San Diego County CCW

I have a partner in SD county, I eventually plan to move there, but that could be years away. Does anyone here know if they are likely to allow my application and approve it for a CCW in the county or will I absolutely have to wait until I am a resident/employee in the county?


Hello and welcome @Skylar2
I’m not in CA but there are a few here that may be able to chime in on that minefield.




My guess is No Way, you’re talking about California where every question concerning a firearm is answered with “No”.


I’m from California and as far as I know you have to reside in the county where you are applying for CCW. I used to live in San Bernardino County and it takes for ever to get a CCW ( if you are lucky to get it ) and it’s expensive.


Just assume that in California, especially years in the future, you won’t be able to own a firearm for self defense. Any more expectation than that and, well, I’d expect to be disappointed

Even if you have a county willing to issue a CCW, I wouldn’t expect any chance at all unless you are currently a resident of that county. Or politically connected enough.

The only way to know for sure is to reach out to the county issuing authority and ask them, though.


I used to live in CA and had my CCW permit there for several years. The CCW permit is issued by the sheriff of the county in which you live. You have to show proof of residence in that county before one will be issued. No way around that.


Welcome aboard to @Skylar2 and @Robert1433


Welcome to the Community!

The Sheriff’s Office is always a great place to start.

“All new applicants must demonstrate they are residents of San Diego County.”


Welcome to the community @Skylar2 and @Robert1433

@Skylar2 are you currently a CA resident in another county or a resident of another State?

As others have stated you have to get a permit for the county in which you reside. But I am not sure if there is a separate process for transferring a permit if you already have one in another CA county and move to a new county. A carry permit from any CA county will work in any other CA county at least for the moment as long as you reside in the county that issued your permit. Out of State residents have virtually no 2A rights to carry in CA. But even if you live in CA getting a permit in some counties can be nearly impossible unless you can sufficiently bribe the county sheriff.

Even if you go through all the ever increasing time and expenses required and are fortunate enough to be granted a CA permit your rights are going to continue to be more and more limited under the current anti self defense regime. They are passing new restrictions as fast as they can there.

I have read that there is an allowance for getting a permit if you spend a significant amount of time working in a CA county but I haven’t heard of anyone who was actually able to get a permit under that allowance. Suspect it requires significant greasing of multiple palms so it’s likely only an option for the very wealthy.


I live out of state. I appreciate all the time you and others have put into answering me. Seems I’ll just have to call the sherrif’s department and ask. I’ll try not to get my hopes up.


I’d be interested in hearing what the sheriff tells you about getting a permit as an out of State resident working in the county. I do a lot of work in SoCal and given it is by far the highest crime area I spend any time in I sure would like to be able to exercise my naturally given and constitutionally affirmed right to self defense while there.


just do it and keep quiet. It is better to be judged by 12 than be carried by 6


That’s a nice sentiment but working and driving around an anti self defense State means the odds of getting caught “illegally” carrying a firearm are significantly greater than having to use one to defend myself. Especially when the 4th Amendment is ignored there just as much as the 2nd is.

I can’t provide for or protect my family if I am in prison so I’m going to limit the chances of an anti self defense prosecutor and 12 likely anti self defense jurors illegally taking my freedom away.


Understood. just hate you have to deal with a US state that is more like Cuba


Hello and welcome @Robert1433


I live in the OC. Our Sheriff is absolutely wonderful. You do have to jump through some hoops due to Sacramento, but Orange County is more than happy to do back flips to help you get your CCW. I have heard San Diego is not as reasonable as OC. Sad.


Hello and welcome @Kimberly53


This might