"Novelty items" that can get you in trouble legally

Against you? If anything it’s further defense in reason after the fact as it’s private property deeming this notice as “posted”

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We could always put a “warning” sign the door, nothing else.
The bad guys have been warned, against what? That is what is behind the door.


I tend to keep it fairly grey, although I do have a couple of Sig ball caps and a CZ ball cap that I am rather found of wearing.


When I was younger, I was for open carry. I wanted to know who had the gun. Now that I am older, I’m not. I want everyone to think that I might. I don’t own any guns, of course, but I am in favor of concealed carry. I believe it increases my chances of survival, if someone around me had a weapon if things turned sour. And I’m happy that more people are carrying concealed, since they don’t have to face possible censure for being armed.