Remember. .9,11.2001.america. under.attack. .!

strong textnever. For GET. I can remember . It still . Brakes my hart. Here’s a root beer.:beer: for every single American :us: . That hurts


I looked a my large paper calendar on the wall, looking at tomorrow, the humble yet professionally printed calendar reads within the 9/11/24 slot;

Patriots’ Day

I’m blessed having a day off on 9-11-24; just a nice coincidence for me. I’m thinking of going fishing.


Burdo. Their. Were. Over 3. Thousand victims. . Not . Sure . The younger generation . Understands that we have been attacked. And the enemy is here in our country . Wanting. To. Give. America another holiday. By killing much more Americans. God bless America. :us:


Tomorrow, I go to work and the useful idiots would be talking about how Trump lied all throughout the debate.
No one would mention the tragedy of 2001.
I’ll see if they fly the flag (surprise, they do!) at half mast. :us:


I . Like to . Fell over!! The second I. Heard. It’s. A. Patriot. Holiday. And they . Get to . Go fishing. That’s.Great. Just . One problem. Not one. Of. The victims.of. 9,11.2001. Wanted to be.A . Patriot. They were . Just . Living there life. And working. And. To. Be attacked. !!! And . Not. One person. Wanted. To. Be on that . Big. CALENDAR. . We. We’re. ATTACKED. :bangbang::broken_heart: AND. Over . Ten. Years of war!!! And Sir. You can Bet. The.SAME.ENEMIES. ARE . PLANNING.To. Give. America. :us: ANOTHER. HOLIDAY. Many.AMERICAN CITIZENS.ON.IT. As. Possible. . We. Better. Never. For get. Or. of us. Will be. A. HOLIDAY. :bangbang: Let’s. NEVER FORGET. The enemy is.Planning…us. ALL. ANOTHER. So.called. HOLIDAY. GOD BLESS.AMERICA. And all .OF. US. ALMEN :us::feather::sparkles::sparkles::latin_cross:


I work in a kitchen with an old hardcore dem, that wont even listen to anything that mainstream media doesnt tell him is “true”… this is going to be a long day! :man_facepalming:t2: (also a college, so most people there werent even alive in 2001)


I am a Retired US Army soldier. I have served from the tail-end of Vietnam into Operation Iraqi Freedom. Most of my time served was in the USAR with two mobilizations and a short break in service of about 2 years. I will not forget! My oath and service to my country forbids it! I know full well our Nation is under attack, and not only from other nations and evil terrorists, but from our own people of whom many are confused, chaotic, and completely self-centered! I will not forget. Be prepared. Be safe. Trust in God. Shalom!


Welcome to the community and thank you for your service, Stevie2


Welcome Stevie2 and thank you for your service. I don’t believe you will find anyone on this site that will ever forget.

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Welcome to the forum, and thank you for your service to this country.
You see clearly my friend!


And he enters the forum with a walk off home run of a first post. Nice, dude
Welcome to the forum.


But they’re alive when the “other 9/11” tragedy happened in Benghazi. A Hollywood movie was made.
Useful idiots still won’t be bothered.


Welcome aboard Soldier!


Ya this generation of college aged kids arent big fans of logic


I am fonder of Sarsaparilla myself! :rofl:


Paul549. We will pray for your long day . Some people just don’t understand . We need to be just like them. Change . The . Subject. And carry on . They will never understand. . 23 years ago . The USA :us: . WAS UNDER ATTACK. And . I. Seen . Americans VERRY AFRAID. And PIZZED. OFF. One of the ANOTHER. . IT WAS SCARY AS. Any . I ever seen. The young people just don’t understand. That can be any one of us . Or all of us. GOD BLESS AMERICA :us: . And all that DEFEND. And will DEFEND . HER.:us::us::us::bangbang:ALMEN. Here’s ya a root beer :beer: Love Bobby Jean.&,Debbie ann . :feather::feather::owl::sparkles::us:


Todd30. 23. Years ago . We were attacked. And . This thread is about . The . Americans . And the people . And the victims. And the first responders who . Have paid with their lives . Or are still paying . From GROUND ZERO :us::latin_cross::bangbang::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart: SHARPEN. Up. Brother . Here’s. Ya a root beer :beer: any kind you like . . Thank you for your service sir. And your . Remembrance. OF. The. PEOPLE THAT LOST THEIR LIFES . And . Many are still suffering. Here’s A. Root Beer for :beer: THOSE THAT ARE GONE AND OR. STILL SUFFERING. FROM THAT VERY ATTACK. . AMERICA :us: LOST SO VERY MUCH . 9,11,2.001. :broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::us:


Yes SIR . 9.11,2001 . Changed our country and . Way of life . The TOWERS. ARE STILL . GONE. We still have . American :us: citizens . Hurting. And DIEING. Because they . We’re at GROUND . Zero. :us::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::latin_cross::us::us::us::bangbang:. ALL OF AMERICA. WAS NEW YORK. . THAT BROUGHT OUR ENTIRE COUNTRY TO GETHER. BLESS. ALL THAT. SERVE THIS NATION :us::us::us::bangbang: and does ALMEN . :latin_cross::feather::feather::owl::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::broken_heart:

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Stevie 2 welcome. And THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE . 9,11,2001. IS THE VERY DAY. . THIS DAY IS ABOUT . Remembering. THE FALLEN. America :us:. Had over .3.THOUSAND. Citizens. MURDERED. ON. Our OWN .SOIL. TODAY. We. Remember.:broken_heart::us::sparkles:. We. Can never forget . Here’s ya A. Root beer. :beer: SIR THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE . SIR. :us::latin_cross::feather::feather::owl::broken_heart::bangbang:

Paul549, YOU ARE CORRECT. SIR. This younger generation. Has. Not much of an. Understanding. OF. What. We. . The citizens. That. .SEEN JUST HOW EVIL. The enemy. .IS. The enemy. Was. Living around. Us . In plain sight. And they. We’re . Learning to. FLY. They. Was . Going to flight school. To. Learn. how . To. Take. Off. And they. Did not. Care about . Landing. That . Should. Have. Sent . UP. RED FLAGS :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:. They was partying. The. Whole night. Before. They. Hijacked. Four. Airplanes… with. Box. Cutters. The RESON. I AM SAYING THIS. Is. Because. They. Are. Still. Here. And. They are . Still… WORKING. On making. The American :us: citizens.Another.HOLIDAY… . Stay . Sharp…NEVER FORGET. 9.11.2001…THE. ENEMIES.STILL HERE​:us:GOD BLESS ALL THE. FALLEN. :us::us::us::broken_heart:

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