Senators strike bipartisan gun safety agreement

America doesn’t have a gun problem: America has a mental health problem disguised as a gun problem.

-not me


When you defund the police and then are shocked when crime goes up you’re a special kind of stupid. Or evil. Take your pick. But no new laws are going to do anything since the liberal areas will just ignore them like the do all other laws.


The more I read about it the more I think my first impression was wrong. I will know when the plan is done.
I think a lot of people either don’t know or are pretending not to know the difference between saving a life and taking a life. People who don’t know the difference should not be allowed to own guns. Some people think or are pretending to think the only use of a fire are is to kill people. These are the ones that are letting our legislators know they want to abolish our 2A right. For some it is just politics. Responsible gun owners know guns are for saving lives. Responsible gun sellers want to know they are selling guns to responsible gun owners. That is why they have background checks. That is the way I see it.

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I’m mostly with you in this post, but not so sure on the last sentence. Responsible gun owners the nation over (well…varies by state…check your state laws) buy and sell firearms, legally, without a backgorund check for that specific transaction, all the time. In many states the law (and I think this is the way it should be) is that it is illegal to transfer possession of a firearm to a person you have reason to believe is a prohibited person, but, like, I don’t have to get a background check done on my neighbor to sell him a gun, for example. That’s how you end up with, effectively, registration, or an inability to buy/sell a firearm during an emergency because the system is down, or whatever…not good.


I think/feel anyone who doesn’t know the difference between saving a life and taking one shouldn’t be allowed to have a gun. I really don’t know how red flag laws read.

Try as I might, I simply can’t figure out what you’re trying to say here. Who doesn’t know the difference? Is this another qualification test to be applied much like your



Exactly, the prohibited person is already barred by law from obtaining a firearm by any means. But the law also makes it illegal for us to sell to a known prohibited person. Believing that a background check is needed proves that the prohibition against prohibited persons does not work, just like the prohibition on illegal drugs or our wonderful GFZs. It falls back to it is not the tool, it is the person that commits the crime.

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Remember recent lockdowns and forced medical treatments. Is this how the elected officials behaved, or did they behave differently?
Of course, when you have 80 million voters :wink: behind you, you feel empowered.


80 million voters, just like the number of Twitter subscribers. The real number is?


Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.”


A hate group is not OK. But a group where members wear identical clothes, identical hats, identical haircuts under the hats, faces covered… I remember a meme like this

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I guess I am tired of seeing signs of people saying guns kill instead of them saying they save lives like everyone is a killer. If everyone look at gun to save lives we would have a problem. One is making it worse buy saying they are used to kill.

Well, yes, the control advocates who want to restrict the Right to keep and bear arms even farther do try to make it worse


Sometimes people are left with no choice but to take a life in order to save one. I think what you mean is the difference between legally defending yourself vs criminally murdering someone. That is why we have laws against murder and we throw murderers in jail.

We also have laws against threatening murder. Unfortunately the authorities seem much more interested in taking away the right of law abiding citizens to defend themselves than locking up many of these recent murderers who’s clear threats to kill others before the act were relayed to law enforcement.

Stopping crimes before they happen is very difficult. Though some authoritarian governments have had some success at it by treating all their subjects as potential criminals. Are you proposing minority report style psychological testing and spying on all communications of every citizen so that some appointed official can decide you might threaten someone some day therefore you must be disarmed without due process? Let’s throw out the 4th and 6th amendments along with the second? Sounds like an authoritarians wet dream.


Let’s consider the above along with your prior statement:

You appear to be saying then, that those out there screaming “Guns Kill!” shouldn’t be allowed to have a gun?

But that’s not a problem, is it? Because they’re the ones saying we shouldn’t allow anyone, any private citizen at very least, to own guns. These people can opt out of gun ownership at any time (and maybe do, although given their rampant hypocrisy, it wouldn’t surprise me if many secretly do maintain their own arsenal).


And while we’re talking about keeping people safe:

Steve Kirsch
Executive Director
Vaccine Safety Research Foundation

Oh wait, did I say “keeping people safe?” Sorry, I meant “making people feel safe.”


I have an idea, he puts back everything the way it was, and we’ll consider listening to more gun control. EVERYTHING!
I’ll even be more open minded and receptive when he arrests Hunter on national TV, leg irons and all, for the felony possession and lying on the his 4473.
Until then they can pound sand!

When does that 2 year Hunter commission start and maybe it could be produced and directed by Spielberg?

At the same time ban the use of all guns, knives, and any other destructive implements from Hollywood! Yeah! That’s the ticket!
Lord knows Alec Baldwin needed a background check and an enhanced red flag psych check! Not to mention gun handling safety course, at the very least the 4, written in stone, gun safety rules!

If the new laws don’t work can we imprison all remaining democrats? Asking for a friend!


What I am saying is it breaks my heart that they are blaming the gun instead of the hate.


Hmmm, I thought what you were saying is the senate agreement wasn’t infringing, or that some yet-to-be-determined entity should be able to assess whether any particular person is responsible enough to own a gun, or that we should have organized militias, or that people who don’t know the difference between saving a life and taking a life can’t have guns.

So I’m having trouble pinning down where it is that your going. Did I leave anything out?


Yes, it sucks that they want to infringe on our Rights because of the one in tens of millions psycho

And this despite the fact that ‘their’ current infringements are actually making it worse