This cannot be allowed to stand- ANTIFA is a TERRORIST GROUP

It seems we’ve both done what we could. We both served in some capacity and if I’m right we both took an oath. I served that oath as effectively as
I ( as an individual ) possibly could. I’m sure there are times when we both had some words with our superiors, that they did not look kindly upon. Now we’re older, somewhat weaker and not the, save the world invincible rock, we used to be! Still honorable and courageous, but not a rock. It’s going to take a leader with leadership skills and a strong set of cahones!
The work that’s required to fix what’s wrong now is left to this generation. However this generation is the worst mankind has created. We’re leaving the world to despots and psychological phuckups!

You did your part in your day, I did mine in my day, not one second was a waist of my time unless you consider stopping Russians from nuking NY a waist of time! Or putting a halt to communism a waist! Back then, if the man, otherwise, known as a COMMANDER in CHIEF, said push the button, there was no doubt in my mind, we push that button!

I was responsible for many things, among them ensuring every boat in the squadron was prepped and ready to be underway within 6 hours or at the drop of a hat. I never took no for an answer. That commitment and state of mind made me 2nd best in the fleet!

I’ve saved the government, countless millions of dollars, nuclear and non nuclear! My standards became the benchmark since 1984! And are probably still in use today. I wrote the book on a computerized launching system/platform aboard a submarine. Cruise control if you will!
3000 man hours in the seat, just to teach a boat to maintain depth within 1/2”. Plus, along with my captain we could maneuver the boat within an inch of sea mountains during a hurricane at depths and speeds that would make the strongest weep! Once those bulkheads start creaking and the dishes start exploding, some kids just don’t have what it takes! Of course they are dismissed as soon as we reach port. Some we just had to throw out the door while underway! Or temper their souls in the fridge!

It’s not in my blood to be a politician/liar and money hoarder! In addition, my methods to fix our current situation are, shall we say, unconventional, in the modern era! We all know what needs to be done, all but the Israelis are afraid to commit to, that my friend will be our demise! No one of this generation is committed to the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. There’s absolutely nothing “I” or you can do about that!