Our Esteemed Leaders may not be so Esteemed

“whose customers included elected officials, tech and pharmaceutical executives, lawyers, professors and military officers.”

"Federal prosecutors in Boston did not identify any of the “wealthy and well-connected clientele”

Another case of the wealthy and well-connected being protected from the public.
They know who was there, but can’t say who it was? Around here, when they have Hooker Stings the first thing that happens is a list of names and pages of pictures of the perps are smeared all over the news.


I didn’t know Jeffery Epstein had Door Dash.


(not that those laws should even be laws, IMO…consenting adults and all that…what business is it of the government’s?)


I’m all for consenting adults having the privacy to do what they want behind closed doors. But the fact that it isn’t legal, and not generally accepted by the public and unknowing spouses, opens the door for these officials to be easily blackmailed and manipulated into actions that can negatively impact the people they represent.

Plus in some of these cases the adults and sometimes minors involved wouldn’t consent if they were given a choice.

There is also the fact that a lot of these officials often spout off about the moral high ground they supposedly occupy while pointing out all the evils of their opponents. Revealing the hypocrisy is useful information for future voters.


True, true.

But here is the thing: Having it be illegal only makes a lot of that worse.

If it wasn’t illegal (as it shouldn’t be, IMO…not the gov’t’s business), a lot of the people involved in it would be better off because of that “what are you going to do, tell the police you were attacked/robbed/etc while committing a crime?”. For many things, making it illegal serves to make it more dangerous for most.


If the news ever gets out…


Think the thing is it is not legal in Boston. I am just glad because I thought this was going to be about our esteem leader Tim Schmidt.

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I strongly doubt it BUT We haven’t seen the client list yet…


I can give you half a “ like “ but there is not a half like button.

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When I was a cop, I worked in the vice unit for a short time. It was an entirely pointless waste of time and money. Apart from the “walk of shame” in the newspaper, there was no punishment for the “crime” of selling or paying for sex. No one ever went to jail and no one was ever freed from their pimp or a human trafficker – they went right back and there were no human service organizations to rescue them or get them a job in any other industry. The most effective thing we did was use public nuisance and civil forfeiture statutes to seize cars and property. Just another fact of life in American cities.


I suspect that’s how it goes around here. The same Motels, the same people are always involved but for some reason the Motels are still in business and the Mercedes and Cadillacs are still parked in front of them.

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Morality laws just reflect the obsession of government and politics with what people do with their weiners. :unamused: Abortion, gay marriage, transexual bathroom use, polygamy (for those in Utah), strip club rules, etc all fall within that government obsession. Government spending taxpayer dollars and devoting criminal law enforcement resources to protecting the world from its weiners.


about time they pay for it, they’ve been screwing us for free.


Child predators, names and faces just days after being arrested. Where are the names and faces of the visitors to the Island?

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That’s classified

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