Obama: The Sum of All Fears

You thought Biden was bad. You ain’t seen nothing yet. Obama will have you wishing that Kamala is your sister. Joe dropping out opens the door for a candidate of Satanic proportions. Be afraid.


He’s more than halfway through his goal of
fundamental transformation of America. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Look for the a hole from Illinois to fill the number two spot. This will fulfill the anti 2A agenda.


Michelle, that’s who it will be. Young, Female, Black, Well Spoken and far far left.


For the last 2 years I have been saying Biden wouldn’t make it. Now I just hope I am wrong on the 2nd part of that prediction. Which is Mike getting drafted in to “save” us all from those “Ebil Publicans”.


Folk’s Just remember Once seen–Cannot be unseen.
Here’s TRUTH! the Power couple!
It’s Evil and Twisted
He/She should NEVER hold office
America HATER’S!
(sorry for the in your face photo)


Careful @Don102 , you might anger someone


NO FEAR Sir. I lived a life without fear, I’m not going to start now.


Referencing Mike164 post;
Younger than Biden Yes
Female Think again
Black And entitled
Well spoken Not necessarily
Far far left 100 %
You forgot to mention controlled by Barry Sorento/ Barack Obama, who had NO LEGAL RIGHTS to the presidency, (NOT AN AMERICAN). Never has come clean regarding that fact.

Supporting evidence for you Don 102:


But on reflection, I amended my post to a kinder, gentler version.
Why upset the Karma.
Thank you Friend.
(I do listen to friends advice)


Fear? No. Prayer? Yes!
Continue my on-line campaign to scream the truth from every available spot? Yes.
But I do hear what you are saying. We were fools to underestimate our enemies last election! I pray that we are not so … complacent.
While I was on the proverbial Trump Train way early and support the man avidly, and have a friend who is one of his press advisors and frequents Mar-A-Lago with her family, I will say this:
I have passed-on to them the FACT that his greatest error was not pursuing legally those responsible for the Russian Collusion Hoax, etc., WHEN WE HAD THE EVIDENCE!!!
Yes, it is true we would likely not get guilty verdicts in the DC court systems, BUT by not immediately pursuing them with all you have, you open the door to them assaulting you with what they now would feel as impunity!
THAT is exactly what has happened. I think, I pray, I hope we do things better this time.
As for the VP pick … well, that is another topic. President Trump does not have a great track history of picking a good VP OR a good Attorney General! Even a few generals! So …
Better keep him in our prayers.


Yeah. It’s easy to laugh at this POS. But the entire Left is beginning to Galvanize around her. You attack her in any way and she will scream DEI - Racist/Misogynist and you will lose the media battle. She cannot do for the Left what she did many times for Willie Brown and his party. But believe me she’ll wear out a thousand knee pads trying. Remember. She has the black vote. She has the female vote. You underestimate this idiot and you will be on the losing end in November. We gotta fight like we’re 10 points behind in the polls. Nothing less will matter against this B__ch.


100% spot on. :+1:


I’ve always felt that Trump should have done far more on the Steele dossier than what has been done thus far. I’ve been the boss at every job I have ever had by the time I have left that job. There is one maxim I have repeated in every management position I have had. Silence, Is Acceptance. My mentors over the course of my life, pounded that into me. If you manage by walking around, another management philosophy I agree with (get out of your office and check your assumptions), but if you walk past bad or something wrong and you say nothing. That becomes the new, bare minimum, acceptable standard in everyone’s mind.

The problem for Trump is they have slung so much sh*t against the wall, there’s not enough time in a day to defend himself. But the Steele dossier is a special use case.

Wow, all that, just to say I agree with @NavalAV8R_USA


@Zavier_D - You are SO right!
Ref: “Silence Is Acceptance!”
I wish I could get more people to realize that the issues besetting this nation are more worthy of their postings on Facebook than their cat, kids and meals!


And was never proud to be an American her entire life until her neighborhood organize got promoted.