And this jewel certainly seems to be a fan of slavery and branding:
Once again, not a fair trade.
That first story is horribly tragic.
The guy in the second story does not deserve prison; he deserves an excruciatingly painful, long death. Barring that, a bullet through his heart, if he has one, otherwise, one to his head.
Another win for the border czar that the national voters won’t hear about.
Wasn’t free sex part of his welcome to America package? Along with the free phone , free housing free food, get out of jail free card?
This open border insanity has to stop!
I can’t believe that half of the country is okay with this crap.
Vote like your life and freedom depend on it because they certainly do.
The voters need to vote with their brains, not their little feelings.
But, but Trump says such mean things
Another winner that they kept letting out. It seems that what the government wants is to let these animals work their way up to a murder or three until they give them free housing and food.
The Aug. 6 arrest was Zetino’s fourth arrest since Dec. 2023, according to detention center records.
Don’t they normally call that a mass shooting.
Close enough to CLT. FJB.
A real winner. Two killed a guy and it seems like they’re still looking for one…who may be back in Honduras.
And a curious take of who to ask about the crime status in CLT.
- Chief Jennings says the community needs to take a “holistic approach” — and can’t look solely at police to solve the crisis.
How about using tax dollars to teach people how to be responsibly armed. Especially our youth.
Calling the class of people referred to in this thread as animals is wrong. It’s an insult to animals. Animals kill to protect their young from predators and to survive. They do not murder because they were “dissed” in some fashion over some minor disagreement and couldn’t control their emotions.
My dog nods her head in agreement
Last year Charlotte City Council took a controversial vote to restore criminal penalties for public masturbation, urination and defecation, and open containers, among other offenses. Opponents suggested they were criminalizing homelessness
Name those “opponents” and I can be sure they’re democrats
Another bible study person and his friends.
They’ve taken care of a lot of the street take overs here.
Do you guys have this going on?
Sounds like Chicago is moving to Charlotte.
Out here in the high desert we don’t have any of that, just California drivers, not sure what is worse.
South (Stockton) and north (South Sac) of me are accredited democrat shyteholes.