This is a topic that has come up in various ways in other threads so I thought it deserves a thread of it’s own.
There is broad resistance to any sort of mandatory training in association with licensing by the pro “Constitutional Carry” as a condition of carrying which I can understand though not necessarily agree with 100%.
I’ve traveled a lot of the world from the ME to Africa, Asia, and Europe as well as a fair bit in Central and South America.
One thing I see universally overseas is that anyone who owns a gun period is required to go through some pretty intense gun safety and use training and while I see the benefits I can’t agree with putting a precondition on any of our rights.
How can we get the benefits though without the prior restraint?
I’ve proposed before as did someone else recently we that should incorporate some form of basic gun safety training as a part of school curriculum.
Now at first glance this topic should probably be in Training but since anything to do with firearms and school curriculum is a hot button issue for sure with broad political considerations I put it here.
In our schools we do all sorts of public safety related programs so why not basic gun safety training?
We don’t even need for students to handle firearms at all but statistically there’s better than a 90% chance that before they graduate HS kids are going to come into contact with firearms so a basic understanding of how they work, the consequences both legally and morally of mishandling a weapon either by accident or intent should be well understood.
I think kids at an early age, probably between 10-14 should start receiving some basic instruction in things like the universal safety rules, how common firearms work, what they are capable of, and the life altering consequences of injuring or killing someone with them.
If you agree, how can we start a grassroots effort to accomplish this?
If you disagree please tell us why and be prepared to discuss.
One thing I brushed over is the benefits. What I have seen universally around the world where mandatory training is required is a much higher awareness and constant practice of very good safe gun handling. In some cases I thought it was a bit excessive, but universally everyone understands the rules, the potential legal and life altering consequences of violating them as well as the legal consequences that can follow.