OK... I blew it... Please defend me

I think you are awesome and I have loved your videos…thank you for what you do…hey, we are all human and can error…once in awhile…thanks for the correction!!:slight_smile:

I am sure there are a few lawyers that can help you out for a little retainer! lol

So Dare ya got er

@KevinM dude, I just figured you were not Jesus and therefore subject to occasional errors. When you first said that, I just researched/confirmed that you really meant 9x19. Since all of your content is always top notch, I thought nothing of it. Don’t sweat the tolls, we all have our off days. I hope when I have an off day its over something trivial like this.

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Look i don’t sweat the small stuff sounds like folks are getting a bit anal retentive and need to pipe down but people make mistakes and that was i tiny one in the grand scheme of things really people looking around we have bigger fish to fry WAKE UP!!

And Jesus would’ve carried a 1911 in .45

Rev 19:11
“Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war.”

Only Satan would carry a jam factory 1911. Jesus would carry perfection.

and before the 1911 outrage mob comes to get me, I am making a joke, take a breath, laugh, move on.


Everyone makes a mistake now and then. It is a sign of good character to quickly forgive and move on. Even the I d 10 t folks that foolishly made a fuss have at one time or another made a mistake themselves.

Well if we were over in Germany 9 mm Kurz would be the most common and over in the United States it would be known as 380 auto

We’ve all been there Kevin. That’s what grace is for. Be blessed and keep the training videos coming.

is that yes you are dumb or yes you are good enough to sleep with dog

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Don’t fall for it. He did it on purpose to see if anyone was paying attention

Don’t forget 45 Colt! Then in .357 world you have .357 mag and .357 Sig. it can get crazy!

Yes. :rofl:

WE ALL make mistakes.

Hey Kevin. I’ve DATED a few dogs in my life. You are worthy, my friend! Lol (Hope the humor doesn’t get lost in this, it IS a joke).

Wait…you sleep with dogs?

Hey Kevin, cut yourself a break. You do a great job! Is it not nice to see everyone here defending you? That should tell you something about the kind of job you were doing. Take care stay safe.

Kevin don’t be so hard on your self you made a mistake so nobody is perfect its all good no worries

Kevin the amount of self awareness and confidence you have given me for the past two years of watching most of your video’s , I know and my family knows you know your stuff . (into the FRAY)
thank you for all you do.
George H