owner of a company knows what is going on in the company. You’re probably right he’s busy but I’m betting he’s not monitoring every single day that would not be possible but as for your original thought Call customer service so they can adjust your emails or download the USCCA App and you can adjust the distribution by yourself Sir! In contrast I hardly ever receive emails from USCCA maybe once a week if that.

It is pretty overbearing. I don’t want to mark as junk and then miss important e-mails.


Robert8, been there done that a few times now (including today).

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Have you logged into the membership page and unchecked the email subscriptions? Not the community forum page, but the USCCA membership website with the “dashboard?”

Also, I’ve noticed a lot of spam emails from a different carry company. Are you sure the emails are from USCCA?

I don’t like a lot of “sale” emails either. Hope you get this sorted out to your satisfaction.

@PGRSteve, to access e-mail preferences, log into the main USCCA website, on the upper right by your name, there will be an arrow that brings up a drop down menu. Click it, and then:

  1. Click “My Account”
  2. On the left hand side click “Account Details”
  3. From the drop down menu, click “Email Preferences”
  4. Uncheck the boxes for e-mails you don’t want to receive (7 boxes total)
  5. Click “Update” at the bottom

If your browser has script or add blockers, you might want to disable them for that page. I had to allow script permissions (and then refresh the page) to see the options in #4.

I’m really sorry you’re having trouble Sir;
Why don’t you just message @Dawn and see if she can get something done for you? If everything fails then do you have an alternate email address you don’t ever use? You could change your email address for USCCA mail through the App and send everything from USCCA to a secondary unused email address.

I was looking at what you wrote and I don’t have the Account Details feature anymore. I have Account wheel but no longer have Account Details. Sorry found mine under “Dashboard.”

When I click “My Account” for the drop down menu listed in #1, it brings me to the “Dashboard.” If you are already at the Dashboard, you should see “Account Details” (#2) right below the “My Dashboard” on the left hand side of the page.

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Thank you Scotty. I hope our friend
@PGRSteve gets the email resolved before he is to frustrated and quits all together. He really needs the help or Customer Service Dept.

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UGH! That’s not how the email system is supposed to work. I’ll talk to the Tech team and have them hard remove you from everything but the membership update/reminder emails. If that works, we’ll add in the other ones you want. The new one that will have Into the Fray, Pacifiers and Peacemakers and some other articles that starts soon may be one you want to get.

I’m very sorry that the system is being stubborn for you. There are times when technology is just a big pain in the tush. This sounds like one of them. I’ll get this solved for you.

** I’ve looked at your account and everything is unsubscribed as of last night. I’ll still ask the Tech gurus to hard remove your email from the system. It may take 24-48 hours to get out of the system due to lists already being pulled. Please message me if you get them after 48 hours. I’ve got a couple of other ideas if we need to resort to other means :innocent:


And just so everyone knows, the Community updates come from the Community site, not the USCCA email platform. If you want to stop the Community updates, click on the circle in the upper right corner of the screen (either an initial or your photo) and click on your name, then preferences.

I don’t want you to get extra emails that you don’t want. But I know how much you all love the USCCA Community so I’m sure you want the updates. :laughing:

If you need help, just let me know.


Update after talking to the Tech Gurus:

You will receive emails about your membership renewal or needing a card update even if you are unsubscribed to all emails because those affect your membership and are transactional. If you put something in your cart and don’t finish the purchase, you’ll get emails about that for the same reason.

If you go through one of the contest promotion emails and use the no purchase necessary entry to sign up for the contest, it resets your email settings (that was news to me too). So if you’re going to enter for a contest, I would suggest resetting your email preferences at the same time - I’ll ask that be added to a bug list for the tech gurus to address.


It still doesn’t work, because I get emails all the time about products I already own half the time. But it gets better, as a member I should automatically be entered into the contest giveaways, but I have to click the link populate my card, delete and then I will find a link for members. I have quit entering contest with USCCA for that reason. Sometimes on Facebook there is a link for member entry, but I am not always on Facebook so I don’t know why members cannot get automatically entered.

I wish we could automatically enter members, @Matthew.Hamrick but automatic entry is illegal in Wisconsin where we’re based. So we could do it once, but then we’d get shut down :frowning: A couple of clicks to enter a free contest isn’t too terrible, IMO :woman_shrugging: Employees and their families can’t enter at all :frowning:

You can always give us a shout at 877-677-1919 for the entry link for members, @Matthew.Hamrick.


Noted, but I have just ignored and quit entering contests with USCCA. Sometimes there are daily giveaways but it’s not practical for me to call every day to get the entry link.


Most recent update to this issue: Again, for a third time, USCCA has supposedly removed me from the general email list (I did get my renewal notification right in the middle of all of this fiasco). I had already made the change myself but supposedly they are doing their part. I do trust them but at the same time, I know this has gone unresolved for over a year now. I just want to enjoy the coverage that I have. I am disabled on a very limited income and hard pressure is stressful and even angering at times. I have done all of the things I am supposed to do (on my end) to limit what is sent. The problem is that “someone” at USCCA keeps changing my preferences without my permission.

Following up on this, @PGRSteve - are you still getting USCCA emails (aside from renewal info)?