Prez. Trump to run in 2024

I would jettison quislings and incompetents as I rooted them out also.

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You do know the election was rigged, right?


Unfortunately McCarthy is OWNED by the dems. He’s saying EVERYTHING republicans want to hear right now because he wants House Speaker. He’ll flip like a switch if he gets the post.


Interesting article.

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Barry was pretty “Presidential”. He was well spoken, pretty much on point most of the time. He had the look, clean, healthy, active. He had the perfect family, beautiful wife, perfect kids and a dog. But none of that matters because his ideology sucks.


You almost lost me there


We can talk about Bidens failures, allowing soldiers to be left behind and killed in Afghanistan, if you are really Military this should bother you more than anything Trump did. How about Biden letting our border being overrun by illegals, criminals and drugs, does that bother you? How about Biden trying to buy elections by allowing students to get out of paying loans that they agreed to pay? How about Biden lying to the American people about not being involved with Hunters corruption, just view the video where he admits holding the Ukraines money until they fire the investigator looking into Hunters corruption?

Biden has set the bar very high for corruption and deceit by an American President!


Few things make me roll my eyes more in election season than when a politican poses with his/her perfect looking family. I don’t need a model for a magazine cover, I need someone who can represent me and survive the swamp. Maybe more politicians should look like southern alligator wrestlers than news anchors.

Ever look at the folks in the early sessions of Congress? There were some ugly dudes. Some of them had rotten family lives, too.

Oh yeah, another thing- a lot of them didn’t really meet the Southern Baptist standard. But that was ok, because they understood that they were legal representatives, not religious leaders. Another thing that drives me crazy is when political candidates think their religion (or that of their opponent) is relevant.


The conversation of comparing Biden and Trump at this time is irrelevant. Should both Biden and Trump become their party’s Nominee then it is fair to compare. I truly hope that neither are the nominees. To clarify I have not served in the military. I did not pass my Pre-Induction Physical. I have the utmost respect for those who have. I have many friends who have or are still serving
 As to soldiers left in the field we first have to ask Military Command. They plan the ops.

As for forgiving the Student & PPP Loans (both Marjorie Green, $183k, and Ted Cruz, $2.3m have PPP’s) I understand the thought process but i think the solution he is proposing is wrong. It is the courts now. I remember decades ago many recipients were not paying their loans. When they investigated those that were delinquent they found many were doctors, lawyers, or in other high paying careers. Many had bought beautiful homes and cars. The answer was simple. If you had a Mercedes or BMW (for example) in broad daylight they would show at their home and seize the car. Of course the government had previously gone to the courts before seizing any properties.

As to Hunter’s actions he should be help accountable for his actions just as much as any other civilian. If that investigation implicates Biden in wrong doing it should be brought forward. Charges can be brought forward after he leaves office. As a context in 1975 the DOJ put a group together to answer should a sitting President be able to be indicted? It was decided it was NOT in the country’s best interest to do so. This was put in a memo that the DOJ has adhered to since then.

Lastly on Immigration Biden has totally screwed that up. The problem American’s are facing is both the Democrats and Republicans refuse to work together. The answers are already in laws that can easily be added to other situations. For instance if you obtain a Student Visa upon graduating it becomes a work Visa. If memory serves me it renews automatically (most likely a quick background check). Then that person can apply for a Green Card. If you want to become a Citizen you can apply after 7 years. Once you are in the que to be a Citizen you are put on a list by what country sometimes by what Providence you are from. Only so many people from the list you are on will take the oath. Why couldn’t that system be used with entering the country?

The bottom line is bad judgement is not criminal. I long for the days when we had good men serving in the White House. One that I think of often is George Herbert Walker Bush also known as “Bush 41.” No one I know of was better qualified for President.

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Man, I hate it when people continue to propagate this kind of crap. That’s not what he said at all.

Trump isn’t an MD, but he was POTUS, and that gives him a lot of leeway in brainstorming solutions to problems, even if they’re not in his area of expertise. That’s what true leaders do, help forge the way for others to exercise their expertise.

So take a just a minute and listen to the actual presentation here. All he did was wonder if there was some kind of intravenous “disinfectant” – not “Lysol,” not “bleach,” disinfectant – that could be employed.

He didn’t tell anyone to inject themselves.

So I’ll tell you what’s “downright stupid,” listening to mainstream media and not listening to the actual source. Worse, believing MSM, and the increasingly histrionic exaggerations that follow.


Please don’t tell me what I heard or didn’t hear. Continue to drink the Cool aid. No argument here. Watch how MSN,CNN ,Fox, and NewsMax cover the same story. Example: Fetterman-Oz debate on 2 different networks. On CNN he fluidly answered Oz. If you watched the debate live it was pathetic. Sad almost. Believe what you want and that’s OK. Did you read everything that I posted about Trump. The man did a good job as a president but MY Opinion is that he is no longer electable. A MAN doesn’t throw his Wife under the bus either, we call that a Coward were I come from. I assume McCain was a loser too because he was a POW. See, behaving Presidential again.

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You appear to have replied to the wrong person. I don’t care nor even commented on that.

[quote=“James1281, post:153, topic:86561”] His vocabulary is basic at best.
The sign of a good speaker - concise and everyone can understand it. If I wrote like my favorite author, Poe, you would likely not understand me - I know from experience that most people do not have college level or above vocabulary - even in college, forget about the workplace or the general population - just look at the posts on this site as an example. I learned before becoming a low-level manager to not use $5 words if I wanted to be understood. You might want to look at your writing skill before condemning him.

No, he definitely did not. Please review his statement before looking like a fool. I won’t bother addressing the rest of your TDS, too much for one post.

Meaning you did not listen to what he actually said - even after being spoon-fed the speech - and decided MSM’s explanation was correct - [my epithet here].


Covfefe :wink:




I have two quotes/sayings with regard to that

“Don’t bother me with facts, my mind is already made up.”

And (apologies, because I forget who I heard say this)

“Ignorance and arrogance is a dangerous combination.”


Lysol was not there
 but the concept sounded interesting.
The thing is that anything said by anybody can be interpreted based on the likes or dislikes for the person. :man_shrugging:
The smart thing is to use the statements that are hard for double interpretation
 and not everyone can do this.


I had a work colleague who heard voices telling him the traffic lights were sending him coded messages. He stood in the middle of the intersection trying to figure them out until three cops had to tackle him and take him to the hospital for a 72 hour psych hold. Nevertheless, he believed he heard those voices.

So I’m not telling you what you heard or didn’t hear. I’m telling you you’re wrong, plain and simple. Can you hear that? What you say “during Covid he said something like injecting Lysol into your arm” is 100% incorrect.


I gather you never made a typo? :rofl: Oh, wait, I believe you just did

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During the Fauci Flu I had my flu vaccine and poured hydrogen peroxide into severe cuts.
Better than Lysol!:rofl: