Most comfortable way to carry

Thank you, Jason!

Any and all information is great! I appreciate it🙂

I usually carry appendix depending on the weather, when its cold and im wearing a sweatshirt i like an OWB at 3 o clock

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I hear you. Hope your new find works out for you. Read in our forums how for many of us, it’s lots of experimenting, making changes.

I’m experimenting with different untucked shirts (looser & slicker material), different smoother grips (non-finger grooved, i.e. G-10’s), outside the waist and pocket holsters. Summer, I’m trying CCW smaller size & caliber.

The best holster I have found is an IWB from or similar to Crossbreed SuperTuck. Very comfortable, but I don’t think it would work for a man climbing a tree. My suggestion would be a small pocket pistol SAFELY carried in a pocket holster while you are working. After work you could change to whatever you like-many more options available.