Let’s do our own poll to see if the results the LA Times cites hold true.
From the article:
Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Gun Policy and Research found that 84% of all respondents believe that first-time gun buyers should be required to pass a safety course on the safe handling and storage of a firearm. Close to three-quarters of gun owners surveyed shared this view.
Should first-time gun buyers be required to pass a safety course on safe handling and storage of a firearm?
Some 83% of those surveyed — again including roughly three-quarters of gun owners — told pollsters they believed that carriers of concealed weapons should to be required to demonstrate they can safely and lawfully handle their weapon in the types of situations they might encounter.
Should concealed carriers be required to demonstrate safe and lawful hadling of their wepon in the types of situations they might encounter?
More than 60% of gun owners, and 73% of American adults overall, supported setting a minimum age of 21 for Americans to be able to own a semi-automatic rifle.
Should the minimum age to own a semi-automatic rifle be 21?
And by roughly the same majority, gun owners declined to support “stand-your-ground” laws, which allow a person who feels a threat of serious injury to shoot or kill his or her perceived assailant, even in instances where the gun owner could safely retreat. Overall, fewer than one-third of Americans endorsed stand-your-ground measures.
Do you endorse stand-your-ground?
…all buyers to obtain a license to own a gun (rising from 75% to more than 80% in 2019)
Should all buyers have to obtain a license to own a gun?
…an assault weapons ban, which was favored by just over 60% of all survey-takers in 2019
I chose not to vote as to the “safe handling” portion. My reason is that courses for a concealed carry license are two part, class room and range time. If someone cannot demonstrate safe handling they shouldn’t be passing the class to begin with, responsible instructors should already be enforcing that portion IMO.
My challenge with polls is that they neither capture the full question correctly and/or the response is not a yes/no.
So my answer to number one would be “no” but I would love to see an advanced gun safety class (to include range time, hands on exposure etc).mandated for all HS Jr’s and MS 6th graders (basic safety concepts), so would that turn my answer to yes?
So they’re they want to reduce gun violence. I don’t know the numbers but it doesn’t seem to be a trend of first time gun owners buying a gun then running into the street shooting people. People aren’t being shot(mass shootings) because they don’t know how to use it.
ALSO…the premise of the survey is 100% false…None of those things would reduce gun violence according to current stats. It might prevent some accidents, but not purposeful violence. But the LA pole states: measures that would reduce gun violence…….that is False.
I 'd like to echo the idea that how the question is worded makes all the difference. If the questions regarding training had the word “required” replaced with “made available” and “strongly encouraged”, then I would likely have voted yes. But the pollsters know that and exploit it.
Everyone should learn proper gun safety and handling. And they should be held responsible for their actions if they do not. But the government ‘requiring’ people to do it sort of goes against the idea of natural rights.
Samuel Clemens opined that there are three kinds of lies: Lies, Damn, Lies and Statistics. I agree with him but would add one more “Polls”
Having observed more than my fair share of CCW “classes” with and without demonstration of ability the ONE thing I find lacking is the review of “Shoot, No Shoot” as it applies to the law in a given State. In FL you can “Stand your ground” in VA you have “a castle doctrine”, in CA you have “a duty to retreat”. This is why a Federal CCW will never be enacted UNLESS the feds come up with a method to incorporate the interstate commerce clause or some other such ruling/law. Even with enacting it the individual states would howl in anger over the “infringement of States rights” even though they are OK with mandatory Federal Health Care.
IMHO: MANDATORY firearms education (non-shooting) should be required in any PUBLIC school that receives Federal funding. They require Sex Ed., Transgender Acknowledgement but have removed History and Civics. The root to taking back out country is in the schools, colleges and universities as they are infested with the 1960’s and 70’s Hippy Socialists who could not survive outside the halls of Academia and became Professors by staying in school until they were tenured. They have bred an entire generation OR TWO of those who cannot or will not that teach our children today.
In my day in the Navy we had a saying: “Those that can’t do, TEACH.”
@David38 I have heard that before also. That said now I think Gym teachers are more qualified and with more initials after their name than regular Teachers. I have a bud who is a “Certified Athletic Trainer”, he did 4 years of College(Retired Navy Corpsman) and is an athletic trainer for Penn State now and he has given me a whole lot of in site into the Athletic “heath/training” world that I never knew.