Should I or Shouldn't I

Okay, tried to sell my shotgun twice now. First offer was for $800.00, hemmed and
Hawed about it…didnt do it. Tried again three months later and the offer was only $350.00…now thats a resounding, Hell, No!!!

Kel-Tek KSG 1

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From the Kel-Tek website, the MSRP is $825. Not sure what the used value would be, I did a quick search and did not see it used.

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I don’t see any blood, how used can it be?
$350.00 is an insult, stand your ground!


That’s because everyone hangs onto them. If I had one, I wouldn’t sell it.


I do like being able to use 1 3/4", 2 3/4" as well as 3" shells. If I use all mini shells I can get 28 rounds in the chambers!!!


This is all so NEW to me?
Does ANYBODY sell one of their Guns? EVER?
All the Guns I own are registered to me/bought by me,
it seems it would have to be a LGS buying it to get me removed as the current owner right?
and I know they will rip you off! I mean Local (NM) stores are notorious for low balling a
customer selling.
Maybe the last time I ‘Beamed in’ I went to the wrong planet…

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Maybe just the wrong State?:wink:

Here in AZ face to face sales are legal as long as the buyer and seller are AZ residents and both can legally posses.

Also the LGSs I deal with sell on consignment and most take a not unreasonable percentage of the sale price with the rest going to the seller.

Though I would have preferred to not have to sell any of my firearms I have sold a couple in order to help afford purchases of other firearms I had more need of at the time.



If you own a firearm (registered with the appropriate almighty gov agencies)
I sell it to you and what do we do then?

As for the LGS’s (local: Rio rancho) I saw a kid sell a Glock19 (6) standard mag’s and 92) extended (30) rounders and he got $275 ! that’s it! If I didn’t just buy that second hellion i would have jumped on the kids glock-a-reno in a New York minute! The Consignment seems to be the more likely route to go though.


I’ve sold some guns to friends and given some to my sons. What I’ve done is write a contract, with the serial number and the date and have whoever gets the gun sign it. I sign it as well relieving me of the responsiblity of said gun. They keep a copy as well as myself.


Thank you Brother!
If I ever sell a Gun I will do this.
It sings to me as the right thing to do.

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Does NM have a registration and no private sales laws?

It’s my understanding there is no law saying you have to register your non NFA firearms with the federal government. In fact I’m pretty sure there is a law stating that the federal government can’t track firearm ownership even though there is plenty of evidence that they are violating that law to the tune of millions if not hundreds of millions of infractions. So illegally tracking your sales is the federal governments responsibility not yours.

@Bill168 ‘s recommendation of creating a signed record of sale is a very good one especially if you are selling to someone you don’t know or completely trust. The consignment route is safer though if your former firearm is ever used in a future crime since it creates a paper trail that easier for the government to illegally track.


In my mind you and bill are correct in the Private gun/sling-shot sales.
the situation I am trying to avoid is the sale of a firearm I purchased
at an LGS, went through the ‘appropriate agencies’ BRC ! and the Gun is
‘Registered’ to me. If I sell something to Bozo ‘A’ and he then goes off
the rails because his wife throws him out for buying ANOTHER gun and
he shoots her dead, The fed’s look up the ownership history and find out
I’m the guy who originally purchased it, APD comes knockin’ on my door?
This has a Ruby Ridge-esk Ring to it! …I love my Dogs! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I have never lived in a state that registers guns, so short barrel rifles and silencers are the only things I have registered. Most people probably can say the same since most states don’t register. Are you in California by chance?

I’ve sold more guns than I own at this point, probably.

New and better guns come out, and I want them, but they cost money. Sell/trade, acquire new. Learn what I like and don’t, buy different. I see no need to keep, for example, my old Gen3 Glock with thousands and thousands of rounds on it when I can sell it and pay like a hundred bucks more and get a new Gen5 to replace it.


If you live in a state that registers the firearm, you probably are required to transfer it to him through an FFL when you sell it. California, New York, New Jersey, etc. Probably Illinois.


Just make sure private party sales are legal in NM. I know they have a surprising number of anti 2A laws across the border there with more being added. Also make sure the person you are selling to is a NM resident since you don’t want to be involved in a cross state transfer. And you would also have to have no reason to believe the person you are selling to is prohibited from owning firearms.

The door knocking is a possibility if your former firearm is used in a crime and you sold it through a private party sale. You still should get a knock even if you sell it to or through a local FFL since legally the government isn’t supposed to know who owns what firearms. If they find the gun at a crime scene they should have call the manufacturer who would lead them to the distributor and or first FFL it went to which would lead to the first owner. Then they need to continue tracking from there if it has been sold through an FFL again. But selling through an FFL would give you added legal documentation that you no longer own the firearm. Though you should still keep a sales receipt as added documentation.

Though I don’t know that I have ever heard of a case actually being solved by tracking a firearm to its current owner through the FFL system. It must be pretty rare. Usually the criminals are using stolen firearms and for some reason they don’t remember to fill out their 4473 forms during their transfer of ownership:/


Ah, yes, so that is a thing…as I read farther lol

It’s not registered, but, if you buy it brand new from the gun store, and it shows up and the serial number is ran somewhere, it maybe can be traced to you as the original new purchaser.

But in the case you laid out…what would APD be knocking on your door about?

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Well, Usually i don’t
take 3rd party gossip Bull-feathers seriously…
I heard of a thing where a guy sold a piece and APD
(My buddies in blue) came knockin’ on his door AFTER
it was learned the sold the piece and it was used in a crime
(what crime? I don’t remember). I believe I heard it here. It doesn’t matter now.
because of you fine fellows I have decided to keep the (3) firearms I was
looking to sell. I have my Go-To’s now, wouldn’t say Nyet to having others if the
situation reveled itself to me. But the (3) pieces I would have liked to sell are older
models and wouldn’t garner much $$$$ for the hassle and worry It would then create.
So, thank you everybody for your input and thoughts. I appreciate you one and all.

And just to be clear, I may have used the wrong terminology in ‘Registering’ firearms.
I haven’t bought ‘Private’. Never got the chance. All of my guns were bought LGS. I had to
go thru the Atphuckin’F everytime. I HATE doing that! I shouldn’t have to. None of us should.
Waiting times, cool off periods blah blah blah. And i am not adding to my woe’s by creating more
hassles doing this. So, I will keep my irons and be happy. Here’s is me sitting over here being happy.

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Not for the purpose of firearm tracing. The trace will always lead back to the original owner. The ATF contacts the manufacturer. The manufacturer notifies the ATF which FFL it sent the firearm to. The ATF looks at those records and finds your info.

It actually doesn’t, until the ATF notifies you that your firearm was used in a crime. Then you can explain how you disposed of the firearm. Until that is verified, it is yours.

Yes, it certainly is. I believe hen’s teeth is the appropriate nomenclature. :sunglasses:


Unless i had some really valuable old gun and needed the money, I just don’t see much point in selling a firearm I’m not using. It seems like too much hassle for a loss on what I paid. Maybe I’ll need it someday, and in any case, it costs nothing to keep it. This way, I know exactly where every gun I bought and can be traced back to me is. I also have backups of backups if the SHTF.


Like Colion Noir, says or at least some.of his attire, “I lost allmy firearms in a boating accident!”

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