No silhouette targets?

We need a new category. Maybe “asinine” would suffice.
I went to a local range the other day with some 18”x22” silhouette targets I just bought a pack of. They’re black but turn yellow or green as your rounds go through, making it easy to see your shots. You know the kind.
I was forbidden from using them. I had to fold them at the shoulders or take a scissors to them. Is this some new politically correct nonsense we’re supposed to adhere to now?? I just bought a pack of 150 targets I’ll have to butcher if I want to use them.
I could always drive, if I had a vehicle at my disposal, 45 mins and go out of state. Anyone else run into this idiotic rule???

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Did you ask them their reasons? Sounds pretty silly to me, and if it’s a range thing I’d have to think about why I want to give them my money.
On the other hand, if it’s your only range option, consider cutting the targets at the shoulders… now you’ve got twice as many targets, just half of them are smaller.

I did ask, but all I got for my question was “it’s the rules”. In Delaware we are extremely limited when it comes to places to shoot. I believe there are only three ranges in the entire state. Two ranges in PA are within a drive of an hour or less, and one of those, has range officers who play with their phones in a bulletproof booth. If you need them you knock on the glass. At that same range a woman got shot during a gun safety class. That made it to our nightly news. So, I guess, we really only have one in PA to go to.
Almost better to buy a laser trainer and shoot around the house for practice.

Yikes!! Yeah that’s too bad you dont have better options

That makes zero sense, wonder what they have against splatter targets.

I’ve used silhouette, T-Shots (cool bullseye you put a ballon over to make it reactive), targets printed on paper, and cardboard at my indoor range. image

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They call Delaware “A Small Wonder”. I’ve lived here for 30 years and only recently figured out why. It’s a wonder they can fit so many Demoncrats and liberals in a state that only measures 35 miles wide by 90 miles long.


That’s becoming more and more common particularly at ranges located around big cities. They don’t want to “offend” people and end up with the local news crew doing stories on them “training people to be killers”.

Utterly ridiculous, but most political correctness is.


During our open to the public hours we have a limit on what is an acceptable target. Bullseyes only.

During hours we are not open to the public anything except photo realistic people targets can be used.

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Just out of curiosity what is the reasoning behind the policies?

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All they would say is “it’s the rules”. I don’t like not getting a straight answer, but what can you do.


Not wanting to upset more “sensitive” customers and avoiding bad press is as close as I’ve gotten so far. Neither are particularly satisfying.

When you consider that nearly every state that requires qualification for a carry license also requires you to qualify on silhouette targets it strikes me as being pretty asinine.


I guess that I’m lucky. My gun club is on property that in owned by the state and we take care of it. And it also has public and club member only ranges to shoot on. And on the public range you can only shoot paper targets that you put on CARDBOARD STAND that you put your paper targes on. They will not let you put out you own metal targets or anything that will make a mess. But on the member’s only ranges you can put out your own targets from home that you make of any type. And you can put out silhouette targets if you want to. They even have paper ones that you can buy. Both paper and splatter. I’ve even taken out some targets that have criminals on them to shoot with no problems. And at my gun club you can shoot any type of firearm from black powder to full auto. but at the moment they do not allow cannons to be fired. But we do have a few people working on getting that changed.



It may be a case of self preservation. I could see a gun range located in a state hostile to guns and the second amendment not wanting to give the state any reason to shut them down because some anti gun group claims the range is training murderers and assassins, not sportsmen and competitive shooters.

Absolutely asinine , but remember the bogus claim a number of years ago that Sarah Palin’s target cross hair map was the cause of Gabby Giffords’s shooting. Anything goes and the ends justifies the means with these people.

What I would do is go to Walmart and buy a large package of paper plates or download printable targets from the internet and shoot to my hearts content while laughing about how stupid these people are.


I wonder if drawing a face on a paper plate would be considered a silhouette?

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PC BS…I personally shoot at steel silhouettes which I paint with different colors to simulate different contrasts with my sights. My favorite color is purple. Reminds me of the syrup I love to drown my pancakes with.